Chapter 1: How it began

Love is like a cure, yet a poison

Hi guys,

Its your fail author speaking! Yes, I'm alive and not dead. I apologize for being inactive for so damn long (about 1 year i guess). I have  finally completed my secondary education (well I do have some papers left but yeah). The reason I’m here today is to post a story of course! Sorry for not updating for so long. I lost most of my scripts that I wrote since something happened and out of frustration I forgot to save what I did so yay. Well lets get to it then.


A thousand of years back, in the realm of magic, there lived one ruler named Celestial who gave birth to 5 children,where one day, one of the child will be chosen to rule the world. But when it was time to choose the ruler, chaos broke out. Each of the children wanted to rule the world so they started to gather followers to fight for the position. Celestial had no choice but to split the world into 5 different regions; the land for the Mage, the land for the Knight, the land for the Bowmaster, the land of the Assasin and lastly the land for the Pirate. The 5 rulers were known as the Enverdeors. However as time passed on, the 5 Enverdeors continued to fight for areas causing the Leveors* to slowly decrease which allowed humans to take over the place. In the end, the 5 Enverdeors had themselves killed in the midst of their battles. So the humans began to rule the world, and due to the sufferings they have been put through. They decided to get rid of all Leveors in the world however due to the fact that the Leveors possess magic, they had been unsuccessful in getting rid of them. Nevertheless they tried and tried to get rid of them and finally the found the answer to their problem... The treasure of the mystical creature Mynus.

Leveors: They are the magical folks living in the world.

And now the story begins...


DongHae’s POV

         I looked out of the window and stared at the dark grey sky. It has been years but I still remember it so clearly.


         It was a normal day, my brother and I were out playing in the garden, while our parents looked at us fondly. Suddenly a big gust of wind came smashing into me and my brother’s face. The sky turned dark grey as rain started falling from the skies; a figure was seen from a far as it started walking towards our home. Dad quickly ran in front of us and pushed us to our mother as she started directing us towards the house. My brother and I were still clueless about everything that is going on and just followed mother like a ragged doll. We were dragged towards the warehouse at the top floor, my brother asked “what is going on mother? What is with this ruckus?” Mother looked at both of us seriously and said “it is time to tell you both the truth…our family is one of the most powerful family in this world our family consists of two types of elements, light and ice and the humans feared that they would lose their positions as the ruler of the village to us. Hence they started calling people to extinguish us, and this time the foe that came is really and powerful. You all have to get away from this place! So walk towards the large brown chest and dive into it, where you both can cultivate your skills wisely hopefully. I expect many great things from both of you. However, do remember that your father and I love you both very much. Take care of one another and Sungmin do take care of your little brother, he tends to be a little childish and…” Suddenly a slash and a familiar shout was heard, me and my brother’s blood turned cold as we looked at mother. Tears were running mother’s face as she took us into a hug and gave us one last glance before walking down, away from me and my brother. We quietly stayed inside the warehouse and looked at the fight going on with the stranger and mother. They were fighting ferociously, each throwing and fending attacks from each other.

            Suddenly, a knife came from behind and pierce through mother’s head. Blood started flowing from the wound as she came crumbling down onto the floor but not before giving us one last glance. Sungmin and I stared at mother, tears b full in our eyes. Sungmin quickly took me in hand and rushed to the chest with me following him like a zombie. We heard a loud chuckle as the stranger and another fellow behind us as they were looking at us with a murderous intention. Sungmin quickly fumbled open the chest, as they started walking towards us and the stranger said “come here little kids… we won’t hurt you… well… not exactly hurt… but why don’t I phrase it properly… torture you…”. Sungmin quickly ran behind me and pushed me into the chest while I quickly pulled him along. However the stranger and the fellow took hold of Sungmin’s legs and plunged the blood covered dagger that the stranger was holding into Sungmin’s back. Sungmin face contorted in pain but he began kicking and fidgeting. I suddenly felt a surge of power as I fired a bolt of light energy towards them, they let go of Sungmin's legs. Sungmin and I quickly dive into the chest and appeared in a deserted alley. Blood was continuously flowing from Sungmin’s back as he whimpered in pain. I quickly placed Sungmin’s arm over my shoulder as we started walking out of the alley in fear of the stranger coming after us. I walked Sungmin towards another alley and placed him down carefully, paying extra attention to the injury at his back. I took out the dagger and placed it carefully on the stone ground as I tore a small piece of my shirt and place it on his wound making him fidget at my touch. “It hurts…Donghae…take that fabric off my wound…” Sungmin whimpered. I firmly said “No…You want to have loss of blood…?” “No…but… Hey! I am your older brother! Why are you lecturing me!" Sungmin grumbled. Suddenly a tear began to roll down my cheeks "I-I'm sorry brother I won't do it again." I said meekly. I started so sob as Sungmin placed his arm around me and pulled my closer to him. “I'm sorry little brother I didn't mean to scare you, don't cry alright...” Sungmin muffled but he started to cry as well.

               It hurts…it hurts so damn much…I want them back…what do you expect of a 5 year old kid…Mum…Dad…I miss you both so so much…


Alright this is the end of the first chapter for now. I will clarify more doubts next time. See you after 3 weeks since I still have papers after all. If you want to know how is my progress you can find me on my tumblr

Thank you, 














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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 1: nearly 2017.... lol dead fic?
xContradict #2
I apologise for not updating my story because the whole data of my story got deleted(Fury). I will not be updating any time soon because I am unable to use my phone nor computer! But I will start writing everything on book so that at the end of this year I will be able to post each chapter at a time. This year is important for me since it will decide whether I continue studying or go out to work. Please be patient and I will upload this story at the end of this year. I apologise for my delays.
Chapter 3: Update!! I can't wait!! So exciting! The intro is so awsm!
I'll wait for this story.. definitely interesting..
sapphirewing #5
It's okay~ Now that I've read the skills, I'm so eager to read more! >.< Good luck on your competition!
sapphirewing #6
update soon >.<