❤ Why Don't You Kiss Her? ❤ [One-Shot]

Just to make it easier to follow, the blue colored words are spoken by the male MC. The purple colored words are spoken by the female MC.


The 17 idols took their seats, as they were called over by the staff to return to the stage to presume the recording. "We're recording in 3,2,1! Action!" The director announced.

Seating Order for EXO

BACK ROW - Xiumin, D.O, Chanyeol, Lay, Tao, Kai, Sehun

FRONT ROW -  Chen, Kris, Suho, Luhan, Baekhyun

Seating Order for f(x)

BACK ROW - Amber & Sulli

Front Row - Luna, Krystal, Victoria

"Hello, and welcome back to the TopStar. Today's guest are the 12 boys who have taken over the kpop wave in 2012, just by releasing 23 teasers of all the members and releasing 2 music videos, "History" & "MAMA", both sung in Korean and Mandarin. Let me introduce to you SM Entertainment's new boyband, EXO!" The male MC bowed towards the boys, "1,2,3" Kris whispered, "WE ARE ONE! ANNYEONGHASEYO! EXO IMNIDA!!" All 12 of them shouted.

Their song "History" in korean started playing in the background as the MCs conversed with the boys.

"I need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o~ o~
Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History"

"Wow! thank you very much for that, it must be embarrassing to say that all the time, right?"

"No, we've gotten used to it." Kris saved the group from the stupid comment that the MC threw at them. "very nice, as expected from the handsome leader. It says here, that EXO is split into 2 sub-units, EXOand EXOM , can you please explain this to us?" The MC asked as she smiled the recording camera. "Dae. EXO is made up of all us 12 members put together, and we come from EXO Planet. EXO is split into 2 subunits called EXO-K and EXO-M. Both units are made up 6 of members. EXO-M promotes in China and sings songs mostly in Mandarin. EXO-K promotes in Korea, and they do activites in Korean just as EXO-M does in Mandarin." Kris explains and gives Suho the signal to take over.

"Yes, and the members in EXO-M consist of our leader Kris, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, Chen, and Tao as their maknae. The members from EXO-K consist of me as the leader, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai, and Sehun as our maknae. When we come together, we become one, EXO." Suho cooly ended his speech, and the MCs clapped at the ending "woah! the way he said that was cool wasn't it?!" the male MC jokingly asked the audience and all the fans yelled out the word "dae!~".

"I know! wasn't it?! I thought I was about to fall for him just now!" The male MC playfully hit the laughing female MC, "relax! get ahold of yourself!" He shaked her back and forth and as kept drooling over Kris and Suho. Luhan, Tao, Sehun, Chen, D.O, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were laughing and giggling hysterically just from watching the funny noona go crazy and Kai, Lay, and Xiumin were just staring in shock with their lips trying to hold their laughter in. Kris and Suho didn't know how to react to her behaviour.

"yes thank you very much EXO's Kris and Suho, and thank you EXO-M and EXO-K members as well, having you all here even though you have just debuted, is an honour, I have to say." The female MC commented and smiled at them. "especially for the female fans." She winked her eye at the audience secretly away from the boys, but they all caught the obvious wink at the audience of fans, and smirked at the noona MC, as for the innocent members like Luhan, Sehun, D.O, and Tao all smiled innocently at her, as for Suho, Lay, Chanyeol, Chen and Kai had a hard time holding their laughter in, Xiumin and Baekhyun were already at their limit of holding it in. Kris just stared handsomely and listened carefully to each word the MCs were saying, but every once in a while he took a look at the recording camera.

"Oh my gosh, they are all so cute and handsome! I can't even believe my eyes! are they playing jokes on me? How can boys be this good-looking?@" she turned towards the male MC and joked with him at the boys charms, and the audience laughed at the ridiculous behaviour. Hey, it was a variety show, she gotta make it interesting somehow.

The 5 members of f(x), who were sitting accross the boys, on the opposite side could just giggle at the ridiculous behaviour that the female mc was displaying.Every once in a while they would have to cover their mouths from laughter that was impossible to hold in. Somehow Sulli was managing fine, Amber and Luna....not so much.

"Yes, yes, they're very handsome. Don't worry, they're not going anywhere today. Now let's introduce their sunbaes from the same company, f(x)!!" The male MC introduced the girls and their comeback song "Electric Shock" started playing in the background with a couple of shorts clips from the song's music video playing on the main stage's television screens attached to the wall.

"I'm In Shock E-Electric Shock"

"Annyeonghaseyo, f(x) inmida! Thank you for having us!!~" The 5 girls stood up and bowed at the audience and MCs.

"NaNaNaNaNaNaNa (Electric) NaNaNaNaNaNaNa (Electric)
nananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock
Nanananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock"

"Nice to see you fresh faces again!! Look at their skin, they're so milky!" The female mc joked with them again, "Yes I know how much you wished to be as young and pretty as them!" the male MC insulted the crazy female MC, who was almost close to caressing the 5 girls' cheeks. She grimaced her face at him in shame, "Let me dream!~" she yelled and everyone started laughing.

"Wow, it's been a year since you girls had your last comeback! How does it feel to have you music video reach more than 6 million view in the first 3 days after the music video was released onto youtube?!" The male MC changed the subject back onto the girls' comeback, and started asking them the most common questions anyone would ask after having a music video released and a comeback after a while.

"Dae! we are so thankful to our fans! They've been supporting us for so long, and we're glad to be back!" Krystal was the first one to speak since she was sitting in center. Sulli and Amber were sitting behind her, Victoria, and Luna who were sitting in front.

"Were you nervous for your comeback?"

"yes, but it was a good nervous, like we had butterflies fluttering in our stomach!" Victoria replied with her beautiful smile.

"that's very good to hear! I have question for you girls, you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable about sharing it with us."

After hearing the female MC ask them that, they started to get nervous and Sulli and Amber were worried about Krystal being asked a rude question about her atittude again. "it says here, that last year around the end of september you girls were supposed to make your debut in Japan, but the debut was postponed, can I ask you girls what happened?"

"yes, I'll talk about it." Luna raised her hand, "go ahead, Luna-shi." The male MC gestured his hands telling Luna to go ahead and speak, she took a breath in, and looked at Victoria. The leader glanced back at her member, nodding at her, Luna breathed out getting ready to speak. "What happened exactly was that, 4 of us 5 members were scheduled for individual activites. For example, I was acting in a drama." She smiled brightly as she explained, no one could hate Luna's smile, it made your day just looking at her beautiful smile. "Our maknae Krystal, was also acting in a sitcom."

"yes, High Kick 3, right?" the male MC interrupted her to make sure of which sitcom. Luna glanced at him and nodded and went back to explaining. "Dae, Krystal was playing a main character in High Kick 3, and our leader, Victoria, went off to film her first leading drama herself. 'When Love Walked In" So she had to keep flying back and forth to continue filming it. Also Amber was filming Invincible Youth Season 2. That's why we were supposed postpone our debut in Japan. We were all looking forward to meet out Japanese fans. f(x) loves Japan." Luna finished explaining.

"and it's food!" Amber added, causing the others to laugh, "did you guys hear what Amber said?!"

"Luna said f(x) loves Japan, and then Amber said "and it's food!" haha!" The male MC remarked and EXO and the audience started to laugh at the tomboy's funny comment.

"this is why I bought f(x)'s album," The male MC pulled out of his suit's inside pocket, a f(x) Electric Shock Album. The girls who saw this stood up slightly because they were doubting it in the beginning, "because I love these girls!"

"kamsahamnida!" f(x) bowed towards the male MC who just wonderfully commented them, "I love these girls because they are all unique in their own way! f(x) forever! hwaiting!~" He said with aegyo, and the girls just kept thanking him and giggling at his childish aegyo.

"you boys should show us another reason why we should love you!"

"please show love to us too~" EXO's Kung Fu Panda Tao said with aegyo and everyone who heard him looked his way and laughed.

"yes please show us love too~" EXO's maknae Sehun joined in with him, and nudged Kai who was sitting next to him and Tao to do "bbuing~bbuing~" with him. The EXO maknae line stood up, Kai was having a hard time looking up because Krystal was sitting accross him.

"EXO's Kung Fu Panda, Tao-imnida!~" Tao happily waved at the male MC like it was a joke to him.

"EXO's Dancing Machine, Kai-imnida!" Kai forcefully stood up and introduced himself, but was blushing bright red, even through the makeup you could see the difference of skin and blush.

"EXO's milky skin maknae, Sehun-imnida!~" Sehun confidently smiled and waved cutely at the camera while giving off a 'V' victory sign with his 2 fingers.

"We would like to show our aegyo as the maknaes." Sehun said and Kai just kept looking at the ground because he was embarrassed of even being referred to the maknae.

"maknaes? who the youngest?"

"I am, but we have a maknae line in EXO because when we are separate, Tao-hyung becomes the maknae for EXOM, and I stay as the maknae for EXOK." Sehun explained, "then why is Kai-shi also there?" the male MC curiously asked, and Kai his dry lips because he was trying to keep his cool, since he was being forced to show his aegyo, when Krystal was sitting only 20 feet away on the opposite side of EXO. "Because Tao-hyung is older than Kai-hyung, so Kai is stuck in between us maknaes." Sehun added while throwing his hands over Kai, and all the EXO members started laughing at the 3 maknaes.

"Ahhh!~ so his age is in between Tao-shi's and Sehun-shi's age. Okay, now I get it. Please show us your aegyo~" The female MC requested them and they looked at each other shyly. "Joon-myung-hyung, countdown for us please~ hyungs cover our faces~." Sehun asked Suho.

"dae maknae..." no one could refuse Sehun when he was gonna do his aegyo.

Krystal who was sitting a couple feet away was interested to see Kai doing aegyo. It was rare chance for seeing her dancing machine oppa doing aegyo, why miss it?! She poked her head out farther to see a clearer view because the MCs were standing up in front of her.

"kyaaaa~~~!!!" The audience awed at the EXO maknae line.

"ready?" Sehun whispered as the 3 youngest formed a line as they stood up in the back row. "Hana, deul, set!" Suho counted.

"Bbuing!~ Bbuing!~" Tao, Kai, and Sehun yelled out loud, and finished fast by hiding their faces from embarrassment.

"kyaaaa!!!!~~~~" The fans went wild for the boys' aegyo.

"Aww, that was too cute! thank you for sharing your aegyo with us. If I remembered correctly, the person who created the famous "bbuing~bbuing~" is sitting here with us today, Krystal-shi! Do you mind doing it for us?" the female MC asked Krystal, and she started blushing right away, and kept glancing back at her unnies for help. "please don't be shy, your oppas did it!"

"alright." She finally agreed, accepting the request seriously.

"ready to see the original bbuing bbuing by its own creator!" Kai was, that was for sure.

"DAE!!!~" The audience answered back in excitement.

Krystal looked straight at the camera but still was blushing from all the attention she was getting. From the fans, her member weren't a problem, but then again EXO was sitting their right infront of her, imagine that."bbuing!~bbuing!~" Krystal who was embarrassed of the whole thing just ran back to her f(x) unnies, the MCs, fans, and EXO members clapped for her. Especially Kai, who was anticipating to see it in real life.

"why are you embarrassed Krystal-shi?! you should be proud to do 'bbuing~bbuing~' Everyone loves it and it's very popular too!"

"Kai-shi, may I ask why you were embarrassed to do that even though you're clapping hard for Krystal's bbuing~bbuing~?"

That question had caught Kai way off guard that's for sure!

"eh? uhhh..." he was really caught off guard. He was at loss for words! Now everyone's eyes were on him, including Krystal's.

Kris and Suho tried to help him out, "Kai is shy when it comes to doing cute things like aegyo." Suho revealed, "Wait, so you were embarrassed of doing aegyo, I get that. But you were clapping pretty proudly over there when Krystal-shi was doing her aegyo. How come?"

"Did you enjoy it? or what?" added the persistent male MC. "I-I...uhh..."

"you didn't like it?" the male MC raised his eyebrow at Kai when he was asking him that and everyone who was paying attention kept turning their heads to both Kai and the MCs everytime they asked him a question.

"no! I liked it, uhh...", "so you like her?" now all s were staring at him in worry and pity for being targeted easily at.

"D-dae?!" suprised he blurted out and his eyes widened, "I asked if you like her?"

"He likes her, his ears say it all!~Look they're turning red!" the female MC pointed out that his ears were getting red instead of his cheeks.

He covered his head in embarrassment, as the MC dug his grave up. Krystal was now also blushing too, as the "oooo" sounds echoed through the studio and as everyone turned their attention on her as Kai embarrassingly confessed.

"alright, let's pretend I never asked you that. Ok Kai-shi, how do you feel about her?"

"d-dae?!!" Kai's eyes widened again and his voice accidently cracked as he was asked the exact same thing. He felt as if he was thrown back into his own grave right when he thought he was saved, he fell right back in!

"okay, okay enough of embarrassing poor Kai-shi, it's his first time on a variety show as one of the main guests"

"I guess you're right. So let's now asked Krystal how she feels about him." After this hilarious assumption was reborn once more, the crowd started laughing again, and the male MC turned his head towards Krystal's direction and she was also caught off guard and was blushing terribly.

"I..I-I...uh, feel honored...? hehe..."Krystal not knowing how to respond tried avoiding the question, but wasn't exactly succeeding you could say.

"that's not good enough, Kai-shi, please confess to her, and let's see how she'll react!"

"ehhh?!" he chuckled as the sound came out of his mouth, he was really speechless and at loss for words. "......."

"It's okay, Kai-shi. Personally I think she's enjoying this" the female MC whispered loud enough for the 12 handsome boys to hear her, but last second she remembered she had microphone attached to her shirt. So Krystal was able to hear every single word she whispered towards the boys.

"bwoh??" Krystal was hysterically laughing and speaking at the same time, trying not to show herself blushing too much. On the other hand, both groups' members were enjoying just watching what was going on. It was like a treat for them.

Chanyeol, Chen, and D.O were enjoying this the most, since their heads were supported by their arms and hands that were standing on their knees as they bent their backs and stayed sitting in this position. Amber's hands covered her hard to keep in laughter, so was Sulli. They both had a hard time holding in all the laughter that was about to come out.

"I'm sure she likes you Kai-shi. Remember? Because in the beginning of the show, we asked each f(x) member who they were most closet too, and the picked you and Suho as her choices! It must mean she favors you as well." The female MC was throwing everything out at once, and Kai and Krystal were both blushing hard. Both trying to avoid eye contact with one another. Chanyeol and Baekhyun kept laughing and were sort of unable to control all their laughter, IT WAS TOO FUNNY.


"see?! so don't be afraid."

"a-alright, I'll try...but I'm not good with w-words." He stuttered trying to disclose all the attention he was getting. Yeah right, like that was going to work. "that's extremely okay!"

"how about we do it this way?" the male MC got up and took Kai's hand and tried dragging him to the center of the stage. The female MC did the same with Krystal, but Krystal tried resisting a bit. Like kept waving her hand before the MC was able to grab a hold of it.

The 2 MC brought the two closer to each other, as they managed to even get them out of their seats."Don't worry, she's not going to eat you." The male MC commented as the whole studio fell onto their stomachs from laughter. Krystal kept trying to turn around as they got closer together by the feet. Now they were only 4 feet apart from each other.

Kai bit his bottom lip in misery and embarrassment and also kept turning around to catch glimpses from s. "OK. I'll do it!"

Kai confidently clapped his hands together as he said that, and tried to look straight into Krystal's eyes.

"Krystal-shi.." He started off...but was interrupted from behind.

"Use her first name!" 3 of s, Chen, Lay, & Chanyeol yelled out, and he let out a chuckle and smirk.

"Soojung-shi...." He started once more but again was interrupted but by other members

"without 'shi'! pabo!" Luhan and Sehun yelled out at the same time. The two were also embarrassed and became really shy after because they noticed that the main recording camera did a close-up on their faces.


Krystal's face was never this pink before. IT was like a tomato now. It wasn't even pink anymore. The shade Pink, passed on a long time ago! It was the shade of a tomato now!

"dae?..." she looked with her bubbly eyes down from the ground onto his face, then once more back on the ground.

"I have something....hahaha...something...important to t-tell you!" He stuttered and giggled as he said every word in that sentence.

"WE KNOW THAT! PABO!" Chanyeol's deep voice yelled out with impaitence.

"why are so many of your members so hot-blooded?" The male MC asked Kris, "how am I supposed to know?" He responded and everyone started laughing again. "Even the leader is hot-blooded!" the MC yelled in shock from Kris's response.

"Your singing voice is very pretty, and so are you..."

At this point, Krystal was left just to giggle at the comment and say "thank you very much."

"Ok, this is just to hard to watch, let's finish this up faster! You can either hug her or kiss on the cheek!"
"I don't think your agency will care much since you're from the same agency."

"EH?!!!!" (Soojung)

"HAH?!!!" (Jongin)

That's when the studio went bonkers! Everyone was jumping up and down in their seats! Every member of f(x) and EXO had their eyes widened to its extreme limit and their jaws dropped as soon as the MCs yelled the word 'Kiss'.


Suddenly the MCs started laughing and giggling, and the male MC said "Relax, we were just joking!"

"Look at the member's faces, no, even better look at the their faces!" The female MC pointed at Kai and Krystal who were in complete shock and disbelief. "so no one's going to kiss anyone?" Sehun eagerly asked them.

"Of course not! Who knows what Lee Soo Man-shi will say?!"

"Awww man!~" Chanyeol said in his deep voice. It sounded pretty funny, you know, him saying that.

So everyone in the studio started laughing but the two 94er's  who were standing in the middle of the stage and still in disbelief and shock, that it was all a joke. The fact that the two took it seriously the whole time. They couldn't even look at each other the whole night after the interview had ended.


The next day.


Like usual, JongIn woke up and went to wash his face and brush his teeth half-awake. Mornings were never really his so-called friend.


Like usual, SooJung woke up and headed off the the restroom in her deep sleep. She never liked waking up early in the morning, but since she had a schedule to go to, she had no choice but to wake up.


Both the two then suddenly remembered as they were brushing their teeth.

They were both laughed at for believing in the joke that the 2 MCs had pulled yesterday at their interview.

Asking Kai to confess his 'feelings' for Krystal. But he was to shy to go on with the miserable confession, so the MCs felt the need to push the two if he couldn't confess.



"Hey dude, sleep well yesterday?" Chanyeol walked into JongIn's and Kyungsoo's shared room. Jongin looked up as he was brushing his teeth, "You're kiddin', right?"

"Oh come on! Are you still pissed off at the MCs from yesterday? Don't be, it's their job." Chanyeol said without through-rough thinking. Jongin just started at him in doubt. "To make me look bad?"

"Nahhhh. To humiliate you in front live television!"


"No problem! So did you exchange numbers with Krystal afterwards?"

"I couldn't even look at her afterwards!"

"Well you can't ignore her forever." Chanyeol nagged Jongin, "OH YEAH?!! WATCH ME!!" he yelled back in anger.

"so I guess that means you don't want her number?" His hyung asks in doubt. Jongin just stared at him in unbelievingness.

"WE JUST WENT OVER THIS! I can't even talk to her!!"

"but..." Chanyeol who was a bit afraid at the moment tried to get a word in, but Jongin who was clearly having a mental breakdown, wasn't paying attention too much.

"NOT TO MENTION: ask for her number?!" Jongin furiously yelled back at .

"but, you don't have to..." his dumbfounded friend tried to speak up. "WHAT?! WHY?" Jongin answered with a constipated look on his face.

"WILL YA LEMME FINISH?!" the scared yet impaitent tall fella finally snapped at his friend.

"yes...go ahead." Jongin said in a hurry, now he was the scared one. "an hour ago, while you were sleeping, Sulli-ah called us on the phone, explaining that Soojung-ah isn't really in the fondest mood right now, and that she went out for a walk alone near IIsan Lake Park."
Jongin started to feel a little guilty as soon he learned the fact. "Sulli-ah thinks you should go and properly talk to Soojung-ah. She gave us Soojungie's cell just in case you needed it." Chanyeol handed Jongin a small folded yellow paper in the shape of a rectangle. "What if...she doesn't want to see me?...I mean, think about it. I'm the cause of the reason she's depressed, right?"

His tall friend didn't respond but just stood there and watched him look at the folded note in his hand. "then why not go and find out for yourself?"

Jongin looked up surprise to hear such wise words come out from Chanyeol's mouth. He then looked down at the folded piece of paper in his right hand.



"Wait a minute, oppa! Did you just call me 'Krystal-shi'?"  "ah, then..S-soojung-shi?"

"Just act comfortable with me, 'kay?" She said and smiled sweetly at him.

Her smile, oh so beautiful that even a piece of heaven couldn't compare to it.

End of Flashback

(open with a new tab) If you want to hear background music that goes with the feel of the story, then please click over here!

Jesse McCartney - Because You Live

I want to give what you've given me always


Because you live and breathe


"Tell the others I'll be out today!" and like that Jongin vanished from the room and the dorm itself.

Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Flashblack (from SMTOWN 2012 LA Concert, The ending finale bow)

She turns to me with her beautiful eyes, "Kai-oppa!" She says my name and I see her right hand is empty. She must referring to hold my hand for the finale bow. I grab her hand and we interwine our fingers with each other as the hyungs give us the signal for the bow.

End of Flashback

Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky


Jongin was just about to leave the apartments' building when a sudden car stopped right in front of him, he looked through the glass windows to see who was driving. "Hop in, your hyung will drive you there!" Chanyeol said with his deep voice.

"thanks dude!" Jongin got in the car, "hey, we all gotta fall in love with the right person someday now!" Chanyeol then drove off in a hurry. "where did Sulli say she was at again?" Jongin forgetful at a time like this forgot, "she said IIsan Lake Park, that's a bit far away, I'd hold onto something for now. I'm not planning on driving at 50mphs or less!" The deep voice tall friend stated, and put his right foot on the gas pedal, and they stared driving more than 50mphs.


A couple minutes passed and they were almost near the park, but Sulli said that Soojung was hanging around the Park's lake, meaning that Jongin would have to run around looking for her, because cars aren't allowed nearby the lake. "Hyung! Drop me off here! I'll run the rest!" Jongin said as he jumped out of the car in a hurry, and took his cellphone and the folded piece of paper with Soojung's cell phone number written on it. "Ya sure?! It's a huge park! Why not call Soojung first?" What his friend had said made Jongin think really hard for a couple of seconds, "no! I need to find her personally without calling her!"

"I'll see ya later! Thanks for the drive!" He left the car and then ran off deep into the park searching for the park's lake.

As he ran in a hurry he came accross a girl a couple of centimeters shorter than him, the same height as Soojung is. Her hair was also the same shade of brown and black her hair was at the I AM. press conference and Anaheim concert. He thought to himself, 'could it be?!'

"You'll never know if you don't try! Soojung-ah!"

To his amazement the girl turned around, so he assumed that she was Krystal.

"Soojung-ah!" He yelled with hardly any more breath left in his lungs from all the running of searching for her.


"Soojung-ah! Listen to me! Because I don't think I will be able to repeat this more than once!"

"what?" Soojung who was dumbfounded and unaware of the situation just listened as each word came out of his mouth. She was really confused of why he was even there at the same time she was. It was no coincidence, that's for sure.

"I may not seem like it most of the time, but I'm a coward! and a real idiot for not saying anything to you! And yesterday I embarrassed the girl I loved so much, and--I-I want to apologize if that was the reason for your strange behaviour today, and I--"

"oppa! the girl you loved so much? Do you mean me?" she eagerly interrupted his once in a lifetime speech. "of course it's you! I wouldn't lie on national television about a girl I loved! Soojung, I love you! I have always felt that same way about you ever since our younger years at the company together! AND, I want to know how you feel about m---"

His words were caught off by her lips that had clashed upon his. She had given him a kiss from her pink lucious lips. "of course, I love you! PABO!" She gave him another kiss as he pulled her in his embrace after she had confessed she felt the exact same way.

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Because you live, girl
My world has everything I need to survive

"oppa, never let go. Please" He held her with all his might as she commanded him to never let go. They had kissed for the 3rd time already, and now he was the one taking action on her lucious pure pink lips. "trust me, after all this time, I have no intentions on letting you go, I love you Jung Soojung!" She had breathed in his special scent and cuddled even closer as his hands drew towards her waist. "I love you too, Kim Jongin. Thank you for feeling the same way."

"Because you live, girl, my world has twice as many stars in the sky." She was completely touched and emotionally tearing up after he had said such a beautiful complement about her.

"How come you couldn't say such a beautiful thing like that when you were supposed to be confessing to me yesterday?!" She looked up and asked him in curiousity. "Just letting you know, I'm no romeo."

"True. But you are a michael jackson right?"

"not quite..."

"'re my man?..."

"Exactly." He kissed her lips once more before pulling her into another embrace of his.

Because you live, I live, I live



Author's note:

I'm so sorry for the failed ending, I didn't know how to end it good enough to satisfy your tastes! Plus it's 4am, and I don't know how long my eyes will stay awake, so I'm off to bed!
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot!


Thank you for supporting this fanfic! Please read my others if you're interested in more Kaistal!

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Chapter 2: sweety ending laf it i m i
littlehanridinghun #2
Chapter 2: kyaaaa i love ur story..
it's soooooo sweeeettt~~~
omooo my kaistal feels~
RaiNah #3
Chapter 2: This is so sweet~ ^_^
Chapter 2: evil maknae Sehun..kekeke
sweet ending!KaiStal is real <3 ;D
when Sehun was asking there's no kiss and i was like omg why must SM has all those bad-vibes maknaes LoL and how the members anticipating on the two~ the ending was sweetly perfect.. he's not a romeo nor a MJ but his her man :D that means a lot ^^
I loved this fic! I really love F(EXO) and I know this fic focuses on Krystal and Kai, but I really hope to see the two groups in a show together and I really want to know who Luna is close to from EXO :p since she is my bias. Or is she in real close to Suho and Kai like in the fic? Anyway I'm rambling about Luna again....Kaistal is very new to me and I'm not sure what to think of it yet, but I do like them and together they really look good:)
This is very nice :D my Kaistal ship is beginning to repair and sail after getting wrecked by my SeStal ship LOL XD
great story <3 :)
I was half-expecting a kiss on tv! hmpft~ anyway, still good KaiStal material <3 KaiStal is more dazzling than Michael Jackson :)