Sunshine or Bun?

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5 of 6 members of B.A.P are sitting in the van, having their agency as their destination. Their manager taking control of the vehicle. The atmosphere in the car as tense as it ever has been. Just one of them doesn't take notice of it. The main vocal of the idol group - causing s to shoot nervous glances to each other. Their manager is also aware of this awkwardness but he tries to ignores it by humming silently to himself. The stress he gets from this group is already enough for him so it shouldn't be a problem for the group to solve it under themselves.

But why do they look so worried? Because there isn't loud singing coming from their vocalist? Why? Shouldn't it be good if Daehyun would be silent now and then?


It would be if that kind if frown wouldn't appear on his face once in a while. Sad to say it comes quite often for this day. If some of s ask him about his being he would just smiles it off. Why should there be something, he questions back. But if this is the case then one thing is definitely odd: he isn't practicing during the ride. He would never skip it - no matter what. Plus, he is unusually quiet. He hasn't spoken much since the students came home.
To be honest it isn't the first time they've seen that on him. It happened before and they fear it would be the same reason like last time: because of a girl. And unfortunately her company at the moment is their Maknae.

Daehyun's frown comes across his face again. His thoughts are drifting to her once more. That girl with innocent hazelnut eyes which shows him so many emotions at once. Letting Daehyun feel like reading an open book. But they aren't lively as they should be. Her positive emotions aren't reaching her eyes which worries him. She reminds him of a lost rabbit which is hiding in his own little hole. Afraid to take out a step into the big world. Innocent, kind but also scared.
Scared of the cruel world who needs protection against the unknowings. Daehyun would like to be this person. The person who pulls her out of the hole and be a good and close friend and take care of her, look after her and make her eyes sparkle. Sparkle like those shining, blinking stars in the night sky, full with happiness and joy. She could or better should lean on him, instead of burying sorrowful feelings inside. But isn't it too much to have this kind of thoughts? There are other things to worry about than this.

Closing his eyes Daehyun puffs out some air. That's not the only reason for his confusion. His youngest member also plays a big part in this. The vocal of B.A.P feels upset towards his Maknae in some strange ways. It bothers Daehyun that his Dongsaeng went to the girl alone instead of telling him. They could go to her together..or not? A frown appears again. What's with this uneasiness? The process of his thoughts repeats for another round, making s to rise their worry feelings for him. Yongguk heaves a sigh. This will be a long conference. The atmosphere will be definitely tensed up.

And how right his guess was. Both try to talk but it turns out to be very awkward. So they more or less avoid each other. Daehyun doesn't look at Zelo let alone the talking. The Maknae also doesn't make any afford of communication with his Hyung, too happy in his own world. Recalling his memory back to some hours ago. 


He came late to the meeting since he had to disguise himself at the dorm before taking the bus to the agency. His Hyungs told their manager that Zelo got detention after class. It won't be a problem for him to come on his own since they also have clothes for disguise in school. In case they need it, plus the agency is close to their school.


The group were already on the process on discussing about the songs for their first mini album with their manager and CEO as Zelo finally arrives. After long stretching hours they have finally settled everything.

"Good, your last performance for Power will be this Saturday which also means it's your last week of school. I arrange the formal things for you guys till then", their Manager says looking at the group.
"Hyung, jeongmallyo? This soon already?"

It accidentally slips out of Zelo's mouth. It's not like he isn't excited for the next rehearsal but this is just too sudden. Yongguk next to him just ruffles his Maknae's hair also giving him a meaning look. Zelo closes his mouth shut. Containing his displeasure to himself as well as s does.

"Why, Junhong ah?", Kim Taesung asks.
"A..aniyo! Nothing's wrong, CEO-nim.."
"Good, I'll be going now. Take care, guys! Work hard", the CEO of TS Ent. says and stands up. While passing by the boys he shortly pats Zelo's right shoulder and leaves the room.

"Don't forget to practice your other songs again as well for the showcase in Malaysia", their Manager says.
"Neh, Hyung.."
"Good. You still haven't had eaten yet, right? What do you want? I'll go buy it now"

He anticipates them for getting crazy by the mention of food but all he gets is a depressive and heavy mood. Arching up his eyebrows he stares irritably around.
"What's wrong? Did any of you had done something forbidden again which I should know now?"

Sighing the main vocal stands up.

"W-wae, Daehyun ah? Where are you going?"
"Vocal room", is all he replies and shuts the door behind him. Zelo is the second one who leaves the room, mumbling something about practice room.

Manager-sshi becomes speechless. The two who eat the most in this group just left without giving him a proper answer not to speak of their food orders!

"Okay..that's it! What's going on here?!"

The reminding guys keep silent having a mute conversation under them again by deciding who will talk with whom.

"Hyung, just buy us Jjajangmyeon, okay? I'll be going to the vocal room, too", Youngjae says.
"Yeah, I should also do more with my voice", Himchan dramatically reasons and follows his Dongsaeng.

Three person remains now. Giving the last guys a stern look Manager-sshi demands an answer - making Jongup to feel more nervous each second. Feeling his pure Dongsaeng's uncomfortableness Yongguk clears his throat.

"The two of us will be going to practice the dances now. Hyung, please get the food", he says in his usual own low speed. Honesty, he doesn't know if he really wants to eat something soon.
"Yah! You guys didn't answered my question! Aish, I'm getting crazy because of you!"



"Jongup ah~!", a cheerful voice whispers with a beautiful smile.
"What is it, Sunshine?", he answers ever so softly.
"What's with both of them?", Cho Hee nods towards Daehyun and Zelo who are sitting opposite of her, both gloomily staring into the air - each of them to other directions.
Jongup chuckles nervously, unsure in telling her or not.

"Zelo hasn't touched his food yet even though it's lunch time. And Daehyun Oppa doesn't fight with Youngjae Oppa"

They stare to both of the mentioned guys for several minutes before Jongup gives up, finally letting out a sigh and approaches the girl's ear - telling her shortly the reason.

Sunshine aka. Park Cho Hee is a very good classmate in Jongup's grade. Actually they are very close friends since several months ago. She has about the same high as Yerin -maybe some cms less- and is most of the time bubbly and cheerful. She doesn't look like it but she's very good at dancing which is why the two Maknaes and the girl understand each other very well. Since then they often spent break time together on the rooftop with the other B.A.P members.


Even though she's a fan she doesn't annoy them in any way which they are grateful for. Instead she listens to their complaining and tries to cheer them up with kind words which is why she gets the name Sunshine from the idols.

"Oh, Yerin Seonbae?", Cho Hee asks surprised - a little bit louder than before. Jongup quickly covers with his hand and shots unsure glances to his Dongsaeng and his Hyung. To his luck they don't seem to notice the little outburst.

"Psst! It's very serious!"
"Mianhae", muffles the girl and releases herself from his grip.
"I wonder why they are doing such cruel things to her..I didn't know.."
"Yeah, maybe it's because she's in the other building..since we don't get much information from there.."
"Even though she's so kind..", Cho Hee mumbles sadly getting surprised blinks from Jongup.

"You know her? How?"
"She once helped me making a small cream cake. I'm in baking class, remember? Since I'm so bad at it I nearly got dropped out of class. My teacher gave me a last chance for attending class by handing her a cream cake which I had to make myself. I could choose the flavor myself so I stayed after class in school", Chohee smiles recalling the shocking news. While telling she hugs her legs to her chest and rests her head on her knees. Both of them don't know that the other three are listening as well.

"Nothing had worked out. I nearly gave up but than Yerin Seonbae came. At that time she just wanted to give something back to the baking class. As she saw me so helpless she offered help. And it was very nice she was very patient with the struggling me. She stayed with me till the end. Without us knowing it was already dark outside but thanks to her the cake became great and I got to stay in class. I wanted to thank her but I couldn't find her during breaks or after school"

The guys nod, clearly know the reason for it.

"I didn't know she's in Daehyun Oppas and Youngjae Oppas grade!", Cho Hee says cheerfully again with a wide smile which also brings the guys to lift up their lips slightly.
Heat creeps to her soft cheeks as she notices their stare and hides her face into her knees, squealing in embarrassment - making the guys to chuckle because if her cuteness.

"I hope she's getting well soon..", she mumbles softly more to herself.
Feeling someone patting her bun she looks up.
"Don't worry, Noona! She'll be coming tomorrow!", Zelo grins widely showing his adorable dimple and removes his hand.

Just thinking of Yerin makes him feel better. He kept his promise and called her last night as soon as he arrived the practice room. He was so mad at himself for being so useless towards her. Especially now, after they became friends he has to leaver her alone. It was so frustrating! But her voice had done some magic on him. His anger had cooled down and his body relaxed bit by bit. They couldn't talk long because Yongguk and Jongup had appeared but it was good enough for him to get away some of his frustrations.

However it wasn't like that for a certain person yesterday's night. Some feet behind the tall rapper sits Daehyun having a dull expression on which gets noticed by Cho Hee. Her smile slowly flatters as she sees him in such kind of mood feeling her chest being heavy. Cho Hee has feelings towards the vocalist but won't ever tell. Without knowing herself her feelings developed slowly for him.

It was him who has given her the sweet pet name which makes it more special for her. Strangely enough he once replaced it with another name: Bun. He noticed one day that she always creates her hair into a bun, every time with different decorations. Like all the members of B.A.P he likes to so he often flattens her bun and gives her an eye smile afterward making her heart flutter each time.

But there's a reason behind this hairstyle.

The first day she got introduced to B.A.P through Jongup and Zelo, Daehyun complimented her as cute with the bun. Since he was her biased to the begin with, Cho Hee blushed deeply from his kind words that day. She forgives herself only this one time for showing her fangirl side in front of them but that's her own secret.

And now, being obvious about her feelings for him makes it harder for her to act normal towards the group. She doesn't want to bother him with her feelings since he looks so exhausted in her eyes. And other fans aren't making his -and also s- situation any better.


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Chapter 15: -screaming silently- omg so many feelings!!!!
Dae don't you dare! o.ó o.o o.ò >.< why so cute????? Anyway, at least he knows she's not his 8D -run-
Dae&Jae always bickering xD
Yerin, believe in them! :3
P.S: Just me that think it's incredibly cute how Jongup always call ChoHee "Sunshine"? x3
Chapter 13: *w* -freaking out- THIS IS SO CUTE OHMY!!!!! I'm totally in love with this story!!!
<3 <3 <3 I will die from too much cuteness!! >w< kyaaaa <3
I loved it so so much! <3
Please continue!! *w*
Chapter 12: omg
this is amazing o.o
Keep up the good work!! Can't wait for the next update!!
epicpandaninja #4
Chapter 12: This is such an amazing story ♥
Keep up your good work and update soon ~
baplove4ever #5
Chapter 3: cupcakes are my soulmate i just ate it a few min ago
hyogyeong #6
Update soon :D can't wait for the next chapter xD