The Meeting

Flowers for You


-Kim Flowershop-


“Heechul ah, I  will go deliver the flower to my friend, so take care of the shop okay?” Grandmother  says while arranging the flowers that she will delivered.


“Yes Ma, take care ok?” Heechul replied while helping his grandmother carrying the basket full of different flowers


“Ah yes, when it gets dark don’t forget to bring those cold- sensitive flowers inside the shop okay? “ her grandmother added while pointing to those displayed plants outside


“aren’t you in hurry mama? “ Heechul said sarcastically


“aish! Im already late, don’t forget to pl---” before his Grandmother could finish the sentenced Heechl cut it off


“ I got it please go already,so that you can get back early” Heechul said


“well then, off  to go” his Grandmother said while waving goodbye


-Heechul Pov-


“~aishh~  this is what people call labour exploit..T_T, but it cant be helped the Kim flowershop is on the midst of crisis nowadays…I SHOULD NOT GIVE UP! BEAUTIFUL KIM HEECHUL FIGHTING!!”


- End of Pov-


When Heechul was about to close the door he heard a sound that made him worry so he went outside just to see a guy keeps on sneezing




“uhm..Im sorry but you’ll affect those potted plants “ Heechul said innocently to the guy whose back still facing him


“eh?” the guy answered and turn his back with his hanky covered on his nose



what with this guy? did he catch a cold?” Heechul ask to his self while assessing the intruder infront of him.



“ah..uhm.. are you okay? Heechul asked


“ah..uhmmm..I—im s-so---“ before the guy could answer his nose started to itch again, with that he sneeze infront of Heechul

and Heechul cant help but to shudder, he was clueless what really the problem of this guy plus he sneeze infront of him which made him irritate but before he could rant out the intruders attempt to speak once again.


“Ah..Im really sorry..just a little pollenosis, I mean im allergic to flower pollen” the guy said while his hand still covering his nose


“Ha..Ha..Ha.. I see but why you are here if you are allergic, you should ask someone to buy it for you.” Heechul said with uneasiness written to his face as he already knew what the problem is


“I don't want to hassle them, and its just about time that I desensitize my allergy  ” the man explain while sractching his not- so -itchy- head.


 “well, may I help you then? just tell me what kind of flowers you wish, ill get the flowers and wrap it up for you” Heechul says still a bright smile plastered on his face like he always do when there is a customer thou deep inside he find this guy so weird.


“ a bouquet of red roses pls” the guy simply requested

 thou Heechul can't clearly seen the entire face of the costumer since it was covered he think that this person is good looking, well just the way his eyes speak and smile to him he fell a bit caught of an act but he still remain composed.


“Got it, a bouquet of red roses, what do you want me to write to the card?”


"just write "get well soon"


"I'll just wrap your roses and you can just look around while waiting for it"

"ok then." the man simply said and let himself scan the entire place.

Heechul went inside again to prepare the order but once in a while he took a peak of what  the guy are doing and he find it enjoyable to see how cute the guy is when he keeps on fighting his will not to sneeze. 

-Heechul Pov-

 “uhmm base on the way he dress I think he came to a rich family maybe this flowers are to his girlfriend who got sick, well such a lucky girl to have a weird and sweet boyfriend."


-end of Pov-


As he was satisfied with his creation Heechul handed the order to the man 

 “tadaa! Heres your order sir” Heechul said

“ A box? But I asked for a bouquet’ The guy said in confused while looking to the box infront of him


“uhm.. its for transport I put the bouquet in the box, this way it will be easier for you to bring it all along likewise you can't inhale the pollens since it wasn't expose so can hold if freely.” Heechul said as he flased a radiant smile to the guy


“ thanks and here is the money” The guy said as he hand the money to Heechul

 "thank you for the order hope you can come again"


"I will since your so considerate about my situation" the man said 

“ no problem, its my job to satisfy my costumer." Heechul exclaimed with a smile


“ You really a good kid!” The man said happily


Good Kid?! kid?? I'm already adult” Heechul scream into his head.


 “excuse me but im not a k—“ but before Heechul cound finished the guy started toAchoo again


“sorry about that…. Your saying?” the guy said


“nevermind, thanks for buying a roses and come again” Heechul replied in dismay


“oh..k.. bye”The man wave goodbye and leave.


When the strange guy was gone, Heechul doesn't understand why he was disappointed when that costumer call him a kiddo? thou he kinda stop growing and lot of peopel always mistakingly thought that he is a girl but it was not his fault blame its on his genes.

 Its been aa long day to Heechul that he decided to close a bit early that usual so he started to close the store and place the plants inside their house , and after that he decided to cook something for him and for his grandmother .

 while setting up the table for the dinner the phone started to ring.



“uhm..who would it be? Maybe its mama, that old lady really thinks she still teenager its already past 7" Heechul murmured while picking up the phone to answer.




“Is this Kim Heechul” the other line said


“yes, Kim Heechul here”


“this is from Lim Hospital, your grandmother was being admitted here because of an accident, she is in room 206 3rd building”


Heechul was shock and immediately hang up the phone, with an adrenaline rush he immediately dash off without bringing his grandmother things, one thing that made Kim Heechul stirred is when someone close to him has gone into accident , he cant bare to lose his Mama, she is the only one that being left to him , that’s why he feel so scared when he heard the news.




“Ma, I already told you to stop drinking soju when you went to your friend look what happened?” Heechul said madly to his grandmother, thou a while ago he was crazy being worried now he is half relieved and hald mad.


His grandmother is alredy 62 years old yet still so hyper and acs like a teenager


“im sorry chullie I cant say no to them, and this bruises is nothing I just bumped to the tree while walking and I didn’t faint because of that, I faint because im drunk, the bruises is just the result that I didn’t fell to the grass but to the rough surface, and the doctor said im healthy and nothing to worry about so chill ok “ His grandmother said with smile on her face


“CHILLL????? Don’t act so cool!” Heechul shouted


“don’t shout, im a patient you know” His grandmother said in drama mode


“but what im worrying about is you and the flowershop” His grandma blurted out, but now in serious and worried voice


Seeing his grandmother worrying so much made Heechul soft..


“well isnt it good to have a change?I always want to have you relax and leave everything to me so don't worry about me and just leisurely rest and recover ok?, now go to sleep now ma” Heechul says


When his grandmother already fall asleep, Heechul decided to have a walk to clear his mind..


-Heechul Pov-


“at a time like this when I cant find someone to depend on I just wish mommy and daddy were still alive! no! no! I cant think like this, I must strive hard more”


-End of Pov-


Since Heechul was thinking deeply he didn’t see were he was walking suddenly he bumped his head on someone back, when he raised his head he saw a handsome guy that wearing a suite looking at him seriously


“I'm SOORRRRYYY” Heechul said loudly while bowing 90 degrees


“You are the flowerist earlier” The Handsome guy said


“Do I know him?” Heechul said to his self


“who?” Heechul said to the guy


Heechul look at the guy carefully until he remember who the guy is as he look into the eyes.


“Ah! You are the man with the dripping nose from earlier” Heechul blurted out while pointing to the man


“Hey, Hey don’t you have a better description?” the guy laugh awkwadly


“ sorry just that your image is a little different “


“so why are you here?” the guy asked


“my grandmother had an accident, how about you?”


“my grandfather was here also, so who will take good care of the shop?” the man asked


“well for now I take good care of the shop until my grandmother recovered, still compared to the shop im worried about my stomach since from tonight on I can only have nstant from a week tsk damn” Heechul says


The man couldn’t help but to giggle to the guy cuteness


“I take it that you havent had dinner yet, right? If you don’t mind let me treat you for the favor at the shop  today “ the guy said


“eh? No its ok really I shouldn’t bother a stranger like that “ Heechul defentd


“I'm Li Hankyung and you are?”


“Kim Heechul”


“well then now we are not strangers anymore right?” Hankyung said with a bright smile on his face


“ok, thank you for your kind offer” Heechul said while bowing 90 degrees again

"lets go then"

o be continue------------------------------------


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Chapter 4: hahahaaa... heechul grandma was so cool xDD
Chapter 4: Aaaaw soo cute! I love it!!!!
Chapter 4: it's been a long time author-nim..kekeke..

but's so cute..and hankyung is sweet to heechul that he gave way for him..and halmeoni's statement made me laugh..
Chapter 4: aww,it is a good story!!
i love it!!! sweet and cute!!!
Please update soon!!! You haven't update in a looong time :( I really like this story. So please update!!!!!!!!!
aww..sad for heechul.. :(
i just know the feeling of losing someone precious at a young age..
hope he'll be able to save the flowershop..

update soon please.. >.<