


‘I can’t!’ I whined for the thousandth time tonight, Zelo skipped over to me and looped and arm over my shoulder whilst grinning cutely, Bang glanced over at us from where he was having his make-up put on by the young woman who kept blushing insanely with every word he said or with each gummy smile he let loose on her, ugh, I couldn’t help the jealously bubbling up inside of me so instead turned my attention back to the maknae.

‘You’re going to do great Serena!’ he promised kissing my cheek, I smiled back at him and planted my own kiss on his cute little nose making him blush slightly, Bang visibly bristled and huffed averting his gaze from Zelo and I, serves him right, I thought a little guiltily. ‘How can anything go wrong?’ Zelo beamed, if I only I knew how wrong he had been and didn’t relax and believe in his words…

‘Yah, I think Serena looks better in these jumpsuits than we do.’ Himchan half complimented half complained, I chuckled turning my head to look at the blonde, he had on a black jumpsuit with pink paint splattered all over it, the band’s name was scrawled in large letters over his right hip whilst his Matoki adorned the left side of his chest, he left the jumpsuit’s zip open exposing the milky smooth skin under his luminous pink vest, they all had their jumpsuits in similar ways except each member had their own colour and of course with Himchan’s being pink his band mates couldn’t resist teasing the ulzzang.

‘You’re jealous she can pull it off better than you hyung?’ Zelo asked smirking, Himchan glared at the younger and pointed his noise up whilst placing his hands on his hips, ‘Omo hyung could you get any more feminine?’ the maknae laughed hard bending over and holding his sides, Himchan’s beautiful and deadly eyes widened as his lips scrunched together in a scowl.

‘It’s okay Himchan hyung!’ Daehyun and Youngjae said in unison whilst wrapping their arms around Himchan to stop him from annihilating the giggling mess that was now Zelo. I rolled my eyes and turned to the nearest mirror to finish putting on my jet-black eyeliner, my hair was tied back into two tight plaits and I too wore a jumpsuit, my one was completely black with the letters ‘B.A.P’ on the back in luminous white, I had on black and red high-tops with black leather gloves cut off at my wrists. Satisfied I stepped back from the mirror and started stretching to warm up; Jong Up smiled at me and joined me even helping me stretch my calves fully.

‘You’ll do great tonight Serena.’ He smiled and spoke softly so only the two of us could hear, I blinked a little surprised but nodded and smiled at the beautiful blonde, ‘As long as you let the music flow through you like you usually do you’ll be amazing… In fact I’m a little worried you’ll outshine us out there.’ He chuckled stretching his arms behind his back, I laughed and shook my head earning a shrug from him. ‘Could you give this to hyung for me? I need to go have my headphone speaker checked quickly and we’re about to go on in five!’ he said placing a silver and black hammer into my hand, I stared at the object whilst the second youngest in the group ran off quickly, I remembered Bang smashing a car with a hammer similar to this in the music video for ‘Warrior’ it was the first time I had seen them and remembered how quickly I fell in love with Bang’s deep voice and rapping. Smiling I walked over to Bang who was just finishing up with the make-up artist and hair stylists, he bent over to tie his shoe laces and I stood in front of him waiting with the hammer in hand for him to finish.

‘Bang, Jong Up asked me to give this to you.’ He looked up at me before looking back down and finishing his laces, he stood up and smiled his gummy smile taking the hammer gently and spinning it around with ease, I was impressed but just rolled my eyes and poked his chest, ‘What were you doing with that woman?’ I asked letting a little jealousy slither into my voice, he smirked and spun the hammer around again.

‘You’re jealous?’ It was more of and observational statement than a question but I answered anyway.

‘Of course not!’ I scoffed feeling my cheeks start to burn in betrayal.

‘Right.’ He said smoothly making me aggravated and a little at the same time, damn it Bang! As if he could read my thoughts he smirked again making my stomach twist in an aching need for him, I shook myself mentally and took in a deep breath.

‘Two minutes until you’re on stage B.A.P!’ someone yelled making me jump, you know the saying ‘butterflies in your stomach’? Well the butterflies in my stomach were gnawing at my insides making me feel not just nervous but also ill with anticipation and worry. Bang placed a hand on my shoulder and mouthed ‘Saranghae’ as I couldn’t hear him over the manic mess that the room had succumbed to, I smiled and mouthed the same back before crashing my lips against his and pulling away just before he wrapped his arms around me wanting more, I giggled and my heels heading out of the buzzing room and into the bustling hallways that led to the stage, a hand grabbed hold of my wrist and I turned back around expecting to see Bang but instead saw Himchan, surprised I stopped only to start walking again when he pulled me along with him to stand on the edge of the stage.

‘Serena listen, I know you’ll do amazingly well, this is our last concert before comeback in another few months, it means a lot to everyone and although Bang can’t say it because he’s an ape and can’t express his feelings through words very well I’ll say it for him, we’re so so so happy you could be here with us, to be honest I’ve never felt B.A.P become this complete before, I know you’re not an official member but that doesn’t change how we feel. Thank you Serena, for being our friend and loving our leader, I could go on but we’re about to go on in two seconds!’ He pulled me into a tight and warm hug and I wrapped my own arms around him tightly before pulling away and smiling, I mouthed a ‘thank you’ before all the lights went out and everyone ran on stage quietly getting into position, fans were already screaming with anticipation and the sound alone was ear piercing and a little frightening, the hissing steam sound at the beginning of burn it up sounded and bright beams of light started flashing as Bang’s deep voice was heard throughout the stadium.

‘Guess who’s back!’ 


Finally next chapter! I liked my desriptions in this chapter... Don't know why x3 Lol So what do you think's gonna happen at the concert hmmm? Leave a comment below telling me what you thougt! Enjoy and saranghae!

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PandaBo09 #1
Chapter 35: Waaaaaa~~~ it's sooo good!!!!! I love this story sooo much~ your writing skills are through the roof!! Can't wait for the next chapter :DD
Chapter 35: I just recently got my wifi and electricity running because of the hurricane and now I have a new chapter from this fic :) (and no school tomorrow either :D )
I'll be sad when the story is over, but I just started reading your shinee and ukiss fics. Which are both awesome. Your writing skills have improved... I feel so weird and y typing that. Only for you lol
Anyway, good luck with the closing chapters!
Chapter 34: You're back just in time for b.a.p's comeback :D (even though I can't really call it a comeback since they released a mini album a month or so back. TS needs to give these boys a break...)
The reuniting scene was/is good. I think it's fitting how Youngguk will be the last to see Serena again.
I'll be waiting for your next update when you get around to it. Don't feel like you have to rush to please your subscribers :)
Chapter 33: Youngnam made an appearance :D I like his portrayal in this fic - He's nice and sweet. I feel like a lot of other stories make him too y.
I'm sad that the story's about to end. But I guess that it's a good way to finish and you've written it well. (I sound so sappy lol)
But seriously, good luck in the closing chapters! And I'll be waiting for any new stories if you get around to it. :)
PandaBo09 #5
what just happened?! wow, drama drama drama!! ^^ can't wait to read more!! you write amazingly well!!! :)
The ending was awesome! :D
No but seriously, I didn't see it coming. Man Zelo's got some balls.
Glad to see that you're back. Hope your vacation was good, and I can't wait for the next update.
I hope Serena doesn't mess up... And yay for aff being normal again :D
Don't get down on yourself, I liked the ending (:
And yeah aff has been kinda annoying the past few days. But i'm not the one trying to upload something.
Aw! Poor Yongguk! Good job by the way! You don't know how happy I was to see this updated after a long day at work. haha Update soon~ Can't wait for more!^^
no! don't end the chapter like that! what happened? i want to know! update soon plz!!!