As Life Goes On

A Game Called Jealousy


     The relationship between Donghae and Eunhyuk had been good since they first met. And it only added once they made it into Super Junior together. Saying that the two had become close didn't give their relationship justice. It had gotten to the point where they turned the other the opposite uality just because of their actions towards each other. And sometimes...just their actions.

     However, the so-thought harmless game Eunhyuk had started playing with his best friend had actually gotten into a hurtful game of who could make the other cry more. And by the looks of it, Hyukjae was a landslide. Not only had he gotten Donghae to start crying in their room, but in the other member's arms, too. Eunhyk, however, just gave a arrogant smirk and left. Though, on the inside, it killed him to see his best friend, and possible lover, crying that hard. Not to mention he felt like a monster each time he saw the look in anyone's eyes. A scared, or a sickened look towards their dancer. A look Eunhyuk could live without.

     "Eunhyuk, we're going. Come with us," Ryeowook said, smiling as he looked over at his hyung. "It's gonna be fun. We're gonna drink and sing...and drink!" the younger added, making sure to emphasize the drinking.

     "Wook, Hyuk doesn't drink," Yesung mumbled to Ryeowook. The small boy looked up at his friend in shock, covering his mouth. 

     "Shoot, that's right. Uh, we're going to sing!" Ryeowook corrected, giving a small fist bump to the air.

     "No thanks. Hyoyeon is coming over later," Hyukjae said, giving a lazy wave to them. "Have fun for me, though." Eunhyuk glanced out of the corner of his eye to lock eyes with Donghae. Donghae quickly looked away, but Eunhyuk had already caught the look of pain Donghae had emitted. And it killed him even more.

     "Oh, all right," Sungmin mumbled, waving to Eunhyuk as the boys headed out the door.


     By the fifth week, Donghae's crying continued, but instead of behind-the-back remarks, it had turned to a full out war in the Super Junior Dorm. Items were being thrown—and some victimized pets --and hurtful remarks towards each other were no longer kept in. Though, nothing said about how much their actions were hurting each other. Instead, just irrelevant insults about one hogging the television for too long, or eating more food than the others. All fights usually ending in the whole dorm quiet for hours until their leader, Eeteuk, could calm them down to the point of sleeping peacefully.

Though, fights in the dorms never ended well with the other members. It wasn't so much as them being scared of the bickering couple, but the stress and awkwardness it put on everyone.

“Would you two just shut the hell up!?” Heechul snapped, slamming his hands down on the table, quieting the fight taking place at their dinner table.

“We're all sick of you two fighting! It was better when Donghae was crying his eyes out, instead of screaming his head off! It's annoying. We're all sick and tired of it. Go and get some sort of marriage counseling, or something, but just shut up! I'm leaving for the military in a few months, and do you really think this is how I want to leave my friends!? Bickering and at each others throats! Look at Teuk! Even he's getting the the point of throwing something!”

The two looked at Heechul, watching the diva's face carefully as he glared at both of them, a vein popping out of his neck.

“Just stay out of this, Heechul. It isn't your fight,” Eunhyuk snapped, turning away from the elder.

“When one of us fights, it's all our fights. We're one, remember? Not just Super Junior, plus Donghae or Eunhyuk. It's just Super Junior. So stop fighting and make up already. You've never fought this long,” Heechul corrected, glaring at Eunhyuk.

“You don't know what we're going through, so just shut-”

“Be happy you two actually have someone to get along with here. My best friend is in China. A whole neither flipping country! And you think I don't know what you're going through!? You two are literally seven feet from each other and you're fighting! You don't know what I'd give to be seven feet away from Hankyung!” Heechul hissed at Donghae, pushing himself up from the table, his chair squeaking as his was shoved against the ground.

“Come and get me when you're done arguing about pointless things,” he mumbled, slamming the dorm door on the way out.


     The fights had continued, but began to shrink to smaller, less intense fights that just ended with the other crying. Of course, Eunhyuk was able to stay strong long enough to leave or retreat to his room and then let the tears out. He usually finished quickly, and then continued to text his girl friend and talk to her. But, it never hurt coming out of his room until the day he saw Donghae crying like the one day. He had seen Donghae cry before, but to see him like this made Hyukjae sick and disgusted with himself.

     He himself had finished crying within a few minutes and after all signs of tears were erased, Eunhyuk walked outside of his room to grab his laptop. And that's when he saw him.

     Heechul's arms wrapped around Donghae tightly, whispering small, usless sayings into his ear and trying to calm down the boy. But it wasn't the look Heechul was giving Eunhyuk or the fact that Donghae was crying. 

     It was the look of surrender in Donghae's eyes that made Eunhyuk's stomach drop. 

     "D-Donghae," Eunhyuk choked out, his cocky attitude suddenly lowered to a pitiful one. "Can we speak for a moment?" Eunhyuk asked. He couldn't take this game any longer. He didn't want to. It wasn't fun anymore. He thought showing Donghae the pain he had felt would be fun. But he was wrong. By a long shot.

     Donghae's crying cooled to a few sniffles, and Heechul's glare hardened as he studied the dancer's face. His mouth opened as if he was going to string together as many curse words in his vocabulary as possible, but stopped when Donghae slowly nodded. He pulled away from Heechul's arms and walked to Eunhyuk's room with said man. 

     When the two reached the room, Eunhyuk shut the door behind them a took a deep breath.


     "What am I to you?" Donghae asked, his face aiming towards the ground. Eunhyuk's words choked in his mouth. Right now. Right here, he could tell Donghae this was all a sick joke.

     "You're my best friend."

     "Then why does it seem like we're enemies?" Donghae asked again, his voice slightly weak.

     Eunhyuk let out a sigh and a hand over his face. "Donghae, I....I love you. And even if you already knew that, I'll say it again, because I can't stop my feelings. Hyoyeon isn't my girlfriend. Well, she thinks she is, but I only did this to get you jealous. And I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean anything I said. I can't stand seeing you this way. Please. Please forgive-"

     Before Eunhyuk could continue, Donghae crashed his lips against Hyukjae's, his hands griping the blonde's hair and holding him in place. At first, Eunhyuk was shocked, and wasn't sure how to respond, but his body finally snapped into play and his hands s around Donghae's waist....

     At least, that's how Eunhyuk imagined it happening. When in reality, the younger was still awaiting Eunhyuk's answer.

     "Y-you're my best friend," Eunhyuk whispered, his face slightly red from the thought that he just imagined a make-out session with Donghae.

     "You have a ty way of showing it," Donghae hissed, turning his head slightly to reveal a few tears. 

     Eunhyuk's redness in his face turned completely pale as he watched Donghae's fists clench up in anger.

     "Donghae, look-"

     "You used to mean the world to me, you know that, don't you, Hyukjae?" Donghae asked. Eunhyuk was still, but later remembered how to communicate and nodded. "Not any more. You're just a bastard. A cold, heartless bastard who only cares about himself and women. I hope you're happy with Hyoyeon. Maybe two s could actually make a decent human," Donghae scolded, reaching for the doorknob.

      By the time Eunhyuk was able to react to Donghae's retreat, it was too late. Donghae had already left. And Eunhyuk felt as if his attempt at making things better just made things worse.


     Sorry about the wait. So, just to add something to this. This was originally a one-shot. So I don't expect this story to be more than ten chapters, if that. It was never meant to be a chaptered fiction, so I just want to warn you in advance.

      Thanks for all the people reading this right now. You guys are pretty awesome. :)

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wildrose88 #1
Chapter 3: whyyyy hyukkie why ! meanie !
but pity him too aishhh
Hyukkie so bastard here. How dare he to hurt Hae like that? Hae deserves the best in everything and FYI, Hae is better than her .*No offence to Hyo^^P
Why is Hyukjae so stupid here gosh :S
And of course that kind of game won't be fun, making someone crying like that >_<
And uh, update soon pleaseee
QuoVadis #4
Go Heechul! ^^ Aish, Hyukkie, you're stubborn :p Can't wait for the next update xD
supershinee4 #6
Hyuk whyyyyy !!! Omg I hate u :') !!
Poor hae , don't cry :( !!
I wonder what will happen next :/

Thank you and waiting :)
oh....God!! Hyukjae you're bad!!! don't you know that Donghae loves youuuuuuu?? ;A;
uwwaaaaa Donghaeeeee~~ poor you deaaaar *hugsss*
please update sooooon~~!! I cant wait!!! ><
thank youuuuuuu ^^
QuoVadis #8
poor Hae! Hyukkie deserves to suffer (for a little while only though) ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter xD
Fishylover #9
.....on the first chapter, i hate Hyuk already!!!!!