Only Tears

That Year's Summer

“Are you out of your mind? What makes you think I’ll date you?” Sunggyu retorted and he felt a sudden pang but kept his cool. Of course he wanted too but he couldn’t help but think that he will just be a rebound. He would do anything to be with her even if he needed to do it the old fashion way but not just being a replacement.

“Well I don’t know I just had a feeling that you like me so why don’t we try?” she said with a teasing voice she wanted to hide the fact that her heart was beating fast and that she was scared. She was afraid to hear what he would say next, she wanted to take back what she said.

“Whatever. You’re just saying that because your boyfriend broke up with you.” he said and that made her feel more hurt.  “C’mon Julia when will you learn and when will you take things seriously?” he added. Then it hit her Sunggyu thinks of her as a play girl, she couldn’t blame him though. She was wounded with his words knowing that he views her as that kind of girl. Sunggyu immediately regretted what he said but he had to stick to it if that’s the only way she would open up her eyes.

“I’m serious.” she said as she looked at him straight in the eyes. All her bottled up feelings just came and she could no longer keep it inside. Any moment now it would just explode. She examined his expression and she guessed that he had seen the seriousness in her tone.

“Fine I’ll tell you the truth. It’s true that ever since I already liked you but I don’t want to be a rebound for you.” he answered truthfully.

“I’m tired of being played around please teach me the real feeling of being loved and how to love.” her tears then started to flow down and no matter how she tried to suppress it, it just kept on falling.

He then approached her saying“Sorry if he broke up with you as well.” as he hugged and comforted her.


Sunggyu took Julia home and they were surprised that Seungyeon was there. Then they suddenly remembered they left the campus without telling her.

“Where have the two of you been?” she asked “Auntie was so worried and so was I.”

“Sorry. I’ll go see my mom first.” Julia excused herself.

“What happened? Did he break up with her?” Seungyeon asked Sunggyu and he just nodded in response. They know very well that it was the reason. “I knew it he was just playing with her. Why must she always feel dumped?”

“Don’t worry starting today I won’t ever let that happen ever again.” he said as he looked at Seungyeon and she saw that he was really serious. It was evident in his eyes. “I’ll be the one to take care of her.” he told her and she forced a smile towards him. He didn’t seem to notice that it was fake, which was a good thing for her.

“Finally I’m glad you decided to do that. I’ll support the two of you.” her voice was shaky and he seemed to have noticed that but good thing he didn’t say a word about it because she didn’t have an excuse to make for it.

*I have to accept everything.* she thought to herself as she watched how they delivered the news to Julia’s mom.


Everything went well for the two of them and as for Seungyeon she still likes Sunggyu. She wanted to forget him but his action towards her makes it harder. Of course she knows there’s no meaning behind it and she’s the only one thinking about it. She knows it’s wrong but she couldn’t control her heart.


One night Julia came knocking on Seungyeon’s door. The latter was shocked to see her friend in front of her doorsteps crying. The first thing that came to her mind was *did they break up?* She let her in and waited for her to calm down. After a while Julia composed herself and started to narrate what happened. The news that Seungyeon heard gave her the shock of her life. She had mixed emotions.

“WHAT?!” after hearing the news that her friend was pregnant with her ex-boyfriend being the father, she was speechless. She knows she didn’t want something like that to happen because she was really loyal to Sunggyu. “Does he know about this already?” Julia shook her head.

“None of them knows about it. Seungyeon I’m scared what if?” she didn’t let her friend finish. She comforted her by telling her not to think like that. “I’m sure nothing would come out of it after all it just happened once. I can’t believe that he could do something like that. As far as I know he was a real gentleman, is that the effect of alcohol on most people?” she said as she hugged her friend.

“Please don’t tell him.” she begged as tears once again brimmed down her eyes.

“Sssshh hush now.” she said as she stayed with her until she fell asleep. She let her stay for the night and called her mom and Sunggyu to let them know that she’s safe and was with her. She lied and told them that Julia wanted to suddenly have a sleepover. Knowing how close they were none of them suspected a thing.


She didn’t know what’s gotten into her, was it jealousy that made her do it? But soon enough she regret ever telling her best friend’s ex-boyfriend about the baby especially when she learned that the guy had threatened Julia to abort the baby but of course she refused. She told him that she would be alright if she would be a single mother and she didn’t ask for any support from him. She just couldn’t bear to kill an innocent life.

The guy was now furious and was about to hit Julia who was waiting for the impact that never came. She opened her eyes to see Seungyeon in front of her. “Don’t you dare lay a finger on her. You have the guts to be angry when it’s all your fault?” Seungyeon was expecting another slap but he only glared at the both of them.

“We’re not yet through.” he said as he pointed his finger towards her. He then glared at Seungyeon for the last time before completely leaving.

Julia was already crying and Seungyeon couldn’t help but cry as well. She felt guilty and she blamed herself for what happened. “I’m so sorry. I know you told me not to tell him but I did. I’m really sorry. I promise to help you.”

“I’ll be leaving so I could keep the baby.” she suddenly said totally ignoring her friends’ apology. It was a sudden decision she had and it was the only thing she could think to keep her baby.


Julia told her friend that she will meet up with her former boyfriend to settle things once and for all. She didn’t know why but she felt the urge to stop her, she felt that something would go wrong and so she told her to wait for her but she was already too late. Julia was already at their meeting place and she just hanged up on her since he had arrived.











~sorry for the late update.. I hope the first two chapters cleared the missing parts for my fic 'Real Story'.... I just want you guys to have an idea on what happened between them... I'll try to update again real soon ^^ feel free to ask questions if you're kind of confused... fail attemtp at making a poster

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priscilla0206 #1
Chapter 1: Wow! So exciting..
jjpunghi #2
Chapter 5: WOW seungyeon is the best buddy she know how to treat her friends...and mommy (Jiyoon) oh my gosshhhh dont be that paranoid with uncle Sunggyu. Ive read REAL STORY but i dont know the prequel or sequel is good like before i mean this is talking about Julia and im kinda confuse. but now im understand! fighting
im hoping for sunggyu and seungyeon . kekekek . waiting for ur update :)
PattyFushimi #4
They would really become a good couple.
they both love animes and fall on stage without a reason
and also clumsy sometimes
shinyoung97 #5
Chapter 4: Please update your story soon
Lattice #6
I like the way you're explaining things that were left apart in the first ff. Keep on going~ :)
Please PLEASE update! ;) new reader
Lattice #8
Updating myself with your story~ :DDDD
I'm glad Jiyoon get in the scene! ^^
Please update soon~
Lattice #9
YAY!! I finally had time to read this first chapter! :D
I'm loving it so far ^^
Please keep on going~
pbcccc #10
sunggyu& jiyoon seungyeon&woohyun again?
want to see jiyoon and woohyun ~~~~~
can they switch partners for this ff =]??????