Love Like Theirs

Love Like Theirs

"I love you!"

"I love you more!"

"No, I love you more!"

I hated those relationships. The sickeningly cute ones, the ones where you just wanted to punch them. But that was the exact relationship I wanted. I wanted to hold hands, to have the 'no you' type of exchanges, have quick kisses for no reason. I wanted a love like theirs.

I wasn't exactly the most desired girl, but I did have a few people confess that they had a crush on me. Unfortunately, I didn't feel the same.

I always thought of those relationships where there would be a lot of skinship. Not like intimate, but just cute and quick but still saying 'I love you'. And I hated that only one name always came to mind. Oh Sehun.

Yes, Oh Sehun. He was slightly taller than me, with brown hair, small eyes, a long nose, and cute lips. I hated him. Well, no. I hated that he made me feel so funny around him. I hated the butterflies, the blushing, the fact that I didn't have control over myself. And he knew it too. He played me like a violin.


"Hye Won-ah," he whined, childishly.

"Yes?" I turned around, to see the cutest puppy dog face in the history of the world.

"I want some cotton candy," he said, still sounding childish.

"Then just go buy some," I said confidently, turning away so I would be able to respond without stuttering.

"But I left my money at home... Will you buy it for me, Hye Won? Please?" he perked up, his eyes brightening.

"No. You always do this, I think you purposely forget. I'm going to be broke because of you!" I scolded.

His eyes widened, and he looked as if he was going to cry. He always pulled this trick, and I always did what he asked.

"Aish, fine," I muttered, handing him the money.

"Yay! Saranghae, Hye Won-ah!" he giggled and pecked me on the cheek.

"Wah!" I exclaimed, turning bright red.

He only laughed more, and pulled me by my wrist to where the cotton candy was.

"One please!" he said excitedly, handing the vendor the money.

He walked away happily, eating away at the cotton candy already.

That was a few years ago, but he still does that now. It's different though. Now, I hate him less. In fact, I don't hate him at all.

He's the perfect boyfriend. I love him, and he loves me. Now we always hold hands, and have those silly 'no you' exchanges. We even have the quick kisses. And the not so quick ones, if you know what I mean. And I can't picture life without my Sehunnie.

I bet now, people want a love like ours.

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fangirl4life #1
Aww.. that's cute. ;))
fangirl4life #3
Thanks! (:
so cute,,
fangirl4life #5
wahhh me too xP
Wahh. That was so cute. I want a relationship like that^^
fangirl4life #7
@holdmahsheitbiatch: Thank you!
@Kpoplover720 : ikr! cept if ur thirdwheeling. then its awksss
Kpoplover720 #8
Awe. Those relationships are so cute.
Omg this was so cute! Keep writing ^^ You arent bad.
fangirl4life #10