They Like You...

It Took Three Words

Three words.

Two different phrases.

But each different saying gave me the same bubbly feeling.

“Kyungsoo, did you hear me? I said that I like you.”

And hearing it again made all those feelings come flooding back in a way I couldn’t control the smile that spread across my face as I looked into In Young’s eyes.

I took hold of both her hands and leaned down to kiss her cheek as her eyes widened a bit. I chuckled a bit and moved to her ear, “I like you a lot too.”

Her hands released mine and latched themselves around my neck as she buried her small face into my neck and began to giggle. I hugged her small frame to me tighter as I laughed at her own cuteness when she pulled away slightly only to kiss my cheek again, “I knew you’d be the best thing to happen to me since my recovery.”

We linked our hands together again as she led me to the main office to get my own registration papers, “I’m glad.”

As entered the office my grip on In Young’s hand tightened when she squeezed mine back as encouragement, “Hi, we’re here to gather information about your next audition and we need two registration forms for next school year.”

I didn’t speak at all and let In Young do all the talking as I watched the lady behind the counter give us both genuine smiles and obliged to our needs as she handed each of us our papers, “The next audition is in two weeks and you just have to bring these papers back. I hope to see you both there.”

I stared down at the lady’s outstretched hand and reached my shaky arm out to take it from her with the weight of it pulling my arm down to the side not wanting to read over the contents just yet, “Thank you.”

As we exited the campus together, every bad thought, every negative idea, and all the worries that burdened me to this point felt lifted up from my shoulders as In Young tugged at my sleeve, “Let’s go for some celebratory snacks.”

I was once again dragged away to wherever In Young wanted to go when I looked at the familiar ice cream shop with worry, “Are you sure?”

She had reached the door when she turned back to me and smiled while nodding her head, “Absolutely.”

We sat together at a table and I worriedly watched In Young as she took a rather large chuck of ice cream from her cup and shoved it into without hesitation and swallowed, “Yum.”

“I don’t know if that was a good idea.” I questioned when she took another large scoop and shoved it into while taking some of mine and motioning me for to eat it. I opened my own mouth as she fed me my ice cream and watched as she took her own spoon from , “I’m better. I can handle it now.”

I barely touched my ice cream as I sat in awe as In Young devoured hers. She noticed the melting dessert that lay under my spoon when she pointed at it, “Are you going to eat that?”

“Umm, do you want some?” I pushed it towards her when she took a small spoonful and gave it back, “Thanks.”

I took another spoonful of my ice cream that was now soup as In Young’s phone rang.

“Yobeseyo? Oh, Kai. I’m with Kyungsoo,” I ate my ice cream in silence as she looked at me with a grin growing on her face, “Okay, I’ll take him with me then. Okay, see you in a few.”

“Taking me where?” I asked curiously when In Young stood up and took my hand, “Surprise. Come on.”


We pulled up to address that In Young had given me and I stared up at still gripping the steering wheel when she had already gotten out of the car, “Kyungsoo? Aren’t you coming?”

“Where are we exactly?” I opened my own door and exited the car as In Young came around to meet me. She linked our arms together and led us to the door, “This is Jinnie’s house. That is Luhan’s girlfriend. Luhan is Kai’s close friend from China along with Kris and some other guys but they couldn’t make it.”


She rubbed my arm and leaned into me, “Don’t be so nervous. They don’t bite and they want to meet you.”

We reached th doorstep when the door opened widely to be greeted by five girls, “In Young! And Kyungsoo!”

They hugged In Young warmly when they looked at me and hugged me as well like family, “Oh, In Younggie has told us so much about you, Kyungsoo shi.”

“She has?” I asked as they ushered us into the house and In Young took my arm again when a girl stopped us in our tracks to the kitchen, “She hasn’t mentioned us has she?”
I looked at her and back at her as she rolled her eyes while I responded, “Umm maybe once or twice.”

The five ladies stood in front of us and one by one gave me there intruductions, “I’m Min. Sehun’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you.”

She bowed and stepped back for the next girl to take center stage, “I’m HanEul, Suho’s girlfriend and the mom of this group of kids.”

I laughed at bit as she left for the kitchen with Min when the next girl a smaller one stood in front of us, “I’m Jinnie. Luhan’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you, Kyungsoo shi.”

“Same to you too.” I replied as she pushed the next girl that looked a little bit older than Jinnie, “I’m JiEun. Kris’s girlfriend.”

“And soon to be fiance.” In Youngteased the older girl as she playfully hit  her shoulder, “I wish. Come on, we’ll introduce you to the boneheads.”

JiEun and In Young led me to the living room where six guys sat around the TV, “Guys, I want you to meet somebody.” In Young raised her voice a bit when all eyes turned to us, “After all the times you talked about him, I feel like I know him already.” A guy with reddish brown hair came over to us first and held out a hand, “You must be Kyungsoo. I’m Suho.”

“And how much has In Young been talking about me?” I shook his hand as I glanced down at her as she hid into my side, “Quite a lot actually.” Suho chuckled and walked into the kitchen as his girlfriend called to him.

JiEun took over and pointed to each guy as they said hello to me, “That’s Sehun, Luhan, Kris, and of course Kai, the loner of the group here.”

JiEun placed a hand on his shoulder as he looked back with a smirk, “Nice seeing you again, Kyungsoo.”

“Same to you.”

In Young hugged my waist and whispered, “They like you don’t worry.”

I leaned my head on top of hers when she kissed my arm, “I like you. That’s all that matters.”



Sorry for not updating in awhile T.T 

I've been lazy or I've been working on other stories :DD



2 weeks...I'll be away from you all from the 4th to the 19th TT^TT

I can't even...


I miss you..


I see abs...I see them...He has abs...My sea...O.O


....I cry tears for Suju's 6jib...I want it so badly >.<

California here I come...

Koreatown...Be ready  to hand over everything


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hey i will put this on my collection dear..
nowaywth #2
Chapter 10: Woah... I love it ,, I seriously don't like depressing stories to be long ones because I start to get in "blue mode" and I hate myself for it ,, I like how this story was to that point and moved my feelings without dragging me down in depression
Chapter 10: I love this short story!!!! ^^
itzlyna #4
Chapter 10: Simple but meaningful story. I loved it.
Chapter 7: Wahh!! Confession!
Chapter 4: Anorexic? Wow the topic is rare..
You really are different, Author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: I really fell in love with DO now..
Call it sympathy? I'm feeling down right now too..
Chapter 10: I feel sad for kyungsoo. He didn't deserve that kind of treatment. We all didn't. And this bullying need to be stopped.
Great story btw. Love all D.O's pics and gifs that you put at the end of the chapters. He's so cuteeeee! ><
Chapter 10: awww...this is a very very nice is indeed cruel at times but we can always look at the brighter side ^^

i cant imagine any one of them being bullied in real life esp not DO...they could try and i will snap their damned heads off taahaha~^^