Truth Be Told

Paran High

The cafeteria was filled with chatter of conversations ranging from what one was going to do after school or how warm it is outside to how difficult the math test had been and the clanging and clinking of utensils against bowls and plates against trays as students received their lunches. The room was practically packed, only being able to fit a number of students, which is why the students were divided into certain lunch periods, as the upperclassmen had the choice of sitting inside or outside. Luckily, Kangin and Eunhyuk were just that.

“I heard you had to go see the principal yesterday. What happened?” Eunhyuk asked, handing the cafeteria’s student worker exchange change to pay for his lunch as Kangin waited beside him. Today, the two weren’t in their judo uniforms. No judo training today, no school administrators coming by to see the school’s top member of the judo team, so they were dressed in their regular school uniform. They preferred their judo uniforms.

“What? You know already?”

“Yeah...?” Eunhyuk glanced at Kangin once before getting his receipt and picked up his tray, fully turning to his hyung with a quizzical look on his face, “Did you forget how this school works?”


Eunhyuk bent slightly in an awkward position to situate his bookbag strap back on his shoulders while holding on to his tray and walked with Kangin outside the cafeteria doors to the school grounds. “So, what’d you do?”

Kangin rolled his eyes with a groan. “I didn’t do anything. It was Heechul.”

“Heechul, again?” The sixteen-year-old sighed as he searched for a place in the shade to sit, “What’s this issue you have going on between you and him.”

“I didn’t do anything! He bumped into me and asked me for an apology! Please,” He huffed, following Eunhyuk because he was so caught up in his frustration with Heechul to remember the reason why they were outside. He just went with motions and settled on the grass in front of his childhood friend, going on about what went on yesterday in the hallways and how he was threatened to not compete in the next competition.

“I wouldn’t call it a threat.” Eunhyuk laughed at how dramatic Kangin was being as he picked up a carrot stick.

“Then what would you call it?!”

“A...compromise,” He smiled around the stick before taking a bite out of it and Kangin rolled his eyes. Eunhyuk was finding this amusing and it was starting to irritate the judo captain.

“Whatever. He kept going on about college and how my grades weren’t good enough to get money to go to college, blah blah, and is making Jungsu-hyung tutor me...” With a sigh, he leaned against the tree. “Getting into college is a lot more work that I expected...”

“Well, they do want the best,” Eunhyuk shrugged. “If money’s your problem, there’s a way to get it without having to be super smart.”

“Really?” Kangin perked up, full attentive now, “What is it?”

“Well, colleges will even admit students who are good dancers or singers these days. My friend, Junsu, did it; he got a scholarship for full ride to Sungkyunkwang University.”

“Really? That’s it? Just be good at dancing or singing?” It couldn’t be that easy. Eunhyuk nodded and Kangin immediately stood up. “Do you really think that would get me in?” He placed a hand on his belt buckle and started doing some weird ing movements. “Do you feel it? Do you?” He continued ing, puckering his lips, squinting his eyes and mouthing some song as if he was in a music video. “Can you feel it? Will I get into college?”

Eunhyuk was horrified, placing a hand against his forehead, hiding himself from the embarrassment he felt for his friend as he heard giggles and whispers. He halfheartedly nodded in reply, feigning encouragement.



* * * *

“Aish, hurry up, Fatso!” Heechul groused, watching Shindong grab whatever food looked good at placing them in his tray, neatly. so he could have space for more. Heechul and Donghae were waiting at the front of the line - Heechul impatiently -, having already paid. Donghae felt a little bad for the rest of the hungry students that were in line behind Shindong, but this was an every day thing. He’s sure the school had called to have more food in the cafeteria ever since they actually ran out of food.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Shindong power-walked to the soda machine and filled himself up a 32oz cup. It was his own cup he brought from home. Heechul felt like smacking his own forehead, but unfortunately, he didn’t have enough hands to do so. So he settled for biting the inside of his bottom lip.

It was two more minutes later that Shindong had been done, but it felt like an eternity. Heechul just wanted to sit down and eat, but lardo over there was taking his sweet time.

Finally,” Heechul said in exasperation, turning around when Shindong met up with them and they left the cafeteria, out into the sunny weather. “...What is he doing?” Heechul asked himself in utter confusion, seeing a familiar, disliked student by a tree, ing into the air.

Donghae laughed, “Looks like a Super Junior move from ‘No other’.”

“Please,” Heechul scoffed, “Don’t compare gods of KPOP to someone like him.”

They walked by the ing student, not without Heechul shaking his head, and they found a place to sit at the sone bench. Shindong sat in the grass, leaning against said bench, Donghae set his tray on the bench and sat on the grass next to Heechul, who sat on the bench instead, placing his tray behind Shindong’s head. He threatened the male that if his hair got in his food, he would cut it. And the threatened male stopped leaning against the bench quickly.

“So, about the talent show,” Donghae started, digging into his packed lunch that his mother made for him.

Heechul groaned, stabbing at his plate of rice and curry, “Don’t remind me...”

“What are we going to do about it if you can’t perform?”

“Who said I’m not performing?”

“Well...your grades...” Donghae muttered, looking elsewhere other than at he offended male. Heechul knew that Donghae was obviously hinting at Heechul not being capable of raising his grades.

“Are you calling me stupid?”

“What?” Donghae asked, taken aback at the sudden accusation, “No! I’m just saying you haven’t been passing your tests.”

“Because I’m not there to take them,” Heechul defended. “It’s not like I can’t pass my classes. I just choose not to. I don’t even know why Gyojangnim Soo Man made Jungsu-ssi tutor me...”

“He gave you a tutor?” Shindong asked, mouth stained black, full of jajangmyeon.

Heechul’s face contorted into that of disgust before affirming and shoved a napkin in front of the younger male’s face. Shindong smiled sheepishly before his lips and getting the rest with the napkin given to him.

“And when do you meet for this tutoring,” asked Donghae.

“I don’t know. I’m supposed to meet Jungsu-ssi after school to talk about it,” Heechul replied with a mocking gesture, “So, no practice tonight.”

“No practice?!” Shindong chimed in, face aglow, smiling brightly, “I get to go home and eat my pre-dinner meal?!” He said to himself and punched the air in excitement.

Donghae laughed as Heechul rolled his eyes.

“Speaking of practicing,” Heechul started once again, gaining the boys’ attention, Shindong’s mood becoming darker because he felt like Heechul was going to add more practicing days because of his absence of tutoring. So back to no pre-dinner meals, Shindong thought gloomily. “What’s your problem?” Heechul asked, noticing the change of demeanor.

“‘Speaking of practicing’?” Donghae urged.

“Right,” Heechul went back to his line of duty, “Speaking of practicing, I think we need to hold an audition.”

“Audition?” Shindong asked.

“Audition for what?”

“Audition to join our dance crew, Ultra Junior. I mean, the last thing I want is for someone to come in and mess this up, but I think it would be better if we had more than three people. A dance crew has, least five people. It would probably look better if we have at least five.”

“That’s...true,” Donghae replied, thoughtfully, “It would probably look a lot better... Okay! I’m down.”

“Me too!” Shindong exclaimed, raising his hand.

Heechul grinned. He would make his dream come alive. “Okay, then Donghae, I’ll need you to make the flyers. I’ll get them approved, so we can post them on the walls.”

“How are you going to do that? We’re not a team or a club or anything.”

“I’ve got my ways,” Heechul smirked. Donghae looked at his hyung with a confused, yet skeptical, expression, but he left it at that. Heechul did have his ways. The three went back to eating their lunch until the bell chimed, signaling the end of lunchtime. They packed their trays and walked to the nearest garbage can.

“I’ll text you guys about auditions later.”

The two nodded and bid their goodbyes to each other before they went their separate ways, Donghae and Shindong for sure going to class, but neither was sure about Heechul.

Donghae pulled out his cellphone about to send a text message to someone before he heard his name being called. He looked up and looked around to find the source of the voice. He found a black-haired boy bounding towards him and Donghae grinned, stuffing his phone back in his pockets.

“I was just about to text you, Kibum,” said Donghae and the boy smiled in reply. “Ready to go to class?”


Donghae nodded, throwing his arm over the other boy’s shoulders, and the two made their way towards the staircase.

“So, what’s up?” Donghae asked, ruffling the boy’s hair.

Kibum pouted, nudging Donghae in the ribs and fixed his hair back to its immaculate state. “Not much. What about you?”


It was quiet for a bit between the two before Kibum mustered up the courage to ask his question even though he knew the answer since it’s been the same for months now. “You’ve got dance practice after school today?”

“Ye--actually, no. Heechul can’t.”

“He can’t? Isn’t he the one that makes these practices mandatory?” Kibum asked, shocked that Heechul would cancel his own practice. He’s given Donghae hell for missing one before.

“Yes, but he has to go see Jungsu-hyung.”

“Jungsu-hyung? Why?”

“He’s got tutoring with him. Heechul got in trouble with the Principal yesterday. You didn’t hear about it?” Kibum shook his head. “Well...” Donghae filled him in on what was going down and Kibum had to hold back his laughter. He knew skipping classes would come back and bit Heechul, Queen Diva, in the .

“Wow,” Kibum chuckled as they reached their classroom door.

“Yuuup.” Donghae replied, popping the ‘p’. They walked into the classroom and took their seats at their desk.

“So...this means your free tonight?”


“Do you...want to hang out then?” Kibum asked, biting his bottom lip. It wasn’t a hard question to ask, but it was a difficult one for Kibum. He felt embarrassed. He felt needy, even though he hadn’t asked in a while.

“You? Want to hang out? On a school night?” Donghae asked in mock surprise, looking at his friend with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

“Well...w-we haven’t been able t-to in a I just thought-”

“Kibum, calm down,” Donghae laughed, patting his stuttering idiot of a friend’s back, “I’m kidding. You don’t have to convince me. I’m just surprised. You never ask on a school night because of studying.”

“Yeah... Well, I’m sacrificing homework tonight for you.” Kibum replied with such firmness.

“I...I’m touched,” Donghae sniffed, “You love me so much.” He touched his wrist to the corner of his eye, but he wasn’t crying and Kibum punched him in the arm. “Ow!” Donghae laughed and the teacher told the class to quiet down because he was starting the lesson.

Donghae grinned at the boy next to him before turning to pull out his notebook. Kibum couldn’t help the smile that took form upon his lips.

Holy crap monkeys, another chapter is out! And in only a few hours from the last! :O

I really liked this update. My favorite chapter so far and the longest.

You appreciate that don't you? (Leave comments to tell me how much you do! ^^)

This is the quickest update I have ever done in my LIFE and the quickest story to come with to write lol

I was feeling generous and excited because of SuJu's comeback stage :3

Did you notice some of the dialogue from the movie? ;)


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Chapter 5 finally! :D


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257471 #1
Chapter 6: sounds great, looking forward
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 6: looking forward for this...good luck :)
Lleidyr #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon!
GyunGyunMinMin #4
Chapter 5: pls update soon
yey sungmin and kyuhyun
I was secretly praying that you would update one day..OuO ANYWAYS about the fic SO good...Your introductions to the characters are very nicely put.*^* You make my mind go highwire just thinking of all the possibilities on how your story is going to progress. And, LOL you added Kyuhyun..i honestly forgot that he wasnt in the movie!! xDD....*ashamed* ..Amazing job~ *(im)patiently waits for next update*..:3

Annyeong TOD~ xD
Ruka29Hawkes #6
Yaaaayyyy updated!!!!!
Dance auditions? Hmmm what dancing machine could possibly go to those? Loved it, keep it up!
wow! i wonder were you got your inspiration? ;P hehehe..
ps..SO gonna read it!~ :D