You, me and them

Super Junior Eunhyuk


Currently Eun and Hyukjae, her boyfriend, are discussing the fine line that is extremely thin between them, soon to be nonexistant.
"I can't be in a relationship that my fans disagree on! I don't want to see you hurt." Eunhyuk tried to reason. 
Eun shook her head, "no! abosolutely not Hyukjae! You can't let your fans rule you." 
He tried to say something in his deffence, but Eun refused to stop. 
"Your fans are simply infatuated with you Hykjae! They only know the you behind the screen, not the door. They don't know how many times you smile your gummy smile, they don't know that you don't smell as bad as the guys say. They don't even know your imperfections, they've not seen YOU! They don't know who the Hyukjae I know is. They only know Eunhyuk behind the screen and the name Hyukjae that goes behind that." 
"Eun, please..."
She held up a hand, "don't. Just don't." She exited his room in the Suju dorm and him in the main room. "Your 
fans haven't seen you at your worst, they haven't been there to pick you back up when you're down." 
"Eun..." He tried again. 
"Your fans stand behind Eunhyuk. The members of Suju stand behind Eunhyuk and Hyukjae together. Your family stands
behind everything that you are. I stand behind you, beside you and infront; supporting you, guiding you and 
being the person you need beside you all of the time." 
The members who were casually sitting in the room were frozen in place, a couple came from other rooms. 
"Eun please! I know, how important everyone is to me! I don't want to see you hurt by them."  
"I know that Hyukjae! I know! But you're not opening your eyes far enough!" Eun wiped the tears from her face before she continues. "E.L.F.s aren't hurting me, it's you! Until you realise that I love you, it's over." The end of Eun's sentence became strained as she choked back a sob but stray tears spilled down her cheeks. 
Eun forced herself not to collapse as she dragged herself to her car. "Can someone come pick me up from Suju dorms please?"
She cried into the stearing wheel after she put her phone down. 
Hyukjae spent a few minutes contemplating what just happened. 
Realising he just lost the woman who's being wound itself with his, he fell to his knees voicing his agony.
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Strange-and-Proud #1
-lileewd- a hard combination I do have to say
lileewd #2
Awwwww so sad but soooo good at the same time lol ^_^