


Jiyeon was a lovely and cheerful girl before a horrible accident took her parents away from her. She becomes paranoid of death; she always thought that death is chasing her right now. She keeps on dreaming a horrible nightmare about her death. She started to feel insecure and never endanger herself. One day, her best friend Minhyuk came to her house and asked her to go out with him since it was her birthday. They went to amusement park near her neighborhood, playing some rides there and he decided to visit a fortune teller near the amusement park to reveal their future. She refused it because she didn’t want to know her future. Minhyuk kept on insisting her to visit it, after a long persuasion she finally gave up and followed him to the fortune telling booth. Inside the booth, there were a gipsy woman with very dark eyes, long curly hair and a scarf wrapped around her neck. She asked them to give her their favorite thing. Minhyuk gave her his scarf that Jiyeon gave him in his last year birthday, while Jiyeon gave Minhyuk’s present, a infinity ring, to her. The gipsy looked at Minhyuk’s scarf first; she looked at it and told him that he will live a long life until he reaches 102 years. After that, she looked at Jiyeon’s ring and couldn’t see anything.

It’s weird, I can’t see anything. It’s all just black. Sorry young lady, I can’t help you.”

Jiyeon was so shocked hearing the gipsy statement. She knew it means something bad in her life. She kept thinking about the gipsy’s statement. Those words were spinning around inside her head. It made her feel insecure even more; she thought that her life would be end very soon. Minhyuk was trying to calm her down and told her that it was just a prediction, they shouldn’t take it seriously. He told her that no one would ever know the future, he asked her to chill down and not to over think the prediction. They were going home in silence; Jiyeon couldn’t think straight, her mind was full of her nonsense fear of death.


The next day, Jiyeon got news from Minhyuk’s mother that her best friend was died because of heart attack. She got shocked and didn’t know what to do. She was crying all day, not because she lost her best friend, but of the reality that the prediction was all fault. She remembered the gypsy’s statement that Minhyuk would live in his long life. She got more afraid by thinking about her own future. She was started to think any possibilities that can cause her death. Food poisoning, hits by a car, and any other scary thoughts. She decided not to leave her house and live her life being isolated from outer world. Her adoptive parents did so worry about her condition. She never want to leave the house and being very careful of anything she done. Years passed by and she was still living in her fear. Her adoptive mother was died in the house because she got slipped in the bathroom. It made Jiyeon becomes more and more afraid and paranoid. She started to think nonsense, she thought that her own house wasn’t a safe place for her, and everything she did can cause her death. So she decided to lock herself in her bedroom, for years she lived there alone, no bathing, no changing clothes, no combing hair, and no brushing teeth. Her adoptive father tried to get her out of her room, but he couldn’t do it. Years passed by, her father was died, she didn’t even want to go out her room to see her father for last time and attend his funeral. She was just crying in her room, thinking about what kind of death she would get. Her friends, her family, and everyone she knew were all died now, and she died in her age of 102 because of sickness. She died all alone without everyone around her and still in her fear of death. 

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