Chapter 14



Narrator’s POV


Hyena sat in her room, she stretched her long legs and looked at her toes. She frowned. She didn’t like the way she reacted towards Yunho. She hated the fact that he made her slightly nervous.

“Pabo, he’s engaged already, stop thinking about him.” She muttered.

But she had to admit; she liked the fact that Yunho had sided with her. She didn’t like Sekyung from the time she tried to to hurt Minhee, but now she fully understood, why Minhee hated the girl so much.


Yunho sat on his chair, in front of him was a leather box. He didn’t dare open it because it only contained of memories that pained him. He sighed and leaned on his chair. His parents had scolded him earlier about Sekyung’s incident, they all they all thought it was an accident.

Yunho wanted to believe it was an accident too.


The Jung family and Sekyung were already at home.

“Dear, what happened?” Mrs. Jung asked, Yunho stood beside them, with his father listening.

“I’m so sorry….auntie…. the glass just slipped…” She sobbed.

“Yunho, you didn’t have to be son angry at her.” His mother chided. Yunho looked down. Then Minhee appeared beside him.

“Some accident.” She snorted, her mother looked at her.

“You young lady, have been going overboard lately! What is your problem?!”

Minhee stepped back, her mother was angry.

“Eomma, Minhee was~” Yunho tried to reason out with the two.

“My reason eomma?” Minhee looked baffled.

“She’s been nothing but trouble to our family, I cant believe you and father even let oppa marry like this.”

“Jung Minhee~”

Minhee stormed up to her room.


Minhee went to work early, she decided to have breakfast alone in her office. Then she heard a loud knock from her door.

“Is my baby busy?” Yunho cooed. Minhee looked at him blankly.

“I’m sorry, I know what happened~”

“Oppa, get out.”

Yunho blinked at her.

“I want… be alone.”

“Minhee-ya, I know eomma was a bit harsh~”



Yunho’s POV

I walked back to my office, Minhee must be really hurt. It has been a long time since eomma scolded her like that.

I sighed, why is this happening?


I looked up and found Changmin looking at me.

“Why are you here?”

“I have a meeting about the merger, is Minhee in already?”

“Oh, she is….but she’s not in a good mood.” I shook my head. Changmin grinned.

“When was she in a good mood?” He chuckled and went his way.



Minhee’s POV


“Not in a good mood, again?”

I looked up, Changmin oppa placed his briefcase on the couch.

“The conference room is prepared already~”

“Dwaesso, schedule it another day, you look bothered.”

Changmin oppa made himself comfortable on one of the leather couches.

“It’s…….am I being too much, oppa?”

He looked at me for a while.

“Why are you doing this?”

“I grew up being spoiled by my brother, he sacrificed a lot for me. He spent a lot of time just to persuade me to do well in everything; my brother did everything to please the family. And now, he’s getting married to someone that doesn’t deserve him, I cant stand that.”

“See? That’s your reason for doing it. It’s perfectly valid, Minhee.”

“I’m just scared….that he might get hurt too.”

He stood up and walked to me, he bent down, his face inches to mine, I blinked at him. Then he smiled.

“He wont, he has such a strong sister like you.” He smiled and patted my head.


Narrator’s POV


Yunho sat in his office, he was terribly bothered. He pushed the papers away from him.

He knows how much of a frank person his sister is. Minhee wouldn’t lie about something so irrelevant, she would never make up things. Yunho grabbed his phone.


“Hyena, it’s me.”

There was a short pause on the other line.

“Is something wrong?”

“Are you free now?”



Hyena’s POV


I entered the café, and found Yunho sitting alone while drinking coffee.

“It must be urgent.” I said as I sat on the vacant seat. He nodded.

“I have something to ask….”

“Go on.” I tried not to look at his eyes but at the table in front of me.

“Hyena, look at me.”

I sighed and looked up.


He chuckled.

“Still the rude dragon lady.”

“What did you want to ask about?”

“About last night….the party….did Sekyung….pour that wine on you?”

“You did see my dress get soaked right?”

“I mean….did she do it on purpose?”



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Chapter 46: Love changes everything 🤣🤣
Chapter 47: Yeah..its akways good to be back reading this classic..loving it always.
Re-reading marathon again!
Chapter 10: Starts reading this story while waiting for your updates. Love minhee attitude
Chapter 46:
Chapter 31: Is it me or i think nickhun was in several accidents in ur stories?lmao
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 47: Still loving Minhee attitude xD
AmyDick #8
Chapter 10: These two, minhee ang changmin are great pairs..
14 streak #9
Chapter 47: I love minhees attitude toward sekyung! U go girl!
Chapter 8: Ohooooo... where do you think you stand Sekyung? >:)