"Your lying!!!! It can't be true!!!"

"So Does This Mean It's Goodbye?"


Your POV

"JiMun....." AISH!! Leave me alone KEY!!! I thought

"We're so sorry.....we weren't fast enough...." What? What are they talking about?..an-and why can't I move!?

"We should've told you sooner....so sorry....I'm so sorry...please wake up JiMun...PLEASE~" I heard sobbing...I wanted to open my eyes...I really wanted to....but I can't! WHY!?

"Open your eyes JiMun!!! Open them!! WAKE UP JIMUN!!!!!!" I tried moving....I can't budge at all...someone help me!

Everything suddenly became silent...except for one loud noise....what's that beeping sound?....

"I'm terribly to you guys...I know how you treated her so warmly like a little sister...but....we could not help anymore..".......bwoh?....

"wha-what!? no..no....NO!!!!" I felt pairs of hands grabbing my arm and shaking me widly.

"JIMUN!! anio!..it can't be true!!....IT JUST CAN'T!!!!!!!" I heard someone yell.

"grab them...get them out!"

"no!! NO!!!!"

"LET GO OF ME!!! JIMUN!!!!!"

"let gooooo!!!! JIIIIMMMUUUNNNN!!!!"


"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" I'm sorry....I can't....I just can't......

I was slowly losing oxygen...I coudn't breathe...couldn't move.....couldn't talk....

I'm sorry Oppa's.....I just can't....then everything went black....




"ahhhhhhh!!" I screamed then fell off the bed.

"aish...ouch my back!....WHAT OPPA!!!" I yelled at JongHyun.

"oh! sorry but we've been trying to wake you up for the past 30minutes! get up!!!!" JongHyun threw the pillow I dropped earlier at my face....I glared at him.

"PALI PALI!!! Key Umma is going to throw a fit if you don't get down!...HURRY UP!!!" He closed the door behind him so I could change...

As I was doing my same-same routine...There's only one thing that kept playing in my head......What was with that dream?......

I walked downstairs and noticed SHINee Oppa's waiting for me.

"finally! Did you forget that we had a schedule today?" I rolled my eyes at Minho

"Did you forget I'm not part of the group! Why do I have to come with you guys in every schedule when I don't even do anything besides sit! why can't I just go back to bed?" I complained. I noticed that my Oppa's were glancing at eachother and I know what that means.

"ok what's up? What's with that eyeing thingy?" I asked them.

"what eyeing thingy? it's nothing! Forget it! come on or else we'll be late!" Onew tried dragging me out the door, but I don't fall that easily. I held up making them stop walking.

" it's nothing my ! Come on you guys! I've known you almost my whole life. You expect me to believe that?..I mean we're the closest of friends...you can tell me anything" I heard Taemin sighing.

"It's different JiMun....everyone has secrets..and we need to keep this one... we promised..." Taemin starred at me in the eye, he tried to play cool like it was not important...but if you look clearly inside...there's a secret he's waiting to pop out.

"not important? You've been dragging me out in every single morning and you guys never leave me alone with my friends! Tell me what's up because It won't be pretty if I find out myself" I was dead serious at this very moment, they're hiding something from me, and it's pissing me off!

"she's right..." Key spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"Key! We can't tell her! Remember what the doctor said-" Minho was cut off by Key.

"screw that! We've been lying to her all these years! Even I'm sick of lying every day! Either we tell her or watch her slowly fall apart!"

I was taken back from Key talking so rudely to Minho...I mean yes they do fight, but They would never do it in front of me which I don't know why.

"lying!? YOU'VE BEEN LYING!?....for years!?" I widened my eyes...Lying.....for years....they've been lying.....

"Hyung! Either you tell her!.." Key tugged Onew's collar," Or I will..." Onew gulped then slowly agreed.

"Hyung! we ca-" Onew shook his head at Taemin and JongHyun.

"no you guys...Key's right....we need to tell her...years....I think that's long enough" Onew stepped forward to me. Once he was infront of me, he lifted up his face and I could see tears about to be formed....

"JiMun...I don't know how to tell you this....but it has something to do with your body...."....My body?....

Onew sighed trying to control his emotion,"You have had this decease for many years now......yesterday when went to the doctors...so-...something was wrong......something bad......and it's about your decease..."

"....my-.....my what?...d-decease?....B-bad?...Doc-ctor?....wha-what?...when?...h-how?..I-I-" Onew shook his head as I eyed his.

"is this an excuse!? Is this a prank? Because I'm not laughing!!!" I yelled, but the others shook their heads.

"it's true JiMun....You....you don't have much time left..." JongHyun finished with tears falling down his cheeks....

what's happening?! decease!? for how many years!!!....don't have much time left!!!.......that....that explains the dream earlier......

"......It can't be!!!! It just can't be!!! I'm fine!!! I'm moving! I can breathe!!!" I argued.

"That's not it!!!" Taemin yelled at me...I remained silent as Tears was also forming my eyes as Taemin grabbed my shoulders.

"Your outside may be fine but what about your inside!?....why do you think we never wanted to leave you alone? Because we were worried that something might happen to you! Your slowly dieing in the inside JiMun.....and we don't a cure to stop it......" I lowered my head and covered my ears with my hands not wanting to hear more.

"no...no..NO!!!!! YOUR LYING!!!" I shook Taemin off and ran away from them.

"JIMUN!!!! COME BACK!!!.....JIMUN!!!!" was the last thing I heard as I ran as far as I can..

Dieing!? no! It can't be!!! JUST CAN'T!!! I panted as I stopped near the empty beach, starring at the heavily waves moving back and forth....

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed out my frustration......I felt weak...so did my body...

I found myself collapsing on the sand with tears falling out my eyes.......

so it is true......I felt my eyes close shut.....











Sorry I couldn't update earlier!!!! It's because Something was wrong with my computer..AISH!!

hehe sooooo here's the first chapter! I hope I did good! I'm really REALLY bad at starting fanfics off so I hope it wasn't terribly! kk

so please comment and subscribe! It would help a lot for me!...and don't worry, Yoseob's coming in pretty soon hehe


kk that's all bye bye! PLEASE SUPPORT!! thanks!



hahaha erted maknae! It's ok! Still love him! (Bet he got it from his Hyungs...Tsk Tsk ROFL)awww look how cute SHINee's little Maknae is when he's getting his hair done...but this innocent face can fool us all with his erted side!! hahaha it's all good!! Still love him!!!! (Bet he got it from his Hyung's...Tsk..Tsk...ROFL)

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ilabya32 #1
ou~~ frist commenter !!! please update wanting to know what happens