I love you as much as I love udon!

I'm nothing without you

a/n: this is my sequel to but i thought... since i ant be bothered studying maths ahah. okie here we go!

AND YES!!! INFINITIZE1ST2NDAND3RDWIN WOOHOOOO -celebrate good times come on-


Your POV

The past few days hasn't been easy. Myungsoo and I still hung out a lot at school, but we can't be idiots like before. His girlfriend is always there. No more times of us having food fights, she's feeding him food and I'm stuck there listening to music.

We can't even go out on weekends anymore because his girlfriend would always be there and would get jealous if we had too much alone time. We NEVER even get alone time anymore.

On countless occassions I have asked Myungsoo if I could just leave them, but he said he wanted his best friend to be there with him. I hated how he kept using the term best friend with me after my friend told him that I liked him, in which I had neatly lied to him that I didn't. It was like as if he wanted me to know that all we're going to be is friends. Just that. Me and Him. Friends. nothing more, nothing less.

The only time that we do hang out is when we go to each other's houses to study, or when his family or my family visits one another. Yeah, we're really close, but only close enough to be best friends in his eyes.

But even when we do spend time together alone, he would be texting his girlfriend or chatting with her online. Sometimes, I feel like I'm that forgotten friend, on the sideline, just like a backup when he needs me there.

"Hey, what drink do you want?" Myungsoo asked as we found a seat in the food court in the shopping centre.

"Coke would do." I said as his girlfriend sat down besides me. When he walked off, she turned to glare at me.

"Stop hanging with us." she said.

"Why?" I asked. This . What the heck is she saying?

"You're always in the way of me and oppa!! I liked you at first, but now you're just annoying and clingy. He has a girlifrend already, back off ok." she said.

"What the hell? I was his friend, his best friend actually, way before you even knew him! I'm not clingy, he told me to come along. If you don't like me very much, why don't you go tell Myungsoo that, so he can tell me to back away." I said and looked away from her.

Ugh she's so annoying.

Myungsoo came back and could already sense the tension between us.

"Alright, what's up?" he asked -----as he placed down her food and mine.

"Can you tell her to stop hanging with us all the time? she hates me clearly!!! She even told me before!!!!" she whined.

Urgh. I think I have to pull my hair out if I stay here any longer.

Myungsoo stood up and dragged me somewhere away from her.

"Look, I really do enjoy having you around, but if you don't like my girlfriend, and keep making her sad, I have to you know, not hang with you." he said.


"Wait, let me recap. You are going to ditch ME, the friend who you've shared EVERYTHING with, for someone you haven't even dated for a month?" I asked.

"You don't understand, I really love her. And you know, she's just a jealous girlfriend." he said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I'm the jealous best friend who's afraid that all she's going to lose her friend!" I said as a tear escaped.

"Just because of that, you can't go and hate on her! You should talk to me too!" he said and clenched his fist.

"Do you think you even have time for me anymore? All you ever do is texting, talking, making out and everything with her. I'm there just as a to you guys. You didn't even come to my birthday party because you were too busy with her! I bet you didn't even know you missed out on my birthday!" I said.

"I'm sorry...I forgot.." he said.

"You forgot? How could you forget? You promised me when we were younger, that when I turn 16, you'll take me on a disneyland date, because you know how much I love Disney. Did you know how long I waited there? I sat on the benches like a lonely, lost child on my birthday, because my best friend is too busy with his significant other!" I said.

"You could have told me! You shouldn't blame everything on me you know! You know what? You used to tell me everything, but now, you don't anymore. You've changed, alot." He said as he began to walk away.

"If you had to back away from the person you love the most in the world, and watch them with someone else, for their happiness' sake, would you change?" I asked as he stopped his track.

"So you did you like me?" he asked, but his back never turned around to face me.

"I'll do my best not to anymore." I said and walked away from him. I didn't want to turn back. I couldn't. I didn't want him to see these lonely tears I shed.

After that, things between me and him were awkward. We didn't talk anymore. I more so avoided him. He would approach me, but I would just look away.

Even during the family gatherings, he would try to talk to me, but I'll be listening to music. I wanted to block this person out of my life, so I could move on and be happy.

Why does being happy have to be so hard?

A few months flew by, and just like that, me and him drifted, those years of friendship, gone. All those times were useless.

Today, I sit down as I opened the cake box and lit 10 candles on it.

It was out 10th anniversary as best friends today. I sang by myself, and watched as the candle shone brightly amongst the dark sky tonight. I blew away the candles and sat there staring at the cake.

The cake said "Nothing can come between us."

Those were the words Myungsoo told me the first year we were friends. But now, look at us, we're drifted, both in different places. Everything has come between us.

I took out a plastic fork and dug into the cake and ate it by myself.

The cold wind hits my face like hard slaps. I looked at the playground that we would always go to. The ones where he kissed my cheek. The one where he promised when we were young that when we grow up, he was going to marry me, and it would be at this playground.

We were so carefree as kids, why did we have to grow up? Tears rolled down as I thought about our memories while eating the cake.

I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he still with her? Is he having a good time wherever he is? Is he safe? Does he remember our anniversary? Does he remember me?

I took bite after bite. I sighed heavily. I wanted to spend this day so much with you. Why did you change? Why did you have to go?

I was about to take another forkful of cake when someone stuck their fork in.

"What the hell. This is my cake!" I said as I turned around to see Myungsoo crouched behind me.

"What are you doing here." I said monotonely and looked back at the cake.

"Spending our tenth anniversary with my best friend." he said.

Again, those two words. Best friend. He will never allow me to escape that reality that I'm nothing more to him, will he?

"Not with her tonight?" I asked as he sat next to me and ate the cake.

"We broke up a month after I had that fight with you. I realised how much I needed my best friend, more than some girl who dated every guy in school." he shrugged and fed me some cake.

" You were crying weren't you?" he asked.

"Nope." I said.

He then got some cake and wiped it on my nose. "Hey! What was that for!!!" I screamed.

"For you lying!! I knew you cried!! Because you thought that I wouldn't be here on this day with you, and that you would be lonely with 10 cats when you're older!!! And that you thought I forgot you!!" he said back.

I dipped my finger into the cream and wiped it on his hair. "THAT'S FOR YOU MAKING ME THINK THAT!!" I laughed as we had a cake fight with each other. Does that mean we're even now?

In the end, the cake was long gone, it's all over our faces and hair.

He pulled me in close and layed my head on his shoulder.

"Sorry bestie, I'll never make you cry again. Promise." he said.

Why did he have to ruin this moment? Bestie? Really?

"I guess we're best friends again right?" I asked, even though those words hurted me so much to say.

"Yep! But..." he trailed off.

"What?" I asked. He didn't answer.

"Oh ok, don't answer me, just be a jerk as soon as you reunite with your best friend, after you said you won't make me cry anymore. Psht, I thought you were nic-" I was cut off as his lips met mine. My head spinned in circles. I swear I heard fireworks going off in my heart.

Is this really happening? Or am I just dreaming about it? Who cares. I smiled between the kiss as he closed his eyes and so did I. He pulled away first and smiled.

"I was about to say that we are best friends, but...I want to be something more." he said.

"Like what? Mega best friends?!" I asked, pretending like I didn't know what he was saying.

"Like, you know, girlfriend and boyfriend...holding hands, hugging, kissing " He said and blushed while looking down at his feet.

"Oh I don't know Myungsoo, you are a pretty weird guy, should I be your girlfriend?" I asked and laughed.

"TOO BAD!! YOU'RE MINE NOW!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA." He laughed and hugged me close.

"You remember when I said that I would marry you when we get older here?" I nodded, "Well, i'm still going to keep that promise ok." he said and kissed my forehead.

"There's one thing I always wanted to say to someone I really loved." he said and smiled like an idiot.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you as much as I love udon!!" he said and I laughed.

Oh, it feels nice to have him back.

I looked at him, "I'm nothing without you, so please don't leave me anymore." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Haha, you taste like cake loser!!" I said and he pinched my cheek.

"I'm going to take a picture to remember this day!!" he said and took out his phone and snapped a photo of us covered in cake cream.


I looked at the photo of us covered in cream as I laid on the hospital bed with Myungsoo by my side.

After all those years in school, Myungsoo did propose and held a wedding with me at that playground, and we had udon too. His favourite. I smiled as I remembered that day as I ruffled his hair whille he was sleeping.

Suddenly, my body started to shiver with immense pain. Myungsoo woke up and saw me withering on the bed and immediately ran to the doctors.

"I think it's time!!!" he screamed.

The doctors and nurses rushed inside and they escorted me along the corridors with Myungsoo close behind.

They took me into a dark room and the doctors took immediate action.

"You can do this baby." Myungsoo said and held my hand close to him.

The pain was unbearable.

"Push! Harder!!! I can see the head!! Look, one more push! Come on! You can do it!!" the nurses encouraged me.

"ARGH!!! I SWEAR MYUNGSOO. IF I HAVE TO GO HERE AGAIN. I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I screamed and pushed as hard as I can.

"I promise I will buy you as much udon as you want after this!!" he said and tried to calm me.

"In a time like this, you want to shout me UDON!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!?!" I screamed and pushed again. I calmed down and smiled when I heard the cry of a baby.

The nurse wrapped the baby in a towel before handing him over to me.

I smiled and looked at him. "He has your eyes myunggie." I smiled as the baby nestled into my arms.

The pain was instantly gone and everything was so perfect. Myungsoo was with me, and now, we have our own family.

"Let's name him Kim Hyunsoo." Myungsoo said and I nodded.

I handed Hyunsoo over to Myungsoo as he smiled. He looked so caring and loving. It's not going to be easy to be parents, but we will do our best.

And as Myungsoo would say, nothing can come between us.


a/n: a happy ending for once!!! heheheh. not so angst this one. I wanted to be a bit more brighter because yeah! ahaha hmmm tell me what you think please? :) thanks!! and oh hyunsoo is the name of Myungsoo's character in his drama "shut up flower boy band" if you guys didn't know that! heheheh mhm what else is there? uhm nothing much I guess, but please support me in future fan fics!! :)


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Caitlynn2013 #1
Chapter 1: CUTE~ its sooo good
jesyra #2
Chapter 1: I loved it! :)
Chapter 1: I love it unnieeeeeeeee~~~~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
kylakaren #4
kyahhh!!! super sweett!!!! i love you like udon!! how i hope woohyun will love me like sunggyu!! ahhahahhah
4everINSPIRIT #5
Omg.... This is so...so.... NICE... ILOVEIT!!!!!<3
I know how it felt to be in the friendzone. :( But at least we have an happy ending here! ^_^
This is so good. I've been trying to find an angsty oneshot cause it's quite hard yo find one these days but this story made me cry! I love it!!
I'm sorry to here this happened to you but without the happy ending. {:( I hope you got over him....you did a great job writing it down though :)