The start

Channel Three

Author's note: It's been really hard to write the start chapters since I have to EXPLAIN everything xD I'm sorry, it'll actually start in the next chapter or two.


 " This is Channel three?" Kyuhyun asked. Donghae grinned and nodded quickly.

 " An island. AN ISLAND is Channel three?" The tall, broad shouldered one asked.

 " No. Of course not." Donghae replied crossing his arms. " It's a t.v channel."

 " WHAT?!" They all screamed in unison.

 " Welcome to Channel three. You guys are a television show." Donghae cheered, clapping his hands.

 The group of teenagers stared at the overly-bubbly teen on the rock. They couldn't decide if this kid was mentally unstable or if themselves were. Kyuhyun squeezed and unsqueezed his fist questioning if he should push the boy into the acidic waves behind him, but knowing that the kid is the only one with a possible ( completely insane but) possible idea, he couldn't. Eunhyuk was as clueless as ever, and really his mind had just fallen to a blank. The others were, untop of the mentallity confusion in their head, they were still freaking out over the water which was just an inch away from the rock now.

 "  What's your name again?" The tallest asked.

 " Donghae."

 " Okay, Donghae, why are we on this show?"

 " Because my daddy told me to bring you here." Donghae giggled. " Move a foot away from this rock."

 Everyone, with out thinking, took a step back, allowing Donghae to jump off landing in front of them. In a minute the rock was devowered by a wave. Donghae turned around and pouted, crossing his arms. The smallest of the group took a step beside Donghae, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

 " Wh-what's wro-ong?" He asked. Donghae pointed to the now empty space in front of them. " The rock?" Donghae nodded. Eunhyuk sighed and shook his head.

 " Forget about the rock and tell me why we are here." Eunhyuk growled. Donghae spun around and narrowed his eyes.

 " That rock was made specifically for me, so I will not forget about it!" Donghae announced, stomping his foot.

 " How the fu- nevermind. Just tell us!" Eunhyuk ordered.

 " I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU!" Donghae screamed, his eyes going glossy. The tallest wrapped an arm around the tearing-man's shoulder and brought him into a hug.

 " Don't hug him! HE BROUGHT US HERE!" Eunhyuk screeched. The tallest man glared, holding onto the smaller in his embrace tighter.

 " Whatever." Eunhyuk scoffed.

 Suddenly a wind started blowing all around them and the group of teenagers silenced themselves. A loud buzzing noise made it's way above them, a couple of inches away from their sight of the sun. Kyuhyun carefully, quietly, grabbed onto the tree behind him, his hands holding the bark tightly. Eunhyuk lifted his head, squinting his eyes to see the contraption up in the sky, the sun only blinded him. Donghae's sniffles had subsided as he peaked out from the broad-shoulders man's chest. Donghae couldn't help but have a smile fall onto his face.

 " DADDY!" Donghae squealed as a rope fell, with a tall, skinny, well toned man sliding down it. The man was dressed in a nice, black tuxedo, with a black fedora hat. When he landed he graciously bowed, lifting his hat in the process. Donghae escaped from the embraced and quickly jumped onto the new comer. His arms wrapping themselves around the man's chest tightly.

 " Hey, Hae. How's it going." The man asked.

 " I hate them." Donghae replied smiling with his perfect teeth.

 " As much as the last group."

 " No, these people listened to me when I said move." Donghae giggled. The man nodded before making his way towards everyone, holding out his hand.

 " My name is Hangeng, will you all please introduce yourselves to me?" Hangeng asked, placing his hat back upon his head. Eunhyuk shook the stranger's hand.

 " Eunhyuk."

 " Siwon." Said the tallest.

 " Kyuhyun."

 " Reowook." The youngest whispered. Hangeng, having amazing hearing, didn't even have to question the name being said in a whisper so soft.

 " Good names-

" Good names? Who the heck says good names?' Eunhyuk thought to himself.

 - As I said I'm Hangeng, and I'm the owner of this beautiful island. Here, I am going to film a live-action show, where you all are going to be my starring cast." Hangeng explained smiling.

 " I-I don't.... I don't... think I shou-should be here." Reowook stuttered his face flushing.

 " Aaaw, nonsense. You were all specifically chosen through my computer based off the data we had collected of your school." Hangeng noted, ignoring everyone's shocked faces. " So, Reowook you should be here. Anyway, Donghae here, was my scavenger. He's suppose to go around and grab the contestanst for my show. Through out the show, Donghae here will occasionally pop up with some extra information for you guys. He may even get new contestants if you guys don't make it."

 " WHAT?!" Eunhyuk screamed. Everyone's eyes turned towards him. " What do you mean not make it?"

 " Oh right sorry. This show is a well, you will all be living on this island with me and my partner's creations. There are some really deadly ones, and some really sweet ones which can turn deadly. You all will be working together to live on this island, and before you ask I will not be delivering food or anything. Somewhere in the forest behind you is a crashed plane, with luggage. That will have your basic supplies, any extra food, water, shelter you need you'll have to find yourself unless I get Donghae or any other scavenger to give you some. "

 Donghae nodded as if saying it was all true, though even with Donghae's reaction, everyone was doubting this. Every single one had a different scenerio running through their heads. When Kyuhyun was believing this was a prank by his friends, Reowook was thinking this was all a nightmare. When Siwon was thinking this was a television-prank-show, Eunhyuk was thinking he was going to die.

 "  So, there are cameras all around the island, videotaping you. I hope you don't mind, and please pretend they don't exist. And do not, I repeat do not use the cameras, if you happen to find one, to get yourself some air time. I'll just cut those out of the footage. Alright? Okay. Oh one more thing, you may meet other contestants, so don't be afraid to greet them. I think they'll be friendly enough." Hangeng shrugged. " Okay, Donghae time to leave."

 Donghae nodded and was about to wrap his hand around the rope attatched to the helicopter above, when Eunhyuk grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him back. Hangeng watched with amusment written across his face.

 " Hell no. He's the only one who knows this place." Eunhyuk growled. " You're staying here with me."

 ' I'm not going to be left here with out any help.' Eunhyuk thought. 

Donghae pulled his hand back and shook his head. " That isn't my job."

  Suddenly Donghae was slammed against the tree Kyuhyun was holding on to so dearly. Kyuhyun hissed as he jumped back. Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.  Hangeng crossed his arms and walked over. Eunhyuk held Donghae's shoulders pinned against the bark, Donghae's brown orbs staring into Eunhyuks.

 " Can you let go of my scavenger, before you 'cause any trouble." Hangeng asked, boring his eyes into Eunhyuk's skull. He only recieved a shake of a head as his answer.

 " Tell Donghae he has to follow me around." Eunhyuk growled. Donghae winced as the older pushed more pressure onto his shoulders. Right when Hangeng was going to reply, Donghae's eyes went dark.


 Eunhyuk's grip loosened at the sound. Everyone had their eyes practically falling out by then, and their feet had become frozen in place. Hangeng was an exception though as he gently pushed Eunhyuk's fingers off of Donghae. The latter was still fuming, his cheeks had gone red, and had changed his glare to the Host. Hangeng smiled gently and placed his fingers on Donghae's neck, before pressing deeply into a place under the boy's ear. Donghae couldn't even mutter out a word before falling to the ground. Eunhyuk's gaze snapped from Donghae to Hangeng, to Donghae, To Hangeng, before bending down next to the boy.

 " What the hell did you do?" Eunhyuk asked.

 " I reset him. When he wakes up he'll be back to normal." Hangeng explained. " If you want to keep him, fine, but if anything happens to him, both of my partners will have my head, AND yours. "

  " RESET HIM?! You can't reset a human being." Eunhyuk exclaimed, Hangeng only rolled his eyes.

 " This is an argument for another time. Cameras are going to start filming in ten minutes and I have to get back to the base. Do you want Donghae or not."

 " I want to know what the is going on."

 " Doesn't everybody." Hangeng winked.  " So I'll be taking him?"

 Eunhyuk quickly crouched down and lifted Donghae into his arms, one hand under the smaller's knees, the other under his shoulder blades. " that. He's staying here."

 Hangeng chuckled and rolled his eyes once more. Kyuhyun hesitantly moved behind Siwon. It's not that he's scared, of course not. Who would be scared of a crazy host, a tempermental red head, and a restarting brunette. Not Kyuhyun, of course not. Siwon though only glanced back and smiled softly. Kyuhyun nodded witha response and watched as Hangeng was brought back up into the helicopter. In a couple minutes one couldn't even hear the vehicle anymore, and everyone was once again alone.

Author's Note:

 Truth is, I have so many ideas for this, but at the saem time loosing interest. I'd like to hear comments and possibly gets some help xD I don't know why butI would ^.^




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HanBaram #1
Chapter 1: Uh wowwww. Update pleasee
Chapter 2: Whoa this is intense and fun xD
Seriously, there seems to be much mystery and action, I like it!
omg I'm loving this. I think I've seen a movie with a similar plot as this one o u o

update soon!
#4 this is tv show?
and what is Donghae?he's not human, isnt he??
uwwaaaaaaa so much mysteryyy~~
thank you for the update ^^
whoaaaaa~~ extremely naive donghae is so adorableeeeeee~~ ^^ cute little boyyy ^----^
this is interesting!!! cant wait!! thank youuuuuu :)))))
It sound really interesting!! ^^
update soon!