You are not alone

You are not alone

"Hey..." Hyukjae cautiously opened the door and entered Donghae's room, found Donghae lying on his bed.

But Donghae gave no answer and hadn't stirred, stared silently at the screen of his cell phone. He had heard and seen Hyukjae very well, but he knew that Hyukjae wouldn't blame him if he didn't responded.

"We do not necessarily need go..." Hyukjae said and sat down beside him on the bed, him tenderly over the cheek. "And you should really eat something... your mother is worried about you."

Again, Donghae gave no response, but dropped his cell phone and snuggled up to Hyukjae's hand, enjoyed the warm feeling that emanated from him and his touch.

"But... I want to go..." he said softly and turned to the side, looped his arms around Hyukjae's waist and buried his face into his side. "As long as you stay with me, everything will be okay..."

Hyukjae smiled fondly at Donghae and rans his fingers through his hair, bent down to him and breathed him a kiss on the temple. "I'll always be by your side!"


It was Parents Day in Korea. One of the most beautiful, but at the same time saddest days for Donghae, because while everyone went to their families and spent the day with them, he drove home to his mother and visited with her together his father's grave.

Since Hyukjae had been officially introduced as Donghae's boyfriend to his mother three years ago, he spent each year, the days before and after Parents Day, at Donghae's house with him, instead of spending the day with his own parents.

It were quiet days and most of the time Hyukjae and Donghae were just outside walked around the little village. During their walks they spoke only a little to each other, but Donghae was inexpressibly happy that Hyukjae was with him during those days.

Sighing, Donghae straightened up and wrapped his arms around Hyukjae's shoulders, buried his face into the latter's neck. "Thank you..." he whispered softly and could feel that Hyukjae put an arm around him too, leaned his head against his.

"You do not need to thank me, Hae." He smiled and caressed Donghae's back. "And dare you to say that you are sorry that I can not be with my parents! I have told you more than once that it is okay!"

A smile crept on Donghae's lips. "Nevertheless... Thanks..." he smiled and pressed a kiss on the side of Hyukjae's neck.

But his smile vanished again as quickly as it had came. He sighed. "Can... can we go?" Donghae asked with a trembling voice and increased the pressure of his embrace.

"Whenever you want" ,Hyukjae nodded in agreement, but did not budge. He did not wanted to push Donghae, so he gave him the time he needed and let him decide when they would go.

Hyukjae looked quizzically him, when Donghae finally let him go off and swung his legs off the bed and was now sitting next to him. "Ehm... I- I just need one more moment." Donghae said softly and avoided the look to his boyfriend.

Hyukjae understood the hint and nodded, smiling, squeezed his hand shortly before he got up and left the room.

When he heard the sound of the closing door, Donghae sighed deeply and looked up with watery eyes. He looked at the bag he had brought from Seoul and without realizing it, tears were flowing down his cheeks. He sobbed and wiped with his sleeve over his eyes.

"Oh damn..." he muttered under his breath, reached for his cell phone and went through his contacts until he had reached one certain number.

Donghae took a few deep breaths and tried to stay calm when he pressed the 'dial'- button and held the cell phone to his ear.

With each additional dial tone Donghae began to tremble more and more, and more tears gathered in his eyes. He looked at the ceiling and knew that there were only two more dial tone before it happened...

"Annyeonghaseyo. Unfortunately I am currently not achievable, but if you leave a message for me I will call you back."

That was the end of the message which his father had recorded on his voicemail years ago. Year after year, and whenever he had the urge to hear his father's voice, Donghae took his phone and dialed his number and listened to this short message.

"Hey Dad..." Donghae sobs quietly and laid a hand on his eyes, but could not prevent himself from shed more tears with every word. "I- I just- just wanted to- to wish you hap- happy Parents Day..."

He trailed off and shifted the hand from his eyes over his mouth and tried to stifle his sobs, while with every blink new tears left his eyes.

"Me... Hyukjae and I com- come to visit you right and- and I have... have to show you some- something im- important..." Donghae sobbed and stopped again, took a moment before he calmed down and could turning back to the phone. "Hyukjae and I come and... see you..."

Still crying and sobbing, Donghae finally shut down his phone and dropped it next to him on the bed, buried his face, sobbing, in his pillow.

Oh how much he missed his father during those days...

Of course, Super Junior was his second family and all his Hyungs took good care of him and were always there for him, and in Hyukjae he had found the truly perfect soul mate and he really loved him with all his heart, but sometimes he fervently wished that his father was still alive.

Donghae took almost ten minutes before he had calmed down that he could face his mother and Hyukjae.

The two were in the living room and talked quietly when Donghae came to them and even if he tried to act normal, he knew deep inside that he could not fool them.

"I uhm... can we?" He asked softly and smiled weakly at Hyukjae.

"Sure." the latter nodded and stood up, proceeded into the hallway to put on his shoes.

Donghae looked up careful, as his mother stopped close in front of him and wrapped her arms around him. "Your father would be very very proud of you!" She whispered softly to him and hugged him tightly. "And Hyukjae is really a wonderful boy. You have my blessing... and I am sure your father's too!"

"Thank you..." Donghae whispered and fight with the urge to burst into tears again, but he blinked away the emerging tears and clung to his mother. "Thank you so much!"


Donghae and Hyukjae sat silently next to each other in the car and while Hyukjae headed the car towards the cemetery, Donghae just sat beside him and looked out the window and at the soft white clouds at the sky.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Donghae went with a beating heart out of the car and took a deep breath before he took the bag and grabbed Hyukjae's hand.

Hyukjae smiled reassuringly at him and squeezed his hand. "Ready?"

"Ready!" Donghae nodded and walked off, brought Hyukjae up a small hill, overlooking a lake until they reached a small cemetery.

They stopped in front of a dark gray marble monument where the name of Donghae's father and the dates of his birth and death as well were neatly fine engraved.

Behind the monument there was a small hill and over a broad expanse of grass were some more graves, spread out here and there. Fresh flowers, pictures of relatives, or even a stuffed animal and a self-painted picture had been resigned in front of some of these monuments.

Even though it sounded very macabre, but Hyukjae liked the place. He radiated so much peace and quiet and something like love, but was so very sad and lonely at the same time.

It was Donghae, who tore him from his thoughts as he released his hand and a stepped closer to the grave of his father, crouched down in front of the marble monument.

"Hey, Dad... here I am..." Donghae said softly and with a pained smile on his lips and tears were immediately were filling his eyes. "Like I have told you already that I come..."

Once again, tears were running down his face and dripped silently on the grass at his feet. "Well... Did you miss me? Because... I really miss you... so bad."

While Donghae was still speaking, Hyukjae also felt his eyes tearing up and so he looked away from Donghae, bit his lower lip and tried desperately to blink away his tears and suppress a sob.

It was the sound of a zipper which made Hyukjae look back at Donghae again.

"Look, I have brought you something..." Donghae said with a broad and proud grin as he placed one of their Daesang awards on the stone block, right next to their bouquets. "And- and here is... is the Oppa Oppa single that Hyukie and I have recorded together..."

Trembling and quietly crying and sobbing, Hyukjae pressed a hand on his mouth when he saw, with how much love and devotion Donghae placed their award and the album on the grave stone. He had finally given it up to try to hold back his tears and let them run down his cheeks.

Donghae straightened up again and ran his fingers through his hair, sighing, and wiped briefly over his eyes. "And... even if you can not take a lot of alcohol, I thought... because today is a special holiday... that you maybe would like to have a little bit..."

He opened a bottle of soju and walked toward the little grass hill, began to spread the the bottle gradually around on the little mound. After it, Donghae placed the empty bottle down at the foot of the marble block and took a step back, breathe deeply in and out again.

With tears still streaming down his face Hyukjae looked back at his boyfriend and saw Donghae's smiling face from the side.

"Thank you very much, that- that you have encouraged me to realize our dream." a loving smile was on Donghae's lips while more and more tears were running down on his face. "It... it was your encouragement, which- which I have to thank, that I could probably meet the most wonderful persons in the world and that I can call them my family now. Thank- thank you so much for it... for all!"

His voice was trembling when Donghae took Hyukjae's hand and entwined their fingers, pulled their hands up into the air. "Even if you always wanted to have a beautiful daughter in law... this here is Lee Hyukjae! The man I love and who means everything for me. And even the man I want to spend the rest of my life with!"

Hyukjae looked with wide eyes at him and could not prevent that, instantly, more tears streamed across his face and a long suppressed sob escaped from his lips.

"I love you too!" He whispered with a cracking voice and squeezed Donghae's hand, pulled him closer and gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"Can... can I tell him something, too?" Hyukjae asked cautiously and got a nod in response, since Donghae was not capable for more at this moment.

"Annyeonghaseyo", Hyukjae bowed respectfully to the grave stone. "Thank you so much that you had persuaded Donghae to come to Seoul to realize his dream of becoming a singer! If you had not encouraged him, I had never met and I would have never fallen in love with him."

He paused and tried to swallow the lump which had built in his throat. "And... and from- from now on I will always protect Donghae and- and will car- carry him my shoulders like... like you did it before!"

Hyukjae straightened up with a very small smile through all his tears and looked over his shoulder at Donghae, who was a crying and sobbing mess and his smile grew a little bit wider.

"Hyukie...", Donghae sobbed and stepped next to him, wrapped his arms around him and buried his wet face at Hyukjae's shoulder. "Thank you... Thank you so much!"

Hyukjae lifted his chin that Hae had to look at him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. They looked at each other and suddenly a grin spread across their faces when they saw their tear-stained faces. They nodded to each other and the next moment went Donghae and Hyukjae respectful onto their knees and bowed in front of the grave stone of Donghae's father.




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sashalovesfish #1
Chapter 1: oh,it's just sooo beautiful..
poor Hae..but he has all the love from his hyugs and dongsaengs..
Omg... Ima gna go cry now!!.. Dis was simply beautiful!!!.. I thot i ws crazy head ovr heels in love with eunhae.. But U jst made me fall in love with them soo soo much mre.. Let me love u!!.. *hugs u to death*
Eunhaeluv #3
this is so depressing and cute T^T Oh gosh my poor hae but luckily he has his monkey <3
HaeHasANiceButt #4
Wow! Really good!