From past to present

2 words that suddenly changed my life

As I lie down on my bed and turned to my side, I stared at the picture on my dresser. It was a picture of a girl, her arms draped on a tall guy's shoulder with a blissful smile on her face while the guy had his arms lightly wrapped around her waist as he stared at her longingly with a goofy smile on his lips.

It was as if I could feelhis arms around me again, hear the laughter we both shared as he attampted to make me laugh with his corny jokes and how he slowly leaned and whispered those words into my ear as he gently caressed my cheek with the backside of his hand while I stared at him blankly in confusion.

Oh how foolish I was!!! The signs clearly pointed out what was happening but it was as if I refused to live in reality and ignored it. It is only now that I have come to realize what he had meant but it was too late. If I had only noticed but I was too foolish, too naive and too much in love with him to really notice.

Now here I am, continuously being hunted by those words which would echo in my mind each time I close my eyes as I hear his deep and husky voice whispering those dreaded words into my ear which now repeatedly play again and again into my mind.

As I feel the pang of pain stab my heart, I tighten my grip onto my pillow while my tears trail down my cheeks.

"Kyungmi, you better sleep now. Better rest for tomorrow" I whispered to myself as more tears began to fall, forcing my eyes closed, I slowly drifted to sleep.

The next day...

I gripped clenched my fists, dragging my feet and dreading each step I took. My heart raced as I got closer and closer. My clenched fists trembling as different emotions of pain,anger,love and sadness wash through me. Tears slowly begin to blur my vision. As I finally came to a stop, I immediately break down. The walls which took years to build just came crashing down.

I sobbed as I uttered the words that have come to haunt me night and day.

"I'm sorry"

"I-I'm (hic) sorry" I wailed as I stared at the tombstone in which the words "R.I.P,Park Chanyeol. May you forever rest in peace" were etched into it

Images of me and Chanyeol begin to replay in my mind.

Me and Chanyeol laughing...

Me and Chanyeol dancing during prom ...

Me and Chanyeol walking hand and hand...

and last but not least, Me and Chanyeol at the hospital as I held his hand during his final breaths. Chanyeol planting a light kiss on my hands before he whispered "I love you and I'm sorry" with a faint smile on his lips before he eternally closed his eyes.

More tears fell as I hung my head down.

"I'm so sorry, C-chanyeol. If I h-had only known had cancer...I-if I just knew...but stupid me didn't even notice the signs" I cried with a bitter smile.



















Horrible, I know. Hope you like it!!!!

xoxo onewaddikt

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amanda13 #1
agree with YofunkeemonkEy!!!
Another tear got out :')
sequel please!!
you are not a nice person ;__;
yofunkeemonkEY #3
Sequel please!! I love the story!!!