

"It's a shame that there's not enough time to do all these things." Ara doesn't mind the fact that Simon's attention is currently not tuned to her frequency. He's slumped on the sofa, head on her lap looking at the TV, eyes staring at the screen. 

She knows that it isn't very far from the train of thought she was voicing, so she keeps talking. Her fingers comb through the short blond strands that's been just washed smelling like vanilla. He probably used her shampoo again this morning.

His hand comes up and takes hers, kissing her palm and resting it on his cheek.

"Don't worry," is what he wants to say. And she gets the message.

She leans down, lips pressing against his temple: 'thank you'.

She likes it how they have their small gestures that speak for themselves. It helps them, speaking their words through their actions.

Even when they first met all it took for Simon to serenade Ara was a drive to the beach at dawn.


They had all been staying at a cottage, hired of course, Ara and a few of her friends in one, Simon and his in the other. And the two had met at the barbeque that both parties joined alliances for. He had been stealing little glances at her while she helped Daniel with the barbeque.

Daniel had noticed, and told Ara about him.

"He's half Japanese too." he stated, out of the blue.

"Who?" Daniel just nods to the blond, with chiselled bone structure, in the denim shirt by her friend Jungah, "So?"

"In case you're feeling a little lonely tonight." she elbows him before he ran away.

"His name's Simon." he winks and leaves her slightly flustered and flipping lamb chops.

Their group had stayed out till about one in the morning. A few had already retreated to the comfort of their beds, while others, namely couples stayed out sitting by the small fire.

Ara was sitting on the porch of the cottage, hugging her bare knees, thinking about nothing in particular.

 The door behind her opened, and a blanket was dropped on her shoulders.

"You should keep warm, it's quite cold. Hello again." the blond boy from earlier sits down beside her, a small gap between the two. But it’s a comfortable gap, not too personal spacing invading and not too awkwardly distant.

"Thank you." she said in Japanese. Surprise registers on his features and Ara can see a smile forming, a breath taking smile at that too.

"You know Japanese?" he continues in Japanese.

"I was born in Japan. Parents both Korean." she says, a very small smile appears on her own features as she turns to look at him.

A few hours later and the two are still conversing in Japanese, but they've learned a comfortable amount about each other. The comfortable gap is gone and both are sitting closer. Ara offers him half the blanket, and there's officially no space between the two, as Ara's slightly toned arm meets Simon's firm muscles.

It's quarter to four when Simon asks her if she wants to go for a drive to the cliff nearby and wait for sunrise.

"Can I bring the blanket?" His eyes form half-moons; a beautiful smile adorns his face while he nods.

He had an old American mustang, like those ones you'd see in films with men fawning over it, calling it a beauty. The seats were slightly battered, but well kept. Ara sat down, wrapping her blanket around her, as Simon slipped in the driver's seat.

Ara lays back in her seat, crossing her legs.

"So...” she scans the dashboard, "What were you doing up so late?"

"Clearing up the mess the guys left... And I didn't have a place to sleep." he chuckles to himself, "Jeesu and one of your friends are kind of 'cuddling' in my bunk and Daniel locked me out."

The drive is quick, five minutes tops, and they're at the small cliff overlooking the sea. The two step out the car, to the front of the car, where Simon pulls her onto the hood of the car. He goes to the back of the car, trunk opening and Ara can hear clinking.

Dark green beer bottles come into sight, making Ara feel thirsty all of a sudden.

It's about twenty to five in the morning when the skies fade from its ultramarine blanket dotted with little white dots to the pastel baby blue, tinged with orange near the horizon.

Ara and Simon are both sitting side by side, watching the natural occurrence happen. Soft smiles are both etched on their faces, and a small twinkle of admiration lit in their eyes.

Simon's hand brushes against Ara's, his fingers seeking out her own. Their pinkies latch together, and neither party have yet to acknowledge their actions face to face. Soon their hands are both locked together, entwined like lovers hold each other.

Ara looks down a blush on her cheeks as she spots their hands, she can feel Simon next to her, turning to look at her, leaning to see her eyes.

Ara tries to steal a little glance at him, hoping to not get caught in his loving gaze. But she speaks too soon. He spots her working out whether to look, the way it shows in her eyes and the timid little bites of her lower lip. And he stays put till when she decides to look, and he makes her look up, while he leans in slowly, making sure they're both alright with this impulsive invasion on personal space.

They're looking at each other at eye level, and Simon's tentative inching forward makes Ara feel assured and respected. She breaks the eye contact, as she spies his lips parted ever-so-slightly.

They meet finally, Simon's forehead taps her own, and she can smell the spicy cinnamon spray he uses. It's a welcoming aroma, evokes the feel of Christmas morning from deep within her winter memories.

He too spies her small plump lips, the soft and more prominent curve of her lower lip that could be mistaken as a pout. And he can smell magnolias on her, probably the lotion she uses.

"May I?" is all he mutters as his eye drag back up to hers. She closes her eyes and presses her forehead slightly against his.


He closes the centimetre wide gap and a chain reaction commences. 

Ara likes the way his are softly pressed onto hers, the way he experiments with her lips, parting them softly and kissing her plump lower lip, on it softly. Ara takes control, tipping her head slightly and biting his lip. He parts, pecking her lips and pressing his forehead against. They look at each other, and both break out in shy smiles.


It's been two years since they started dating and about a year and a bit since they moved in together. Ara's currently in her completing her internship at an art firm which she applied to, Simon's working with a few other friends of a music project of his.

Ara enjoyed his company, Simon enjoyed her company. They'd wake up together; he'd kiss her good morning and kiss her good night. If one of them was going to come home late, the other would wait up (this had occurred a few times when Ara would have to stay back to help colleagues with a project they had going on in the firm and she's come home to a sleeping Simon, sprawled on the couch a re-run of a drama playing on the TV). They had breakfast together; Simon liked cooking, so he made her a traditional Japanese breakfast every Sunday morning. 

And never once did they get bored of each other.

It would seem foolish of any of their close friends to say this couple was doomed. It would be foolish of any third party to comment that their relationship was doomed even. "They're the cutest couple" "They' have an extremely strong relationship"  a similar string of words would be heard from people when asked about Ara and Simon. 

But all good things come to an end, and what goes up must come down. 


A/N: Sorry for ending it on a bitter note. But I hope you all enjoyed this short 1,370 worded Simon-based-feels-fic and I hope that you too have Simon feels. 

There. That should help. I hope he has tats too, because Daniel's tattoo is personally a massive thumbs up from me. And I should beta it but i'm lazy so unless you see a typo notify me :)


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Chapter 1: simon feeeeeeeeeeeeeelss heheheh
clodhopper #2
You left me hanging :(
Twas berry cute, though!! I loved Daniel in the beginning. The setting of this story, the bbq, had a laid back feeling. I liked this a lot.