No! my Jaejoong.

Yunjae Death a mistake

Yunho POV:

You know when a death in my life goes wrong i'm the person who really takes it lightly. But let me tell you of mine and my husband's death. If you hadnt guessed Kim or Jung Jaejoong is my dearest husband and i love him so dearly that sometimes he is the only one that actually matter other than our son changmin. Oh my baby boy. Well let me tell you the story.

Yunho POV:

''Yunho baby guess what" Jaejoong came running into the living room holding changmin on his back. Changmin was no older than 5. His face shown of his ummas. Oh my angel Jaejoong was so beautiful. "whats wrong jaejoong" i asked very concered. ''we can finally have our 2nd honeymoon.'' Jaejoong squealled setting down changmin who instantly ran into my lap and climbed up. ''hey baby boy. your getting big.'' i said. He smiled like me and his eyes shined like mine. It still makes me cry to this day and i hugged him to me tightly. He squirmed and grabbed for the cookies next to me. ''my little food monster'' i giggled. ''YAH!'' he yelled at me. He got off my lap and ran to junsu's room and closed the door. Jaejoong came and sat on my lap. ''Yunnie come on i wanna go please?'' he asked his brown orbs shined and i nodded. He squealed and kissed me deeply to my lips. I smiled.


The next day we were packed for our trip tomorrow and i couldnt wait to be with him alone. He grinned at me and his eyes shone with  lust yet love for me. ''yunho this will be the best day ever. saranghae baby" Jaejoong said and went to make dinner for the family. I got changmin from his room and carried him to the kitchen. I set him  in his booster seat. '' dinners ready'' Jajeoong called to the other two. Yoochun came out and was looking tired and csat at the table and fell asleeep on the table right then and there. junsu came running in and grabbed his food and left for his room. I was suprised and yoochun just layed there. I ate with my husband and my son. I helped withe the dishes and putting them away. I gave changmin a bath and put him to bed. Jajeoong was in the bed rooma dn smiled at me as he layed down and cuddled up next to me. ''Tomorrow will be great baby i promise this" he said and fell asleep. I slept that night and slept peacefully.


The next day we got up and packed the things in the car and i went inside for a few more thing and came back out started the car and we left for the hotel in town. ''yunho this is great its so peaceful'' jaejoong said gladly not hearing that yoochun was picking on changmin and that jumsu not talking on the phone. I looked at him and softly smiled. We got into the rooma nd instantly we went to shower and for 3 hour i made love to him. Something we  never could do at the house thanks to the kids. I came out and so did he we Napped for 4 hours got ready and went to dinner. I made everything specail for him. I knew something was bound to go wrong but i told my self nothing was wrong and looked at him and told him to wait right there while i went to get the car. I was no more than twenty feet from him and i heard the gun shot i turned around and saw jaejoong drop to the ground in an heap. I ran back to him and carried him to the car and got stopped by a car in front of me and the driver pulled a gun aimed at me and shot me dead in my chest. I hekd my chest as the car squealed away and i called an ambulance for me and my boojae. The ambulance came and all over the new it was me and him and howw we got caught between a gang shooting. Junsu called me instantly and asked how we were but i could abrely talk. That night i heard a flatline and the doctors rushed in. My jaejoong had flat lined and died before my eyes. ''No my jaejoong'' i cried and the machine keeping me alive had been ripped from my body when i lunged to shake him awake. the docotr tried to pull me awak so i wouldnt die. but i became weak and fell in a heap and died on the floor holding his hand.


Junsu POV:

when i had heard of my appa dying i had instantly went to the hospital and fell onm y knees seeing the sight i did. My lover Yoochun who was holding changmin on his back was looking at me and pulled me out before changmin could see. We planned the funeral but we knew we had to tell the small makmae before he found out himself. We looked at hima dn explained that umma and appa wouldnt be coming back home cause they were in heaven. Him being only 5 he thought it was a part of the city. i forgot jae umma hadnt taught him of heaven or hell yet. So when it came time for the funeral. Changmin started to cry when he saw the bodys and ran to the casket and knocked on the lid. "umma appa get uo i know ur alive your only sleepy get up dont leave minnie here all alone.'' He cried pounding on the casket. Yoochun pulled him away and he screamed when they started to fill the hole with dirt ''you cant put that on them' He yelled and then cried into yoochun shoulder. "rest in peace umma and appa'' toochun said as i cried into his other shoulder and he held me and cried into my hair.


Yunho POV:

Now as i sit here with my lover and watch my family from above and little changmin grow up without me it hurts so badly. i  miss my baby boy but wht can i do to help him huh? well now im going to go for now. enjoy yourselves and you know my story

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