
That Year's Summer


“I’m sure he’ll be okay so don’t worry too much. Give him time.” Woohyun said as he saw Sungyeon’s worried expression.

“At times like this there should be someone to be with him, like you who had been there with me from the start.” she said as she felt guilty. She wanted to comfort Sunggyu but they were still awkward with each other.

“Forget what you did and act normal, like how you treat him before. You’ll feel more awkward if you think of the mistake you’ve done. I know it’s not easy to forget but that’s one of the hindrances that keeps you distant from him.”

She gave him a half-hearted smile. She was really thankful that a person such as Woohyun was with her especially through her tough times. He had always given her support and strength that’s why she’s managing to move on. She wished she could be like that to Sunggyu as well.


“History just repeated itself.” he said as he lied down beside Julia’s tomb. He felt nostalgic thinking about Jiyoon and the times that they were together. It was like those moments he had with Julia but of course his moments with her were much more filled with happy and sad moments. “You know what? I feel different now, I got used to her company that I feel empty. Whenever I pass by a place we had been together an image of her flashes in my mind, am I already crazy?”

“Yeah because you’re talking to yourself.” Sunggyu was startled with the sudden voice that spoke. He removed his arms that was covering his eyes and adjusted his vision from the sunlight.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he sat up and crossed his legs. He watched as the person with him sat down as well.

“It’s been a while since I came to visit.” she said. An awkward atmosphere had enveloped the two of them. They sat in silence for a while before she spoke once again.

“Julia when you left he was all alone, do you know that?” Sunggyu looked at her but he didn’t say anything because he was sure that she had more to say. “But then when he met Jiyoon he was happy again and to be honest at that time I was really jealous. I had been with him longer than her but she was the one who made him smile a sincere one. And now that she left he’s once again left alone. I hope he would see that he’s not alone, that he has me, auntie and the others for him. Would you mind giving him a hard punch for me?” she then looked at Sunggyu with teary eyes.

Sunggyu knew that he was still distancing himself from Seungyeon. He forgot about her feelings, about his friend that was always there for him.

“I’m sorry.” he said as he gave her a hug. After feeling his warmth Seungyeon started to cry, after a long time she felt that her old friend was back again. They didn’t need to say anything anymore as they understood each other. They just let the warm breeze embrace them and the peaceful sky watch over them.

“Thank you.” he whispered to her and that was more than enough for her to know that they were friends once again.


“So how did it go my princess?” Woohyun asked.

Seungyeon looked at him with a confused face. “What’s with the sudden pet name? And who told you that you can call me that?”

“I know you like it. I’ve been with you long enough to know what you like and don’t like.” he said as he wriggled his eyebrows and that earned him a playful punch from her.

“Everything’s alright now. We spent the day in front of Julia’s grave without really saying much but that silence made us comfortable with each other again.”


They moved on with their lives and days had passed until it came to months and then to a year. Sunggyu was thankful to have such friends like them who were with him and helping him. He had to admit that he really misses Jiyoon more than ever and he really wants to see her but he had to wait and give her time. Seungyeon wanted to tell her friend where Jiyoon was staying so he could follow her but she didn’t want to lose her trust and betray her like that. He was actually clueless that Jiyoon and Seungyeon had contact with each other.

“Do you think I’m doing the right thing? Not mentioning a single thing about them?” she asked after her chat with Jiyoon. Based from their conversation she was doing fine that she didn’t want to mention Sunggyu to her.

“Let time decided for them. I’m sure they’ll end up together whatever happens.”








~feel free to ask questions if you're starting to get confused... and please leave comments I'd like to hear from you guys... and sorry for any grammatical erros...

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priscilla0206 #1
Chapter 1: Wow! So exciting..
jjpunghi #2
Chapter 5: WOW seungyeon is the best buddy she know how to treat her friends...and mommy (Jiyoon) oh my gosshhhh dont be that paranoid with uncle Sunggyu. Ive read REAL STORY but i dont know the prequel or sequel is good like before i mean this is talking about Julia and im kinda confuse. but now im understand! fighting
im hoping for sunggyu and seungyeon . kekekek . waiting for ur update :)
PattyFushimi #4
They would really become a good couple.
they both love animes and fall on stage without a reason
and also clumsy sometimes
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 4: Please update your story soon
Lattice #6
I like the way you're explaining things that were left apart in the first ff. Keep on going~ :)
Please PLEASE update! ;) new reader
Lattice #8
Updating myself with your story~ :DDDD
I'm glad Jiyoon get in the scene! ^^
Please update soon~
Lattice #9
YAY!! I finally had time to read this first chapter! :D
I'm loving it so far ^^
Please keep on going~
pbcccc #10
sunggyu& jiyoon seungyeon&woohyun again?
want to see jiyoon and woohyun ~~~~~
can they switch partners for this ff =]??????