Something Unexpected

Thank You...



He started to look around for Hyuna wondering where she went, he was hoping she wasn't crying again. Then he saw her, she was sitting at the bench. She turned her head and smiled - for the first time in my life my heart started to beat really fast. ‘WHATS WRONG WITH YOU HYUNSEUNG’


But that smile quickly turned into a frown, "WHERE WERE YOU?" she yelled at him.


Getting out of his weird thoughts he spat back in defense "WHERE WERE YOU?!"


"WHAT? I was paying for the groceries so we can go eat, I'M SO HUNGRY" she pouted while holding her stomach.


Hyunseung started laughing and took the groceries from her and held it because it looked heavy. "Oh what a gentleman, thank you" she said as she smiled quickly forgetting about the yelling.


He started to blush at her compliment and started to walk ahead of her so she wouldn’t see his red face "Your welcome"


"Here, give me the umbrella and the other stuff you have then" she said


"Okay, let's go. Where are we going now?"


“You’ll see”



After about 15 minutes of walking they arrived at a mansion “Welcome to my house!” she said


Hearing this Hyunseung quickly tried to fix his appearance, "Where are your parents so I can introduce myself?"


"Oh they aren't home, they went to my grandma’s for the weekend" she said as she was taking out the groceries from the bags


"Do you need help with anything?" he asked while walking in the kitchen


"Do you know how to cook?" she asked him.


" Yeah, my mom isn't home a lot so I taught myself how to cook so I could be of some help to my mom when she's home"


"Aw that's so sweet, if you ever get a girlfriend - she would love that" she smiled at me as he blushed like crazy again…’what is wrong with you Hyunseung STOP BLUSHING’


"Yeah but I don't think I'm the boyfriend type"


"Why not? You're good looking, kind, have good manners, you have it all….minus" she said while he was shyly helping her organize the groceries.


Minus what?”


“You seem to have been very cold towards me and people you don’t like…”


“Yeah, sorry about that….”


“It’s okay, the past is the past right? Why don’t we just start off fresh and just be friends” she said to me


"Haha okay, enough about me - how about you? Why don't you have a boyfriend?" Hyunseung asked her because he was feeling embarrassed.



"Oh, I don't know. I’ve never had a boyfriend before, I think it’s because I was close with Junhyung so guys were scared to talk to me” she said while she was cooking. Hyunseung didn’t really know what to say after since there was an awkward silence so he went up to her and helped her cut the rest of the veggies needed for the jjigae(Korean stew). "Thanks. Now go sit down, you’re a guest!"she said while smiling.


20 minutes later


...."DONE, sit down" she said while shoving him.


They both sat at the table and Hyuna watched as Hyunseung tasted the jjigae. She was nervous because not a lot of people have eaten her cooking so she waited for a reaction, "Oh my god, this is really good!"

"Hehe, thanks - I told you I know how to cook!" She said in relief


"No really, this is REALLY good. Now you're gonna have to cook for me everyday"


"Haha, no this is a ' thank you ' meal" she said to him blushing


"So, every time I save you - will you cook for me?"


"Hmm, we shall see" she smiled and ate.






"Let me do the dishes, since you cooked" He said to her


"How about we just do it together. Rock, paper, scissor to see who washes and who dries!?"


" Okay!"



Hyunseung was washing, she was drying… Yes, he was the loser. While they were doing the dishes, Hyunseung looked over at her and thought ‘Why did I hate her so much when she has such a pure, innocent heart? I felt guilty of the fact that I judged her based on what I had seen from the outside’


While he was zoned out she suddenly looked over at me and asked "Do you have to be home soon?"


"No, my mom isn't home either; she went on a business trip" He said to her


"Oh, then do you wanna stay and watch a movie?"


"Sure, but no chick flicks!"


"Uh, I HATE chick flicks; it make me jealous haha" she said to him


"Haha that’s your reason? What movie did you have in mind then?"


"I don't know but you can choose" as she was walking to the living since we finished the dishes.





"Oppa, do you want something to eat? I bought some snacks just in case earlier at the market"


“Yeah sure, are they in the kitchen? I’ll go get them”


"No it’s okay. Let me go change and I’ll grab them on the way back" she was about to go upstairs until Hyunseung stood up and asked her…


"Hey can I see your room?"


"Sure, you're the second NON-family guy to see my room, don't laugh! And it’s kind of messy - sorry! " she smiled.


He was walking around her room, it was very pretty. It wasn't too girl but had a girly touch. Her wall was filled with pictures of her and 4minute and Junhyung. Hyuna went over to see what Hyunseung was looking at and looked down. Hyunseung looked over at her and saw a tear coming out her eye. He cupped her face and used his thumb and wiped her tears.


He used his hands and raised her chin up "Hey, look at me...don't cry. I know we just started to become friends today but I’m here for you okay?”


"Really?" Although she didn’t know whether or not to believe these words, it was something she needed and wanted to hear.


"Yes. From now on, I promise to always be there for you"


"Thank you" she said as she hugged him.


At that moment, he didn’t know what got over him but he looked into her eyes before he leaned in and kissed her.




Hey guys here's chapter 10 like I promised! I was going to update sooner but I was trying to give some time for people to re-read chapter 9 :)
Anyways, hopefully this kiss will make things more interesting!
Also you next chapter you guys will find out what really happened between Hara and Hyuna. 
& What do you think will happen after Hyuna&Hyunseung's kiss?? 


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what the hell, where's my chapter 9??


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Chapter 13: I just read this fic again. I hope you come back and update it.
vita27 #2
Chapter 13: Plizzz update, im soo corious to what happend next
dawtnaksanda #3
Chapter 13: please update soon. and I hope you write more about Hyuna Fanfics. It is really interesting and romantic
please update soon!!! :D
firstzyx #5
Chapter 13: Is possible to make it up again???? I love this so much ^U^
mysticlove81 #6
Chapter 13: this is a really good story update soon :)
AJ_Kevin #7
Chapter 13: Update please >< more 2hyun moments!! They are so cute together!!!!!!!
BabyJoQueen #8
Chapter 13: Please make it JunAh :(
I'm want JunAh authornim
I really like this fanfic of yours.
Chapter 13: You wouldn't treasure someone until that person left you. But will this too late for Junhyung to regret and mend what he had done wrong?

Please update soon.