CUBE University - Yo Seob (요섭)

CUBE University

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Click* -Yawn- It was morning and time for school. I rolled out of bed and

onto the floor, "OW"! I was not a morning person. As I got up off the floor my mom yelled, "양요섭(Yang

Yo Seob) you okay"?. "Yea, just tripped" I replied. "Well, be more careful"! she said. I shuffled to the

bathroom brushed my teeth and got into the shower. As I stood there feeling the running water on my

bare skin, my mind started to wander. "I wonder how 두준(Doo Joon) starts his mornings", I thought to

my self. "Wait! Why am I thinking about him!" I shook my head and continued with my shower.

When I was finished I dried myself, got dressed, gathered my things, and went down stairs. "엄마

(Umma) I'm going to school"! I said. "Aren't you gonna eat anything"? she asked. "Nah, I'm gonna grab

something to eat with 기광(KiKwang)".이기광(Lee KiKwang) was my best friend since Kindergarden,

We were always together and shared everything together. We now to the same college together,

CUBE University. "Bye"! I said to my mom, and ran out the front door.


"야!(Hey!) 기광(KiKwang)"! 기광(KiKwang) turned around and smiled,"안녕(Hi) 요섭-아(Yo Seob-a),

how was your morning"?, "hmmmm it was okay? not sure, I did fall outta bed". I said with a pout on my

face. "Haha! 요섭-아(Yo Seob-a) you're so clumsy~". We walked down the street untill we met our

destination, the Star Cafe. We walked in and sat at our usual table, a little booth next to the window, I

looked outside and could see the busy streets of 서울(Seoul), "What would you two gentelman like to

have today?", I looked up to see who was talking to us, turns out to be 용준형(yong jun hyung). "형아

(hyunga) you know us, you don't have to be so formal." said 기광(KiKwang). 기광(KiKwang) and 준형

(JunHyung) seemed to be pretty close friends. They had the same dance class together. "haha, fine

fine" replied 준형(JunHyung) "so what chu want?" "I want a Cappicino and uhhh 요섭아(YoSeob-a)

what about you?" "Hmmmmmmmm" I was trying to figure out what I wanted when I noticed 기광

(KiKwang) smileing that  bright smile of his, "요섭아(Yo Seob-a) you look so cute when you think" I

could feel my self blush while 기광(KiKwang) laughed a bit. "I'll have a white chocolate Mocha" I said.

"Alright one Cappicino and one white chocolate Mocha it is then" said 준형(JunHyung) before he left.

-Yawn- "are you tired 요섭아(YoSeob-a)? Cuz if you are you can rest your head on my lap~" said 기광

(KiKwang) "mmm no thanks, I just need some coffee" I replied feeling myself blush a little. "Did you get

enough sleep last night"? 기광(KiKwang) asked with a slightly worried look, "Is something bothering

you"? "uhhhhhh no, nothing is bothering me" I lied. I don't like hideing things from 기광(KiKwang), but if I

told him that I kept thinking about 윤두준(YunDooJoon) last night, He would think I'm weird or even

GAY! "You sure"? 기광(KiKwang) said with worry still in his voice. "Yup"! I said in the most cheerful way

possible. 기광(KiKwang) laughed after I did that and smiled that smile of his. 준형(JunHyung) walked

over with our drinks, "Here you go, sorry for the wait" he said. "Hey 형(Hyung) wanna walk with us to

school after your shift? you only have like 10 minutes left right? We can wait, right 요섭아(YoSeob-a)"?

asked 기광(KiKwang). "Yea we can wait for you if you want" I said with a small smile. "Nah, It's okay I'm

walking with 두준(DooJoon) after our shift ends" said 준형(JunHyung) "Thanks anyway" I couldn't really

tell, but it looked like 준형(JunHyung) was blushing. "It must be the heat from the all the coffee" I thought

to my self. "I didn't know 두준형(DooJoon Hyung) worked here!" I said changing . "hm? Oh yea he

started working here just well today" said 준형(JunHyung) "He's our new barista." "Oh" I replied. I

looked behind 준형(JunHyung) to find that 두준(DooJoon) was really there makeing drinks for

customers. "He looks really cool" I thought. "Huh what was that 요섭아(YoSeob-a)?" turns out I said that

out loud. "Oh uhhh nothing! I just said the coffee was really yummy! heh heh" I said nervously. "you

haven't even drank it yet." said 기광(KiKwang) with a concerned look on his face. "uhhhhhh

nevermind"! I said, takeing a sip of my Mocha. "Uhmmm well uhhhhh yeaaaa~ Imma go uhhh check to

see if 두준(DooJoon) needs any help, Bye"! said 준형(JunHyung). "Alright bye 형(Hyung)~" said 기광

(KiKwang). After we finished out drinks we went up to the front register to pay for our drinks. I looked

over to where 두준(DooJoon) was makeing drinks. I saw him chatting with 준형(JunHyung) they quickly

looked over to where I was. I tried to quickly turned away, but instead I bumped into 기광(KiKwang) and

fell to the ground. "Owwie" I said pouting. "요섭아(YoSeob-a) you okay"? 기광(KiKwang) asked. "Yea

I'm okay" I said, I could feel myself blushing. "오빠(Oppa) you have to be more careful" said 이지은

(Lee Ji-eun) she was the the girl who worked behind the register, her real name is 이지은(Lee Ji-eun),

but her nick name is 아이유(IU). Blushing more intensly now realizeing that 두준(DooJoon) was

watching, I quickly got up and walked as fast as I could out of the cafe.  "야!(Hey!) 요섭아(Yo Seob-a)

wait up!" 기광(KiKwang) yelled.




Hey guys~ sorry that nothing really happened, but i promise that stuff will happen!!!!
yummy hawt y stuff >:] mwahahahaa~ oh poor yoseob~

any ways I shall update asap~ BYE!


-GumpyKim heart

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 4: When do you want tu update author-nim*pout*
flattummy #2
the photo is cute! :DD
Chugyeokja #3
Are you ever gonna update?
NiaHana #4
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #5
hmm i wonder who yoseob wants to be with..wonder who he's gonna be with at the end and win his heart......
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #6
<3 plz update soon
omg!!!! the sweetest ever!!! omg!!! i love this!! all in one~~~ DooSeob...JunSeob...KiSeob!!! i love all the pairings!!! kyaaa~~~can't wait for more!! please update soon!!! Hwaiting!!<br />
Sweetness Overload!!!
awwwwwwww... bbkwang~ tsk tsk<br />
everyone like YoSeob eh???<br />
eotteoke? poor DongWoon! huhuhuhuh<br />