The Ultimate Betrayal

Thank You...




Junhyung was walking around looking for Hyuna and/or Hara...but couldn't find either of them. He saw a crowd gather around to a fight, he heard voices screaming and the voices sounded familiar so he decided to walk towards that way to see what was going on.


"What was that for!" Hara said while crying.


"Can’t you see? He doesn’t like you! He was just using you!" Hyuna yelled at Hara


"I don't believe you!"


"Shut up, you're nothing but a piece of dirt. You're lucky he hasn't broken your heart YET but trust me, you will be like every other girl that has been in his life and in the end he will come back running to me"


Without thinking Junhyung quickly ran over to the two, "KIM Hyuna! I can't believe you would say something so evil! I'm embarrassed to even be your friend. Don't ever talk to me again."


Junhyung’s anger took control over him because before he could process whatever was going on, it was too late. 


He had just slapped his best friend, a girl, not just any girl but Hyuna. The only girl in the world he cares for more than anything that isn't related to him by blood… But at that moment, she wasn't important to him. He ran over to his girlfriend who was on the floor crying because of Hyuna.


"Hara you okay?" as Junhyung asked her while helping her up...


"...........It’s no-” Hara tried to talk but was crying too hard


"It’s okay baby. Let's go back to class.” He said to her while walking away with her looking back and glaring at Hyuna.






"Shut up, you're nothing but a piece of dirt. You're lucky he hasn't broken your heart YET but trust me, you will be like every other girl that has been in his life and in the end he will come back running to me"


All of a sudden, Hyuna felt someone slap her as she fell to the ground. She held her hand to her face from the pain and look up to see who had slapped her. And the one person she least expected stood there, Junhyung.


"KIM Hyuna! I can't believe you would say something so evil! I'm embarrassed to even be your friend. Don't ever talk to me again." Hyuna just sat there...completely speechless.


She looked around and saw people surprised. And started whispering to each other

“How could he do that to her?!”

“It’s okay that deserves to be slapped”

“I heard that they were just rehearsing for a play…”

“Poor Hyuna…”

“I can’t believe he chose Hara over Hyuna. He’s so retarded”



Hyuna suddenly felt a tear down her eye; the thing was she didnt't know what was hurting her more. The fact that her best friend actually thought she would say anything like that or the fact that he had defended Hara over her. Both.


She tried to get up but then noticed a hand. And he asked "Are you okay?"




















'Hyunseung?' He helped her up carefully while she just nodded and slowly started to walk away. Suddenly he grabbed her wrist and started to drag her.




Hyunseung was walking outside to just get some fresh air, all of a sudden he saw that people were gathering and heard screaming.  He was curious so he decided to walked over and see what everyone was looking at. As he was looking to see who was causing all this commotion.


'Of course, Kim Hyuna - the attention '


But those thoughts quickly faded when he saw Junhyung push through the crowd and was rushing toward Hyuna. His eyes were squinting and  saw his hand go up. And then SLAP.


Hyunseung had to admit, he still wasn’t a big fan of Hyuna, even after that night from CLUB RAIN, but a guy should NEVER slap a girl.


Hyunseung saw expression on her face. She looked like she wanted to die. He looked around and no one was helping her because they were all just stunned at what had happened.


So he decided to go over to her "Are you okay?"


She looked up at him and she just nodded as he helped her to get up. He = was about to let her walk away until he noticed her leg. ‘How could she not even notice her leg was dripping with blood’ He thought to himself. He turned around and grabbed her arm and walked to get it treated.


As she was lying on the bed in the clinic she just started to cry and eventually fell asleep for a little.


Hyunseung didn’t want to leave her alone so he stayed there until she woke up.





Hyuna woke up to see Hyunseung next to her. Seeing that she was awake, he just stood up and walked away, not saying anything to her. So she just followed behind him.


Hyuna walked into class late with Hyunseung. And he explained to the teacher about Hyuna falling and that they were at the nurse to get it treated. The teacher just nodded and told them to take our seat. The class was glancing at Hyuna and started whispering to each other. Half of the class was still talking about her and Junhyung and the other half were talking about her and Hyunseung…


‘Just great; Hyuna walked over to her seat avoiding any eye contact over at the direction of Junhyung/Hara and just sat down.


 The rest of the class, she felt numb; she didn't want to talk, eat, or do anything. She just wanted to go home. During class she heard her phone vibrate, she knew it was the 4minute girls and/or B2ST asking if she was okay but she didn’t bother to look at it.


When the bell rang Hyuna gathered her stuff and got out of the class before anyone else and went home. That night, she cried herself to sleep.


The next day… Hyuna woke up and feeling like death. Her eyes were swollen from crying and her cheek was still red from his slap. She put her hair down just in case her parents or anyone in school saw it.


After getting ready she was walking to school and decided to check her unread messages. And of course it was all asking if she was okay. The thing that pissed her off was that neither Junhyung nor Hara had texted her. It was then and there that she decided that she was done with them.


When she got to school, people stared at her... she walked to her seat and saw Junhyung and Hara look at her from the corner of her eyes. But she just walked right by them. They were the last people she wanted to see or be near. Unfortunately they were in the same class so she had no choice but to be in the same room as them.


Then she thought to herself, thank God the teacher gave her a seat next to Hyunseung because even though he does hate her, it was better than having to sit next to Junhyung. As she sat in her seat, Hyuna looked over to her left and saw Hyunseung sleeping while listening to music. All of a sudden he started moving and woke up. "Stop staring at me, it's making me feel uncomfortable" he said all of a sudden causing her to blush.


"Sorry.. and thank---" Hyuna said to him while stuttering He just stood up and walked out of the class... He didn't hear her since he had his earphones in...


’OMFG so embarrassing….TT_TT;;;;’’ Hyuna thought to herself


Another week of school carried on while Hyuna was continuing to ignore Junhyung, Hara, and Beast. At lunch, she just went to the library. The 4minute girls said they would sit at a separate table with her but she just didn’t feel like eating.


As soon as the final bell rang she ran home  ‘Thank God it’s Friday’


Later that Friday night…


"Hyuna! Your father and I have to go to your grandma's house for the weekend. She has needs help this weekend with moving, you want to come or you okay being home alone? Should we ask Junhyung to come over? OR do you want to stay over there?"


As soon as she heard the name Junhyung, "No I want to just stay home. And umma, appa I'm not a little kid anymore, I don't need anyone to watch over me. If i get lonely I'll ask Sohyun or the other girls to come over!"


"Okay then! See you Sunday night baby!" Her mom said to her while giving her a kiss on the cheek


"BYE! Drive safe! Tell grandma I said hi!"


"Okay sweetie, we'll call you when we get there!" As they left, Hyuna was watching TV and fell asleep..



A couple of hours later…

Hyuna was hungry and decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air and some food. As she was walking through the park and around the neighborhood, it started to pour.  ‘GREAT. JUST ING GREAT. This week ing .'


There was no way to avoid the rain so she just gave up and stopped running and started to walk. While she was walking, the past couple of days kept playing in her head over and over again. No matter how hard she tried to forget…



Hyuna started to cry… she didn’t understand why life was being so cruel to her.


After walking a couple of minutes, "Babo, stop crying" and covered Hyuna with an umbrella to stop the rain from getting her drenched.


She turned around to see who it was...


















“H-Hyunseung oppa?”



So the story is getting juicy, are you guys excited?! 
Continue to subscribe and leave lots of comments so I can be motivated to update more often! 
So what do you guys think will happen next with Hyunseung and Hyuna? And what do you think really happened between Hyuna and Hara?


PS. I changed the title to "Thank You..." you guys don't mind right?



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what the hell, where's my chapter 9??


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Chapter 13: I just read this fic again. I hope you come back and update it.
vita27 #2
Chapter 13: Plizzz update, im soo corious to what happend next
dawtnaksanda #3
Chapter 13: please update soon. and I hope you write more about Hyuna Fanfics. It is really interesting and romantic
please update soon!!! :D
firstzyx #5
Chapter 13: Is possible to make it up again???? I love this so much ^U^
mysticlove81 #6
Chapter 13: this is a really good story update soon :)
AJ_Kevin #7
Chapter 13: Update please >< more 2hyun moments!! They are so cute together!!!!!!!
BabyJoQueen #8
Chapter 13: Please make it JunAh :(
I'm want JunAh authornim
I really like this fanfic of yours.
Chapter 13: You wouldn't treasure someone until that person left you. But will this too late for Junhyung to regret and mend what he had done wrong?

Please update soon.