Love Is Move Baby ...

Love Is Move Baby ...

"I think we should break up.!" Jiyeon cool looked to Joon.

Joon is only silence. he thought as long as their relationship very well . "Why? Did I do something wrong to you? "Joon hold Jiyeon hand.

"No, you do not do wrong to me, it's just that I want us to break up." Jiyeon left Joon alone. Joon is only silence, a glance he saw a picture of himself and Jiyeon displayed in the table by her bed, he took it and broke it. he was disappointed to Jiyeon. as long as he's always willing to give whatever Jiyeon want, he also loved Jiyeon but apparently now Jiyeon decided him for no apparent reason.

Joon out, he continued to regret the relationship with Jiyeon ended so quickly, although their relationship not long, but he could not deceive himself if he really loves Jiyeon. his mind was a mess it took him to step into a night club, he was looking for a place to sit but he see Jiyeon with another man.

He decided to approach Jiyeon and the man, his heart is very sick when he saw him making out with Jiyeon. "I need to know why she was making out with him while she just broke up with me."

Jiyeon and Junho are enjoying the show in which a beautiful girl and y dancing, Junho looked at her, she was a little stunned at the girl, the girl with purple hair. "Jiyeon come with me." Joon pulling Jiyeon, but his action was stopped by Junho. "Being gentle to the girl." Junho looked sarcastically at Joon, he could not see his girl brought a rude by a man he does not know. "I'm entitled to take it as I please, she is my girlfriend." Joon replied sarcastically looked Junho, Junho see Jiyeon, he did not understand the purpose of stating that Jiyeon is his girlfriend. "She is my girl." Says Junho again, now Joon could not contain her emotions, her hands moving faster than his mind, he punched Junho and Junho was back.

Hyosung noticed the commotion stopped dancing and walked towards the commotion, she intends to intervene because she did not want there was a commotion in her club. He saw two men beating each other and one woman who tried to intervene, one of the men were her neighbor, he is a man who quietly she liked. "Joon, please stop this." Hyosung ask Joon and also Junho, she also pulled Joon away from Junho .

"You do not meddle, he was not polite to my girl." Now Hyosung understand  that the commotion it was triggered by Joon. "As his friend I say sorry." Hyosung bow her head to Junho, Junho smiles "bruise on my face not be cured simply because you say sorry, you have to be more sincere apology. "smile on Junho face swell " alright I'll replace your losing to heal a bruise on your face. "

Hyosung went to bring her bag and toward Junho to give him check "write what you're asking" Junho just smiling at Hyosung, he approached Hyosung and whisper something in his ear "I do not need your money, why do not you sleep with me tonight." Hyosung Actually surprised with Junho invitation, but now she just smiled calmly, she whispers something in Junho ear  "I'm not a girl like you think." and Hyosung left, but as she walked toward to Junho again seems she forgot something "What? now you change your mind "Junho smiled towards the Hyosung but Junho's smile disappeared when she suddenly slapped his cheek" I just forgot to slap you. "Says Hyosung and left.

After Hyosung left, Junho touch his cheek which slapped by Hyosung."you will regret rejecting me." Jiyeon next to Junho suddenly gently his cheek "Sick? But what you're talking to her until she slapped you? "Junho smiled" what is that, it's all because of you. "Junho looked cynical towards Jiyeon." Oppa, I'm sorry "Jiyeon with aegyo persuade Junho." You think I'll forgive you just because i see your aegyo? "Jiyeon smiled and put his arm around the shoulders Junho" so what if we sleep together tonight? "Junho smiling towards Jiyeon" alright, let's start with this. "Junho gently kissed Jiyeon lips.

Hyosung went to her office, before she took Joon into her office and  she sees now Joon silent. "Lee Joon ssi why do you fight like that?" Said Hyosung want to know but he did not answer , he was still silent, Hyosung moved closer to him, now she persuade him to talk about what really happened "Lee Joon ssi?" Said Hyosung again, now he moved closer and looked deep at Hyosung "Can I hug you?" Hyosung surprised to hear his request, she did not answer, she just nodded , he warmly hugged Hyosung, she felt tears streaming down in her shoulders. Hyosung will not ask again , she was afraid of getting hurt him again.

"Hyosung ssi thank you" let go of his arms and now he left  Hyosung office, Hyosung followed him from behind, she fear of anything to Joon. "I know you follow me, back to work, I'm okay." Joon turn around and smile at Hyosung, Hyosung also see the smile of relief and she returned to his office at the club.

When walking toward her office she met with Junho, the man who not polite with her. Junho smiled harassing to her, but ignored by Hyosung "She was really annoying" Junho said in his heart, when looking toward to Jiyeon, Junho realized that the girl looked at him suspiciously "Oppa are you interested to her?" Junho just shook his head and smiled "Why I should be interested in her, while there are more beautiful girls in my side. "says Junho and kissed her forehead gently .


"I dont believe she was rejecting  me." Says Junho, it was overheard by other 2PM members, the members of 2PM intrigued with the intention of Junho"Junho yah, what it the means reject you?" Taecyon ask with smiled suspiciously . "None of your business." Junho busy again with the thought of a girl who refuses to sleep with him earlier. "I still look cool right?" Junho ask suddenly to the members of 2PM, 2PM members who hear it laugh. "am I listen wrong, playboy has just asked us if he looks cool or not" Chansung laugh. "Yaaah, I'm serious. If I'm cool why she was rejecting me? "he asked with a face bend. "What? you rejecting by girl? "said Wouyoung laugh again." Hyung, I'm serious. "Junho angry and went into his room.

"Only this time I see him like that." Taecyon amazed to see such Junho, Nickhun just smiled and shook her head. "I think this will attract" Junsu smiled to himself.


Joon and Hyosung is neighbors, first time they met, when she moved to the region and Joon help her to lift the goods, that's what makes a Hyosung interested to Joon. Joon always be polite and kind, he is also not a type of men who playing with girl just for have fun.

Tong Ting Tong Ting bell of Joon house rang, Joon soon out, and see who came to his house in the morning such as this.

"Anyeonghaseyo." Hyosung towards Joon smiling, her hand to bring a bottle of milk.

Joon silent look at Hyosung, they are neighbors, but rarely addressed, he was not familiar with Hyosung. "Lee Joon ssi, should I go?" Hyosung asked Joon. "Oh sure." Joon invited her to enter. "I brought you some milk, you drink it." Hyosung pour the milk into a glass and handed it to Joon. "Thank Hyosung Ssi." Lee Joon drinking milk and smiling to Hyosung. "Oppa, can I call you oppa?" Joon coughed heard Hyosung call him oppa, but he could not refuse because they are supposed to be familiar. "Sure, and I, I can call you Hyosungie?" Hyosung smiled "Of course, let me here i just worried because yesterday you ..." Joon cut Hyosung words "I'm okay ." Hyosung smiled "I'm going back to home . "Hyosung stepped , she smiled and kept looking towards Joon she was not aware that there is a desk in front of her, Joon soon attracted the hands of Hyosung and Hyosung is now in the hugging Joon. Hyosung closed her eyes for fear and surprise, Joon accidentally see Hyosung pink lips, her cheeks suddenly flushed.

"Mianhe oppa, I was too happy." Says Hyosung with smile. "It's okay, I'm happy to protect you." Joon speech made Hyosung blushed like a ripe tomato. "Then I'll go first, anyeonghaseyo" Hyosung immediately ran away from Joon home, her heart is very glad to know Joon more than ever.

Joon saw the departure of Hyosung, he was smiled silently, "Why is my face felt hot when I saw her lips ? . "Joon shook his head because he was not supposed to think about things like that while his heart still hurts because Jiyeon.

In her home she just kept smiling because she close more with Joon today. her smile disappeared when her phone rang and in monitor  written "My secretary calling", she could not refuse the call. "What?" Hyosung are not interested in "Tonight you must meet with the son of investor your club. you two talk about the new contract." Hyosung lazy to actually meet with the investors, but because she must renew his contract she could not refuse.


Junho smiled triumphantly because his father allowed him to take over his father to meet club owner, he already knew that Hyosung is the owner of the club, the girl who rejected him. He deliberately wanted to see her again because he was curious about the girl.

"I'm curious saw her reaction when she knows, I'm the one investor in her club." Junho smiled anymore.

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Chapter 2: update soon its really interesting~~!!
Update soon :)))
Hyojoon? *hoping*
superstarhyo #4
the first chapter already update ...
what do you think ?
sorry if my english bad . :D