Chapter 26::

Of A Dancer's Romance...


The whole choreography that Sehun and Kai was labour-intensive. It was complicated, and fast, and in addition left me breathless, which only made me want to go even harder. In time, we had learned the whole choreography.

One assistant hurriedly walked in and started talking to the two dancers. The nodded their heads occasionally and finally turned to us.

“Um, there’s been a bit of a change of plans. The dance auditions are postponed until tomorrow, so you have the next twenty-four hours for practice. Sorry.” Kai sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. The from earlier spoke up in this annoying, high pitched, greasy aegyo voice. “Don’t worry, oppas! I’m sure that most of us will do this perfectly tomorrow,” she said while putting emphasis on the ‘most’ while looking at me. I turned to Kai and Sehun and gave them a ‘WTF’ look. They subtly winked and shrugged.

“We’ll be away for a little bit. You guys just talk to each other and get to know each other.” As they walked out, she walked towards me with a smirk on her face. “Hmph. You think you’ve already caught them in that little web of yours? Just wait.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you really that insecure about your own dancing abilities? Why do you feel the need to put people below you? Maybe you should get your head checked out. Last time I checked, I was not an arachnid.”

She pushed my shoulder harshly. “Who the hell do you think you are?! Don’t think you’re good enough for either of them or for this company. I’ve been classically trained since I was eight, and vocally trained since I was nine. Don’t think you’ve got the upper hand, . Know your place.”

A smooth voice floated in through the hallway. “Actually, Sammy has been classically trained since she was four, in both America and South Korea.” Sehun said, smirking.

“Plus she was scouted at a nation-wide singing competition. “ I’d prefer if you didn’t talk to one of my best friends like that.” Kai walked into the room, followed by Sehun who casually draped his arm around my waist. “And I’d prefer if you didn’t talk to my girl like that.”

I smiled. “You should have watched your volume. The door was open and your voice was actually pretty loud. You didn’t realise that the people out in the hallway could hear your little speech?”

She turned bright red, picked up her things and ran out the door. “I am never coming back here ever again. Not when you idiots are here. Hmph.” All of the other auditionees left, tired of her attitude, which left us three.

“We put her in her place, didn’t we?” Kai asked. He asked for a high five and I gladly gave it to him. “I didn’t know I was on of your best friends, Kai.” I said.

“You’re Sehun’s girlfriend. Therefore, you’re my best friend.” I nodded slowly.

“That girl reminds  me so much of Minji, I’m not even kidding. Oh right, do you know how she went ?”

“D.O hyung texted me earlier, saying that she didn’t get through. She also threw a tantrum.”

We stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. “In true Minji style. You’re so lucky she hasn’t ben your enemy since childhood.” I sighed, sitting.

Sehun wrapped his other arm around my waist. I leant into his chest and settled into his chest.


“Well, aren’t you two clingy today.” Kai joked. I rolled my eyes. “Jongin.”


“Don’t take that tone with me.”

“I’m your hyung.”

“Only by a few months.”

“I’m still older.”

“Your argument is and shall forever be pointless.” Sammy said as she nuzzled even further into my chest. Her hair tickled me little.

“Kai, shut up.” We both said at the same time. I looked down and saw her chuckling. I kissed the top of her head.

“Urgh. You guys are so mushy. I need a girlfriend.” Kai walked towards the door. “Peace.”

“Who taught you that dance?” Sammy’s inquisitive voice broke through the comfortable silence.

“Kai and I made it up by ourselves. Along with a briefing from our choreographer.”

“That’s amazing. I didn’t know my boyfriend was a dancing prodigy.”

“I didn’t know my girlfriend was a singing prodigy.” I said.

“You know, I read somewhere that the concept of nothing doesn’t exist.” She said.

“It exists, since there is a concept of what nothing is.”

“Yeah, but if the concept of nothing, does exist, then there should be nothing in that concept, therefore making it non-existent and impossible.” Sammy looked up at me with a triumphant smile on her face. I chuckled. “What goes on in that brain of yours, huh?” I smoothed her hair.

A stressed-out woman in a pantsuit rushed into the room. Still trying to catch her breath, she asked, “Are you Park Sammy?” she asked, well, Sammy.

“Y-Yes. Why?” she asked. Sammy sounded  like she thought that she was in trouble.

“Thank goodness. Mr Soo Man wants to see you in his office. Urgently.”

Sammy stood up. “Um, sure. Is it something bad?”

“Sorry, Sammy-ssi, he didn’t enclose any details to me.” The lady smiled.

“It’s all good. Sehun oppa, come with me~ I’m not doing this alone.” She said. I stood up and walked to the mirror, picked up her bag and walked out of the studio with her. As we were walking behind the secretary, I looked at Sammy and she was shaking. I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She visibly calmed down.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” I whispered. She leaned her head against my shoulder as we walked.

We finally arrived at the entrance of the office. Sammy stared at the door as the secretary went inside. It read ‘Lee Soo Man’ in big imperial letters engraved on a gold plate. I heard voices talking inside the room. “Boss, are we sure about this?” Sure about what?

“Yes. You three have backed up my decision already. She has what we’re looking for, there’s no doubt.”

Is she getting accepted already? Huh…


The secretary came back out of the room. “Mr Soo Man is ready for you. Please make your inside.” I went in, looking backwards at Sehun. I want Sehun to come in… He gave me an apologetic look.

I turned around, only to be confronted by not only Mr Soo Man, but Changmin, Kyuhyun and Taeyeon. “ Annyeonghaseyeo.” My voice trembled a little.

“Sammy-ssi, we have an idea of how you’re going to take this news, so you’d better sit down.” Taeyeon said with a motherly tone in her voice. I took a seat in a comfortable red leather armchair. “And don’t worry, it’s not anything bad.” Kyuhyun added with a smile.

We sat there in silence before Mr Soo man said, “We’ve decided to take you in early as a trainee. There’s no point in going through the whole process if the judges are unanimous in their decision.

“Congratulations, and welcome to the S.M Family, Sammy.” Changmin said.

Tears of joy started to make their way down my face. “Glad, huh?”  I nodded furiously, and they chuckled a little. Taeyeon came over and wrapped me into a hug. “Taeyeon…”

“You can call me your unnie.” She said.

“Taeyeon unnie, I’m sorry for making your shoulder wet.” I apologised while wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. “I guess that makes Kyuhyun and I your oppas.” Changmin laughed.

“Am-Am I really that talented??” I asked.

“Of course you are. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be sitting in this room with us. You’re the fourth person in the last five years to be an early acceptance.” Mr Soo Man said.

I covered my mouth in shock. Wow.

He kept on talking. “Your training will be starting in about a month. You’ll have vocal lessons, dance lessons and a personal trainer, plus your own dorm, if you’d like.”

“Oh! There’s no need for the dorm. I only live about half an hour away from here.” I assured them.

“It was nice to talk with you. Again, welcome to the family.” He smiled, with little crinkles in the corner of his eyes.

Another lady in a pantsuit who I hadn’t noticed stepped forward with a purple binder, marked with my name. “You’ll find your training schedule, ID and other important documents in here. We’ll see you in one month, Sammy-ssi.”

I bowed as I walked through the door. Sehun saw the folder in my hands and immediately grinned. “I made it, I made it, I made it, Sehun oppa~!” I shouted while jumping into his outstretched arms. He swirled me around and set me down and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I knew you could do it.” I only squealed and ran towards the exit.

“Oppa, get your hyungs to come over to my house in about half an hour. And don’t tell them news, okay?” I held out my pinky. He wrapped his pinky around mine and we pressed our thumbs together to seal the deal.

We didn’t let each other’s hands go until we got to the bus stop. Sehun’s dorm  was within walking distance, and my house was the opposite way. We separated with a hug, kiss and a reluctant, “I’ll see you soon…”

I rang Seohyun while waiting for the bus. “Yoboseyo?”


“Sheesh. No need for the volume, I’ll be there.”

I hung up just as the bus arrived. I boarded the bus with my folder and bag in tow with a secret smile on my face. I took a seat as the bus proceeded to drive. “Sammy-ah.” A familiar voice said.

I turned around. “Daehyun oppa!” I exclaimed.

“How did your auditions go?” I held up the binder. “Early acceptance. I start next month! I’m so excited!”

He clapped and congratulated me. “Have fun training with Sehun~” he said with a wink. I blushed and lightly hit his arm. “Oppa, don’t tease me~”

He laughed. The bus got to my stop and I got off while waving to Daehyun. I wonder where he’s going?

I pushed the thought out of my head. I walked up the stone steps into the front porch of my house. I rang the doorbell. Umma opened the door with a smile on her face. “How did they go?”

“You’ll find out in due time, umma. Seohyun and the EXO-K oppas are coming over in about half an hour. Or now.” I said as the doorbell rang again. “Can you get that, Umma? I’m going to get dressed.” She nodded and used her spatula to wave me upstairs. “Good thing I was making food.” She muttered as she walked to the front door.

I ran upstairs into my room and took a five-minute shower. I pulled on a simple black fitted tank top and some denim shorts. I walked downstairs to greet everyone. “Sammy~ tell us already!”

Umma, Seohyun, and my oppas turned and looked at me expectantly. “I got inot the company early, that’s the news.”

The group digested the news for a bit before breaking out into whoops and cheers. “CONGRATULATIONS!” Baekhyun and Chanyeol yelled before running up to me for a hug. Before long everyone joined in with the group hug. They let go and went back to sitting on the couch or going into the kitchen to help my umma.

I noticed Seohyun talking to Kai. He laughed and she became shy. Seohyun started to talk again. “Kai’s looking at her like I look at you, Sammy.” Sehun said as he backhugged me. “They’re so going to get together.” I said.

“You know what I haven’t told you today?” He asked. I hummed.

Sehun leant down a little. I could feel his hot breath on my ear. “This outfit you’re wearing is very… flattering on you.” He said while running his hands down to my hips. I swear my breathing hitched a little and shivers ran down my spine. I suddenly became aware of my mini shorts and how fitting my tank top was. “Y-Yah. What in the world are you trying to do to me, Oh Sehun?”

“Nothing.” He said as he nonchalantly placed a kiss on my neck. I shivered again. “Not in front of everyone.” I said. “You’re such a byuntae.”

“I’m  your byuntae.” He whispered.

“CHILDREN!! TIME TO EAT!” D.O oppa yelled. “Thank you, Kyungsoo.” Umma said.

I chuckled. “She likes him already.” Sehun walked to the table behind me with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

“Sehun-ah, how are you going to eat like that?” My umma asked. I felt his arms let go of me as he went to find a place at the table. I giggled.

I took my place at the table. “You know, I also have some news for you, Sammy.”

I looked up. “Your appa arrived at the airport about half an hour ago. He’ll be home in about five minutes” she smiled tearfully.

“Appa’s back today?” I squealed and ran over to hug her.

Right at that minute, the person who had been in the back of my mind for the past few months walked through the door. “Why is it so loud in here?” he asked.

“APAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”  I screamed and ran towards him. He held his arms outstretched. I hugged his waist really hard as he my hair. “I’m back, my precious Sammy-ah.”



This story is word vomit. Seriously. Why do you read this? Why are you so nice to me? I love you all.

Also, this is really awkward. Why? 

You baozis didn't answer the question last chapter. I still appreciate the comments though~

Special thanks to NyitYen, fallenwish12 and IIVEH for commenting. You guys are daebak!

*virtual hugs*

I guess I'll be stopping the question thing then! Heh.

Stay fab!

sammyBee xx.

P.S:: Since I have no school for the next two weeks, I will be planning a new fanfic and updating this one. <3


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{OADR} guys the the next chapter will be the last chapter and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.


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Chapter 35: My name is Sammy too!!!
So cuteee!!!!

Chapter 36: author-nim your story is extreamly DAEBAK i can spazzz abt tis story for like the whole day!!^^
Chapter 35: Aww... The ending is just so beautiful!!! Author-nim DAEBAK!! ^-^
Chapter 34: Kyaa... I LOVE THIS STOWIE!!! It's just so adorable that i can't stop squealing and spazzing!! ^-^ Please do a sequel =D
Chapter 35: *cries forever* so so so adorable
Jermainey #6
Chapter 35: Sammy's motherly love and sweet words to Minhyun were so sweet. I want sammy to be my mother too. This story is so fluffy and thats why i liked it. Hope to read Another wonderful story from Youh! ^^
Mannu98 #7
Chapter 35: This story is amazing :)
Chapter 32: soooo cuuuute ahhh