Shopping (2)

My stupid dream comes true

HaJoon's pov

I walked behing Yoseob after we got out of the van. I was carrying all of my bags. I looked up. The night air was nice and cool. There were thousands of stars in the sky. "Are you gonna stand there all night or are you going to come inside?" Yoseob asked. I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I now knew how my sister had felt when I yelled at her. Still. My heart beat faster in my chest. I felt like I was going to explode. This boy was so handsome. Even if he was a total jerk.

"I'm coming." I whispered. There were two vans pulling up behind me. I shrieked and ran over to Yoseob. He laughed. I must've been funny to see me running and almost dropping all my stuff.

"It's just JunHyung and HyungSeung." He said. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was scared of white vans. Well any kind of van that had doors in the back. Someone could kidnap me that way. Yoseob and I walked up the rest of the way to the dorm. He opened the elevator doors for me. I stepped in.

"Why dont you like me?" I asked.

"I wouldnt mind you. But then again I am being forced to marry you. I cant even go out anymore." He said.

"You were cold." I said. He glared at me. The trip had been a week long. Each night we had slept in a tent together. It was a really confusing game. When we got to the dorm I set my stuff by the  door and took off my shoes. Yoseob already had his off and he was in the kitchen. There was another boy there. DongWoon had ran ahead of us. I wonder where he went.

"Where have you been?" The boy asked. Yoseob grabbed a coke out of the fridge. It was one in the morning!!

"Playing the stupidest game in history." Yoseob grumbled.

"Where do I put these?" I asked. The boy looked up. All of them looked so familar.

"Who are you?" The boy replied.

"HaJoon Lee. I played the game with yoseob and now we are...engaged." I whispered the last part. Then I looked down and played with my hands. A tear fell from my eye. I knew yoseob hated me and he was being forced to do this. And yet...I was happy...and guilty.

"I'm Du-" His eyes got wide and he looked at me. "What!?!?" He whispered loudly. Maybe DongWoon was asleep.

"She's my wife to be." Yoseob said. He bit into some pizza. Poor pizza. He was tearing it up.

"Oh...well....uhm. You guys havnt...?" He rubbed his hands together. Yoseob started choking on his pizza. I sank to the ground. I kept whispering 'I'm sorry.' "Uhm...okay. Here why dont you use Yoseob's bed tonight. He can sleep on the couch tonight." Dujun said. He obviously regretted saying that.

"No. She cant sleep in a room with five guys." Yoseob said. I lifted my head. He was clearly mad. I felt so helpless.

"Well she cant sleep on the couch either Yoseob that would be rude of us. She is our geust." DuJun replied. Yoseob sighd and walked away.

"Why are you sorry?" Dujun asked. He sid off of his chair and sta next to me.

"Because. I feel guilty. He has to do this..." I trailed off and started crying. DuJun hugged me to him. I heard yoseob in what i assumed was the living room.


I had to sleep on the couch while she got my bed. I hpoe she enjoyed it. I threw blankets on the couch and bundled under them. I heard DuJun take her into the bedroom. Soon the whole house was silent. JunHyung and Hyung Seung has slipped in right after we got here. I couldnt sleep. Hmmm I wonder who I should blame? HaJoon. She was pretty yeah. She was nice. But she was too soft. She didnt stand up for what she believed in.

I knew she liked me. I rolled over in the couch. I heard light footsteps. Dangit why couldnt she leave me alone...


HaJoon's pov

I had been in his bed for about an hour. I had hugged his pillow to me. His bed smelt just like him. It was warm and soft beneath his covers. I just couldnt sleep. I sneezed. Okay enough was enough. I climbed down from the bunk bed. When my feet touched the floor I felt a little self concious. Then I reminded myself that the five boys were all asleep.

I walked into the living room. I hoped yoseob was asleep. I really didnt want him to see me in his t-shirt. It was nice and warm in the dorm. I walked around to the front of the couch. Yoseob was laying there on his side. His scowl was replaced with a smirk. He looked so handsome. I got on my knees. I sneezed again. But this time it wasnt loud. WHY WAS I SNEEZING!?!?

I sat there for a few minutes. Yoseob opened his eyes and yawned. I froze. "What do you want?" He asked rubbing his face.

"Uhm." I whispered. Then I sneezed again.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" He asked me another question.

"Please dont get mad at me." I said. "I dont have any pj's with me. I only have seven pairs of clothes."

"Oh." H e said.

"I'm sorry." I said. I stood up. He grabbed my wrist as I walked away.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you hate me..." I said.

"I dont hate you. I just hate the fact that I have to marry you. I hate the fact that I didnt get to chose who I marry. I have no reason to hate you. But of course I will take it out on you." He said. It was the longest thing I had ever heard him say.

"Why?" It was my turn to ask.

"Who else can I take it out on?" I understood why he was so mean to me now. I nodded at his response. "I'm going to take you shopping tomorrow. I cant stand the thought of you in my clothes....No offense. I nodded again and he let go of me.

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thank you yoseobbeastheart13<3