So-Called Cheater

A Game Called Jealousy



     Hyukjae watched as the man and the woman exchanged hugs, his insides burning with jealousy. This most definitely wasn't the reality he wanted, but he couldn't change it. But, he could at least try to.

Eunhyuk grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, walking out of the cafe rather quickly. He wasn't going to watch as the two people began to fall in love. Or rather, watch two people love each other. That wasn't how he was going to spend his week.

Actually, he was going to spend his week trying to make the man jealous...and a little bit of vengeance was about to take place, also.

“Hyoyeon? Yes, this is Eunhyuk. How about we hang out this weekend.”


     "D'you think he'll feel the same way?" Donghae asked, fixing his watch. 

     Heechul sighed for the nth time, rubbing his face as he sat back on Donghae's bed. "Donghae, I told you. You two were practically made for each other. I'm not sure what could go wrong. It's not like either of you are very discrete about your feelings for each other. I mean, c'mon. You have your own fan girl club," he said, flipping his hair to where he wanted it.

     "I know, but what if that was all for stage?"


     "I know, I know. I'm over thinking this. But I just can't help but worry!"

     "Worry about what?" Eeteuk asked, peeking his head into the room. He looked at Heechul, trying to find a reason as to why his dongsaengs were in the same room together. And why they were talking about worrying.

     "Hae is going to confess his love to Hyukjae," Heechul replied bluntly, looking at his fingernails.

     "Way to keep it a secret," Donghae mumbled sarcastically to his hyung.

     "Ooh~! I'm so excited! May I be in on this, too?" Eetuek asked, walking cheerfully into the room. 

     "Y-yeah, I guess," Donghae replied with a questioning tone. "It's not like we're having a party to plan-"

     "By the way you're acting, you may as well," Heechul said not bothering to receive the glare the younger had thrown.

     "I'm not sure I understand-"

     "Donghae's freaking out about this whole thing. I've been trying to tell him that they'll just start making out due to mutual feelings, but he won't-"

     "Shut up," Donghae hissed at Heechul, giving his leader an innocent look. 

     Eeteuk nodded, looking off slightly and pursing his lips. "I see. Well, I have an idea as to what will happen."


     "Yes. I think Donghae-ssi and Eunhyuk-ssi will understand each other. You two have gotten along quite well since our debut. I have no doubt that he'll reject you. In fact, I don't think Heechul's idea is that far off."

     "Told you."

     "Let's not be rash, here. I mean, don't you think that's skipping ahead too much?" Donghae asked, his ears starting to turn red.

     "Donghae, with the way things have been going between you two, I actually think it would be behind schedule," Eeteuk confessed. He grinned and pinched Donghae's cheeks. Eeteuk gave a little squeal and skipped out of the room. Perhaps his enthusiasm was a bit too much. 


     A few hours passed and Donghae was sitting on his bed, playing on his computer. That is until the dorm door closed and Eunhyuk's greetings made him throw his laptop on the ground and spring up.

     "Eunhyuk!" Donghae called out, stepping outside of his door. But he was too late. Eunhyuk had managed to get to his bedroom without being stopped by anyone. 

     Donghae slightly frowned. Was his friend having a bad day. Curiosity taking over, Donghae closed his door behind him and walked down the hall to his best friends room. 

     He knocked lightly before opening the door. "Hyuk? Is everything all right-" he stopped short upon intruding on Eunhyuk's intense make-out session with Kim Hyoyeon. Their company sister. 

     The two stopped, both slightly out of breath. However, to Donghae, he was only short on breath because witnessing your crush making out with a woman isn't exactly easy to take in.

     "Oh-uh, sorry," he mumbled, quickly looking down at the ground and rubbing his neck. "I'll-uh-leave you to your business, then," he muttered, pain shooting across his body. He gave a few bows while closing the door before he stood up straight.

     Donghae quickly walked back to his room, shutting the door quickly behind him. The image of Eunhyuk making out with the female race was etched into his mind and it didn't feel good. In fact, it hurt like hell. Donghae let out a shaky breath and slid down the the ground, his head in his hands. 




     To be honest, I'm not really sure I'm happy with this chapter. It felt like it was forced, and so I apologize for any dislike towards this. I promise you, it may get better. 

     Thanks to the readers and subscribers of all my stories. You guys are truly awesome :)



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wildrose88 #1
Chapter 3: whyyyy hyukkie why ! meanie !
but pity him too aishhh
Hyukkie so bastard here. How dare he to hurt Hae like that? Hae deserves the best in everything and FYI, Hae is better than her .*No offence to Hyo^^P
Why is Hyukjae so stupid here gosh :S
And of course that kind of game won't be fun, making someone crying like that >_<
And uh, update soon pleaseee
QuoVadis #4
Go Heechul! ^^ Aish, Hyukkie, you're stubborn :p Can't wait for the next update xD
supershinee4 #6
Hyuk whyyyyy !!! Omg I hate u :') !!
Poor hae , don't cry :( !!
I wonder what will happen next :/

Thank you and waiting :)
oh....God!! Hyukjae you're bad!!! don't you know that Donghae loves youuuuuuu?? ;A;
uwwaaaaa Donghaeeeee~~ poor you deaaaar *hugsss*
please update sooooon~~!! I cant wait!!! ><
thank youuuuuuu ^^
QuoVadis #8
poor Hae! Hyukkie deserves to suffer (for a little while only though) ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter xD
Fishylover #9
.....on the first chapter, i hate Hyuk already!!!!!