
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]


Zelo’s POV;

“Ahh I just remembered hyung don’t wait for me after school, I’ll be coming late... I got stuff to attend to” Jong up said, I noticed him nudge Mi young, she started smiling lightly to herself. Her smile, I could just look at it for hours. Her smile could make anyone’s day; it could lighten up any room no matter how dark. Her smile was so precious, I loved it. I hit myself mentally realizing what I was just thinking *Aishh Zelo, she hates you. Stop thinking like that, you hardly even know her!* But then I realized, she started smiling after Jong up nudged her, did they have something planned... Together? *That can’t be true... Well only one way to find out* “So Mimi, do you have anything to do after school?” I asked trying not to sound suspicious. The others chuckled at my question, I knew exactly why. I expected her to snap at me and say something rude like she usually would do, but instead there was silence. *Is she ignoring me or something?* “ Mi young...” I saw how her eyes started watering, why though? I wasn’t the only one who noticed that she was on the urge of crying, everyone turned their attention to her. No matter how much we called her she just wouldn’t move or say anything. By now the tears were falling they wouldn’t stop. I was so confused, I felt guilty. I felt as if it was my fault without actually knowing what I did wrong.

“Mimi?” I tried calling her again, in a more calming way this time. It seemed to have helped since she opened her eyes; she looked at me straight away and gave me the dirtiest look anyone could ever give. I knew I was in trouble, but still couldn’t quite understand why. She pointed at me “Don’t. Call. Me. That. Ever. Again.” She warned me and ran off. Hana stood up to go after her but Daesung held her back, “I think she needs some time” He told her, she nodded in understanding and sat back time. “Can someone please explain to me what just happened?” I asked, I had to know what I did wrong. Daesung and Hana looked at each other for a bit and sighed, “Well, one of you guys probably said something reminding her of something uhm unpleasant” Daesung emphasized the word something. I still didn’t get it. “What do you mean by something unpleasant?” I looked at Daehyun, at least I wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand. “You know... Past related stuff” Daesung said awkwardly. Seemed like he didn’t know much about it himself, or he was just pretending and didn’t want to tell us.

Yong guk’s POV;

*Past related stuff huh? I wonder what her past was like... What was it that set her off like that anyway? It was when Zelo called her Mimi; maybe someone special to her called her that as well? Must be something like that* I started thinking of all the possibilities that could’ve made her upset, I looked at Zelo. He seemed quite sad himself at the moment as well. The poor kid, he didn’t mean anything bad. He may be childish at times, he may act stupid, he may not care that much about school but he certainly did have a big heart. Somehow there was this tension between him and Mi young thought, why did they dislike each other so much? Cross that, why did she dislike him so much? Zelo obviously liked her, it was so obvious. The way he was looking at her, the way his expressions kept on changing whenever she spoke. The way he acted in front of her, everything. It was the exact same way he acted with... Never mind that. I just hope the two off them make up sooner or later.

Your POV;

I ran to the bathroom, I wanted to hide and never get out again. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I lost it. I never lose it in front of anyone except when I get that dream. I found the bathroom and when I went in fortunately for me there was no one there. I washed my face and finally cooled down a little. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, why am I doing this to myself? Losing my mind on something so little. *I should be careful from now on* As I was about to leave a group of girls came into the bathroom, it was the same girl that hurt me this morning. “Ah look who we have here... What’s your name? Or you know what I don’t really care, because of you I didn’t get to see my lovely oppas on time this morning.” Ah Tiffany that was her name now I remember. “Wasn’t she sitting with them in the canteen before as well?” some other girl mentioned. Tiffany looked at her and then back at me “Hmm, is that so? How dare you sit with them? Are you related to any of them in any way?” I shook my head; I didn’t want to speak anything I would say would just cause even more trouble. I wasn’t in the mood, not right now, not while I was in this state. “As I thought, it would be impossible for something as ugly as you to be related to such handsome guys like them. Let me tell you this, don’t waste your time trying to gain their attention, they aren’t interested. They like pretty girls like me” She pushed her hair back. *wow, this girl is so full of herself* I remained silent; trying to hold my actual feelings in, all I wanted to do is just show her that she wasn’t all that at all, but I shouldn’t start a fight not on my first day. But then again, what did I have to lose? I was about to say something to her, but something in me was holding me back. I remembered something my umma taught me once.


 I ran home crying because someone had beaten me up on my way home because I told them off for littering. I had always been against littering, people who littered just made me furious. I was young at the time and didn’t really know how to control my anger very well so I just lost it. When I ran home and explained my parents what happened, my appa told me off he told me I should’ve fought back instead of just letting them hit me. Umma said something else, she smiled and told me she was proud that I didn’t fight; she told me that the world we live in today is filled with people similar to that person. Fighting back wouldn’t have done anything; it would just make things worse. “Using words doesn’t work on people like that either” She told me when I asked her why she said “I don’t exactly know why either Mimi, but if it did help then they wouldn’t do what they do right?” I nodded in agreement. “How am I meant change people like that then umma?” I asked curiously, “by actions of course, that will make them realize what they are doing wrong. However this may not work the first time, you repeat it and they will soon realize it themselves.” Those words, so simple yet so wise. They did help. I went back to the park where people littered the most. Whenever they littered rather than shout at them I stopped playing picked the trash up and threw it in the bin. After a while they stopped littering due to embarrassment. Who would want someone much younger than them to pick up their trash anyway? It should be the other way round. It was because of those words that after a few months no one littered anymore in the park. Dead birds where nowhere to be found anymore and kids didn’t get hurt anymore. All because of my umma.

End of flashback.

So rather than telling her off I was going to prove to her that she was wrong, although I still did not know how, but I’ll think of something soon enough.

BRIIIIING, the bell rang again indicating that it was lesson time, we all walked out without saying another word to each other and walked to class. This time I came on time without even getting lost *Thank God* I sighed. 


------------------------------Author's Note------------------------------

YAY Double Update :D Hope you guys liked it~ sorry for the sort of crap flashback and words of wisdom T.T I had something in mind but then my mum called me and by the time I got back to writitng I forgot >_> 
And yes I did steal a part from one of Jessie J's songs :3 I'm sorry T.T I was just listening to it while writing it and I just really wanted to put it in =/ it's from the song "Who you are" you guys should listen to it if you haven't heard it yet ^^
Again I hope this wasn't so confusing.. if it was just tell me and I'll explain it :3 
Anyway~ gonna go think of ideas for the next chapter :) Jong up will be treating Mi young for cherry tomatoes ;D 
I wonder how Zelo would feel about it if he found out :o feel free to leave suggestions ^^ 
Annyeong =^.^= 
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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?