Amusement park

Who is my brother???

In the morning, my 4 oppa woke up and found themselves with bankets on top of them, "Hyung, I don't remeber bringing out these blankets, do you?" They all shock their heads. Taemin then looked at the bathroom "Hyung!! _____ came out..." "Good, I need to use it." Jonghyun went inside and Minho went to his room to get changed. Key went to the kitchen and found me cooking with Onew. Taemin just sat in the same place thinking who could have placed the blankets on top of them.

"Good morning _____." I froze and turned around slowly, "Good morning Key oppa, I make American breakfast. When was the last time you guys had a proper breakfast?" "I dunno... Ages ago..." He yawned. "Oppa, why don't you go and get ready while I finish off making the food." "Ok..." When he was gone, I felt relieved, he acted like yesterday didn't happen. "Told you..." Onew oppa was right about them, they will forget what happened after a while.

Me and Onew placed the food onto the table and the boys ran over straight away like they haven't had food for weeks. "Oppa?" "Ne..." They all responded. "Do you have schedule today?" "We just have to perform at a concert tonight." "Ok, then do you want to hang out?" "Sounds nice, we haven't went out together for a while." Minho spoke and smiled at me... Wow, that is rare... Maybe he is the type of person who is shy at first... "Where are we going?" Asked Jonghyun, Taemin looked eagered as well... "Amusement park, I already packed the things we need..." Taemin jumped up and down like a little kid... So cute><

While we were in the car, we all fell asleep on each other apart from one...


??? POV

My little sister looks so cute when she is asleep, she looks really peaceful. I wish she found out I am her oppa already, it hurts watching her like this, I can't be too close. I want her to trust me more than she does now. She treats me the same as the others... Please find out who is your oppa quickly... I slowly drifted off to sleep as well...


_____ Pov

I yawned and stretched... We were at the amusement park now... "Oppa, oppa, wake up!! We're here!!" Taemin oppa was the first to wake up. We then woke the rest up together. "Where do you want to go?" I asked Taemin. "There!!" He pointed at a big, scary rollercoaster ride. "No way..." Key oppa started to walk backwards... Me and Taemin grabbed an arm each and Minho and Jonghyun grabbed his legs, we carried him to the ride. While we were carrying him, he was screaming something half English, half Korean... People must have though he was crazy ><. The good thing was by the end of the ride, he seemed like he enjoyed it, we didn't get yelled at.

We also went on other rides before we went to eat lunch. After lunch, we went to the haunter house and played some games, MInho won a big bear for me, he is so sweet><.We ended our day by going on the ferris wheel and watch the sun set. "Todat was so fun, I really enjoyed myself." We stared at Key... Did he just say he enjoyed his day out at the amusement park? I swear he hated them... "What!? Why are you looking at me like that? Can't I say I enjoyed doing something?" "Aniyo..." We replied at the same time and look at the sun set again...


Yay!!! Triple update!!! I hope you enjoyed it... Next is U-Kiss... Please look forward to seeing them in the next chapter... And please comment and subscribe... Thanks^^ Good night, I need to sleep now...\(>o<)/

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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Chapter 36: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
ahhhhhhh! mianhae!!!! *90o bow* jinjja mianhae!!! will update asap!:D sorry for the long wait and thnaks!
wifeyhoya #4
can you update soon? Its cause youre story so daebak and mostly this girl in this character use the readers and its have same birth date with me :)
Chapter 36: Some chapters are soo funny esp when shinee and boyfriend came to rescue YOU and key came out and hit people with the spatula! I can actually imagine how the scene look like. Hahahah! Nice story! Do update more! ^^
Minkyu10 #6
Chapter 36: Awesome story... Keep updating!
Chapter 36: Sleepy SHINee. :))

Hungry Boyfriend. ;)

Awesome story! <3
Chapter 35: Sugar Honey Iced Tea, SHINee is so adorable here. How is it possible that this chapter has nightmares in it but it's still so fluffy?!?!
jackytomboy96 #9
Chapter 35: Hehehe its cute- the ending :)