My Butterfly

My Butterfly [One-shot]


The girl sat in her window, staring out into the beautiful blue sky. Clouds passed slowly by and she closed her eyes, letting the wind pull at her long brown hair. She smiled and thought of the guy who she had been missing, the guy who was the only one she could ever love. He left... never to return. She only wishes he would come back. Even though, at the time, they were only friends, to her, they were more. She loved him, but she didn't know if he felt the same way.

The wind blew more hard and she stepped back from the window, she sighed. She laid on the bed and closed her eyes, thinking of him.



Her eyes shot open and she looked around, the window door was banging on the wall and she quickly closed it, but not before a large white butterfly fluttered in. She sighed and she noticed it and tried to catch it but it always flew out of her reach. She pouted and sat on the bed, finally giving up.

Then a flash of light lit up the room, she gasped. The butterfly turned into him, the boy who she was thinking about not long before. She smiled. "You're back." and ran to hug him. He smiled and looked at her.

"I missed you." he said and hugged her. She hugged him tightly back, not wanting to let him go, ever. He pulled away, and looked into her eyes. "Let's go." he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the large mirror on the wall. She closed her eyes, scared that it was going to break but instead they went into it.


The world was almost fantical and she gasped at it's beauty. He held her hand and pulled her along. They came to an island where the water flowed relaxingly. He held her hand tighly and they both watched the sunset. He turned to look at her and they met eyes. She hoped he fel the same way. She hoped he felt all happy inside when he was with her.

He smiled and leaned in near her. Her eyes widened but then she closed them and their lips brushed. When she was about to pull away to hug him tightly, he burst into a million butterflies. She looked up and her eyes followed them. A single tear fell from her face.


She shot up with a start, rubbing her sore head. She wasn't sure if what just happened was a dream  or not. She got out of bed and looked into the mirror, remembering the events. She smiled as another tear streamed down her face. Then someone knocked at the door.

"Neh?" she called.

"Someone is here, sweetie." her umma called.


"Come and see." so she opened the door and to her surprise, there he was, standing there, his arms out-stretched. She ran into them and the tears just poured out. He hugged her.

"I missed you." he said.

"I missed you too."

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xxBunnyxx #1
awwwhhhh i love the song n now i love this story !
KwangNaji #2
awW.. I MISS HIM TOO.. >_<
I miss this song also!!
thank you for making a short story for this SONG.. ^_^
Brilliant #3