Mother er ( Intro)

Channel Three

 " ." Eunhyuk groaned as his head started to pound.

 The sound of waves crashing could be heard, and a few birds singing followed quickly. A nice breeze fell onto Eunhyuk, but it didn't seem to help the situation. Eunhyuk's hand fell to his side, and felt a warm, hard substance beneath it. He curled his fingers, rolling it around for a second before concluding it was sand. If it wasn't for the boy's aching body, he would have jumped at the incredible heat scarring his hand. A few minutes into the pounding headache, Eunhyuk heard a few groans coming from beside him. Now, they were only groans but honestly, Eunhyuk wanted to punch their soul out for making any kind of noise. When they wouldn't stop, the boy let his eyes flutter open, ready to scream at the boys ( hoping it would hurt them more than him self). They quickly shut closed though when he figured the sun was right above him, looking down.

 " Aaw you were almost there." He heard a soft voice announce. The voice was strangely familiar, but that didn't change the fact that he had talked, and it was NOT helping his current headache.

 " Shut-up." He mumbled, grabbing onto his head.

 " I can give you medicine if you open your eyes. But only if you open your eyes. " The voice explained. Eunhyuk groaned and covered his eyes, letting them open with out meeting the sun.

 " Move the sun and I will." Eunhyuk replied.

 " That's really difficult." The voice mumbled. Eunhyuk chuckled but quickly gripped his head, his eyes shutting back down. He needed that medicine.

 " Fine. Fine, just cover the sun for me." Eunhyuk announced.

 " With what?"

 " With a blanket, what do you think?! Use your head."

 " I don't think it's big enough."

 ' Is this guy an idiot?' Eunhyuk thought. He suddenly saw the light over his eyelids vanish. Eunhyuk let them finally open, but was face to face with, well, another face.

 " MOTHER ER!" Eunhyuk exclaimed pushing himself away from the, close yet cute, face. A hand went straight to his throbbing temple, while the other hand found itself in a cold, wet, sensation. He didn't even have to guess.

 " I'm awake now give me the damn medicine." Eunhyuk ordered. Suddenly there were two pills in front of him, which he hesitantly took and stuffed down his throat dry. He was used to this, taking pills dry. He was always too lazy to find a water fountain in school.

 " Come on just a bit more." He heard the same voice say. He turned his head, finally having adjusted to the light, to see a boy curled over another boy, who was holding his head desperatly. When he heard a groan escape from the said man, he knew what was going on.

 " Open them up. Just a bit more. Yay. Here's the medicine." The voice cheered. Eunhyuk watched as the boy lying on the ground awoke, quickly taking the pills.

 The boy, who was face to face with him a minute ago spun around and grinned at Eunhyuk. Autimatically, Eunhyuk knew who it was. It was the new kid from school, Donghae.

  " Class, please welcome our new student, Lee Donghae. Donghae, do you want to share anything with the class?" The teacher had asked.

 " Like what?" Donghae replied.

 " Like your age, where you're from."

 " You can share that?" Donghae asked, his eyes widening. The teacher chuckled nervously before looking around the room. A few students had snickered.

 " Y-Yes, um Donghae, where are you from?"

 " Channel three." Donghae replied, following it with a great show of his pearly whites.

 "  He's from over seas!" A Girl, Jessica exclaimed. And the class went into a rampage. Everyone had started shooting questions at the poor kid. They weren't any thing to embarressing or personal. They were mainly about how his life was before hand, what school was like where he was from, what his family is like, and what was his favorite ( Insert catagory here). So, when the boy couldn't give a straight answer, Eunhyuk became suspisious. These questions weren't difficult. They were everyday questions, with everyday answers. If he hadn't wanted anyone in his buisness he could have just said "  Life was boring, school was alot like this, family was okay, yada yada yada. But he didn't, and Eunhyuk suddenly found him self interested.

 Donghae had seated himself right beside Eunhyuk, giving the apparently older boy a few minutes to try to decode the boy. Though in those few minutes, his original objective was gone, and he just wanted to befriend the boy. Donghae was sweet, a little too naive and confused but still sweet. All of this also attracted Eunhyuk into a not so favorable feeling: A crushing feeling.  Eunhyuk always fell fast and hard.

 " So Donghae, what do you like to do?"

 " Talk with animals." Donghae had replied, smiling. Eunhyuk chuckled.

 " What is channel three?"

 " You'll know soon." Donghae giggled and winked.

 "Um, okay."

 Through out the day, Eunhyuk had become Donghae's best friend. Eunhyuk had concluded that the boy was probably pretty lonely from where he came from. He suspected Donghae didn't really have many friends, or any at all, even though he was such a sweet heart.  It wasn''t like Donghae told him any of this straight out, but Eunhyuk just had a feeling. And when Donghae exclaimed Eunhyuk was his new 'best friend', his thoughts were then pushed even more into the RIGHT category.

Through out the day, Eunhyuk had discovered many of Donghae's likes and dislikes. Donghae hated math, but loved English. Donghae's imagination was wild. It came up with things such as icecream-candles ( And why they would work) to these extremely in-detail monsters which were scary just to hear about from the innocent boy's papers. He also learned Donghae loved chocolate. When ever he ate it, it seemed like he had never tried it before though. It was part of his charm, at least that's what Eunhyuk noted.

Through out the day, Eunhyuk discovered Donghae was one clingy bastard, but the funny thing was, Eunhyuk didn't really care. Donghae's cold skin felt extroirdinary against his own burning skin. Besides, Eunhyuk wasn't popular himself, so having someone beside him was kind of nice for a change.

 When it came to gym class, everything started to change. Donghae had started changing into his gym wear, while Eunhyuk was still struggling with his utmost annoying lock. When he was about to head out to complain to their teacher about it he glanced at Donghae. The boy was definitly fit, not as fit as Eunhyuk, but close. He was also very pale, but all of this wasn't what had caught his eye: It was the number three, tattooed with an extremely difficult design around it. He stared at it for moments on end before leaving to fufill his complaint, the image never leaving his mind.

  After gym class he did ask Donghae about the tattoo and only recieved:

 " It stands for Channel Three."

 as his answer.

 'What the is channel three?' Eunhyuk asked himself as he pulled Donghae to their next class.

 It was when school was over, and he was invited to Donghae's house when befriending Donghae didn't seem like such a good idea. It's not like that thought lasted that long though. You know, when a black van comes over and pulls your new 'best friend' into it harshly, you don't really think of the, in Eunhyuk's words, 'ing if's'. He was thinking that his friend got kidnapped, but you know, life ain't that simple. Seconds later he was being grabbed and shoved into the van. Donghae was in the corner his hands bound behind his back and his head dangling low. Eunhyuk was soon in the same position, but his head was lifted high with his eyes glaring at his knappers who were joking around. When they were about to open the door, when he saw a little bit of light, he soon saw darkness.

 And then, he was waking up on that damn island.

 " YOU ING BASTARDS! Are you okay Donghae?" Eunhyuk asked. Donghae's smile brightened and he nodded.

 " Of course I am."

 " What do you mean of course you are? You got kidnapped."

 " Kidnapped?" Donghae asked. Eunhyuk sighed and rubbed his eyes, the headache now gone. Suddenly a few more groans were heard and Donghae had repeated his previous actions, handing the ones who opened their eyes medicine.

 " I'm Kyuhyun." The second to awake announced. Eunhyuk glanced at him nodding. The boy was taller than him, he could tell by how far the difference between where their feet met, but he was obviously younger.

 " Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk replied.

 Kyuhyun chuckled and shook his head. " That's a lie."

 " How the hell is that a lie? It's my name." Eunhyuk growled.

 " That's a fake name. What's your real name?" When Kyuhyun realized he wasn't receiving an answer he continued. " Seeing how you are you probably kept your name partly similar. You're a guy, so keeping Eun would be sort of embarressing, it sounding girlish and everything, so let's say Hyuk. Let's see what endings we could add... Hyukmin? No... Hyukyoung, haha no. Hyukjae?"
 Kyuhyun noticed how Eunhyuk straightened up a bit at the sound.  " So it's Hyukjae? Nice to meet you."

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and looked away. That's when he spotted Donghae on the top of a rock, under trees from the forest. He took in the boy's attire: He was wearing white skinny jeans and a white, silk t-shirt with showed some shoulder ( Not that he minded) and white boots to match. Donghae's head was moving back and forth, which Eunhyuk soon figured out was him looking at everyone on the beach. There was another tall man, his shoulders were broad. Next to him was a cute, smaller person. He regonized them mostly, but their names weren't clicking.

 Not a surprise, Eunhyuk wasn't good with names.

 " I would get off that sand if I was you and come over  here." Donghae announced. Eunhyuk scoffed and turned his head as he watched the broad shouldered man and Kyuhyun run up, only to see a huge wave coming towards them. He jumped up , kicked the smaller boy in the side gently and ran up to the space beside Donghae. The other boy quickly followed when he noticed the wave.  As it came crashing down, a few droplets landed on the boys, which normally would be okay, that is when it wasn't acid. 

 A few fish popped their head out, showing off a spiky pair of teeth before diving back under the waves, not affected by the acid. Donghae stood on the rock and face everyone with a bright smile.

 " Welcome to Channel Three."

 " Mother er." Eunhyuk muttered. 


Neinei Here :)
 So, yeah another story xD. How do you like this one? It may be really confusing at the moment but it will be easier to understand next chapter ( Yes this is an intro xD)

 So here are the characters so faR:


Other appearences of other characters soon xD

So what do you guys think?

I know it's short. It's not a full fledge chapter so that's okay.


You are all amazing




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HanBaram #1
Chapter 1: Uh wowwww. Update pleasee
Chapter 2: Whoa this is intense and fun xD
Seriously, there seems to be much mystery and action, I like it!
omg I'm loving this. I think I've seen a movie with a similar plot as this one o u o

update soon!
#4 this is tv show?
and what is Donghae?he's not human, isnt he??
uwwaaaaaaa so much mysteryyy~~
thank you for the update ^^
whoaaaaa~~ extremely naive donghae is so adorableeeeeee~~ ^^ cute little boyyy ^----^
this is interesting!!! cant wait!! thank youuuuuu :)))))
It sound really interesting!! ^^
update soon!