Wedding Day.

We're getting married.


It was the big day. The day where Key would no longer be Kim Kibum and Taemin would no longer be Lee Taemin. Today they were getting married.
The ceremony wasn’t until 3:00 pm, but everything needed to get set up. It was 6 in the morning when Kibum was woken by his little sisters jumping on him. “Key! Today you’re getting married!” she squealed with excitement.
They loved the idea of Taemin and Kibum becoming husbands. They’d been fiancés for a few years, waiting to see if gay marriage would be legal Seoul. It paid off because only two years after Taemin's proposal to Kibum, same- marriage was finally legalized.
It was June 9th. The weather was nice and warm, not too over bearing yet not too cold. It was perfect and it was as if God planned this day to go by nicely.
It drizzled in the morning which made Kibum bounce with excitement. Usually brides or grooms would freak out over such a thing, but apparently rain on your wedding day was good luck. Kibum knew he didn’t need any of it though. He was marrying his best friend and he couldn’t get luckier than that.
Taemin was sent packing late last night because his older brother insisted he must sleep in a hotel for the night. “It’s bad luck to see the groom before the wedding you twit.”  Taesun kindly explained while trying to pry him off of his fiancé.
Taemin rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. He smiled widely and couldn’t help but have a mini-spaz attack. He was so gob smacked that he was actually getting married to Kibum. He’d always dreamed of getting married one day to a person he loved and now he’s finally living that dream. 
He got up and put some music on and blasted it. He started to dance like a crazed man and started singing. It’s his wedding day; he should be able to do whatever the hell he wanted! He got a call from the lobby moments later asking him to stop because they were getting complaints. “I’m getting married in less than 12 hours. I’m sorry but I can’t help but be so… hyper. I’m getting married!” and with that he hung up and flopped onto his bed.
“It’s raining. Key must be ecstatic.” Taemin said to himself and a huge smile grew on his face. Kibum would always pray for it to rain a little bit on their special day. I guess all that praying was used to good use.
It was 1:00 and Kibum was already at the church. He was in a back room with a few of his groomsmen trying to calm him down.
“What if he runs away like they do in the movies? O-or what if he says ‘I don’t’ instead of ‘I do’? Oh my gosh Jinki, he’s going to cancel the wedding. Why would he want to marry me? I’m only Kim Kibum. I’m nothing compared to him. He could do so much better.”  Kibum was cut off by Jinki shoving him against the wall. “Stop! He’s not going to back out, Key.”
Jonghyun got up and walked over to his friends. “If he does, than that just means I’ll have to go to jail for murder.” He put a reassuring hand on Kibum's shoulder and smiled.
Kibum took a deep breath. “I’m sorry guys. I’m just nervous. We’re going to be in front of so much people. They’ll see us kiss and cry and I’m okay with that, I really am, but you guys know how handsy Taemin can get. He likes my tush.” Kibum smiled proudly at his last few words and squeezed his own bum for exaggeration.
Jonghyun and Jinki turned around immediately and started to laugh. “God bless Taemin. I don’t know how he can handle you.” Jinki said with a grin.
Kibum pushed his fringe out of his face. “Well, he knows that if he doesn’t handle me well, he gets no . And boy does Taemin love my friend down there.”
“Wah! Key! We don’t need to know that! Now all I can picture is you and Taemin and oh my god, why did you do that to us?” Jinki was now rubbing his eyes trying to get the vision of his two friends out of his head.
Kibum was smiling softly to himself, blocking out all of the words his two groomsmen were saying. All he was thinking about was Taemin.
Taemin was sweating beyond belief. He was so nervous that he’d stutter or mess up a word or god forbid say someone else’s name instead of Kibum's.
He was pacing and quietly having a conversation between him and himself. It was like the butterflies in his stomach were doing acrobatics.
Minho finally stepped in and grabbed his best mate by the shoulders. “Taemin. For god’s sake stop walking back and forth! You’re making me nauseas.” He chuckled and ruffled Taemin's hair. Taemin backed away immediately, “Hey! You just ruined my hair! Key’s going to hate it now. Thank you very much Minho.” Taemin walked over to the mirror and shook his blonde hair into place. “You’re such an . Stupid frog.” He muttered.
Minho just laughed. “Don’t get your in a twist. Wouldn’t wanna be pickin’ a wedgie in front of an audience, now would you?” Taemin turned and glared. “You. Are. Not. Helping.”
Jongin took that as his cue to step in. “Minho is just being a . Taemin, calm down it’s your wedding day; everything will go by nicely so stop worrying. You’re supposed to be happy and giddy! We all thought Key would be the bridezilla. Guess I owe Jonghyun some money.”
Taemin just scoffed and sat down. “I wanna see Key now. Right now. I don’t like waiting, why can’t we just hang out together before we get married?” He suggested very seriously. Minho and Jongin just shook their head in unison and got a beer from them all.
“Key will kill me if I go out there with alcohol in my system! He’ll smell it and then make us do the ceremony all over again. And you think I’m the bridezilla. Hey… I’m not even a bride! You guys are very insulting.” Taemin couldn’t help but laugh at his friends faces. Priceless, he thought.
It was time. It was finally the time to get married, to say vows and start crying and then eventually kiss to seal the deal of marriage.
Jinki and Jonghyun made their way down the aisle as everyone stood when they heard the signature notes played from the piano.
The boys had huge smiles on their faces and were glowing. Minho and Jongin were right behind them, giggling like little school girls. It was exciting and new for all of them had never been in a wedding.
They finally reached the priest and stood off to the side leaving room for both grooms that were soon to walk in.
Only seconds later did the big double wooden doors open with a creak and showed Kibum with his arms looped around his parents on either side of him. He was smiling; teeth and all. He started off down the aisle, tripping on the carpet, which made the whole room chuckle. He was beyond red in the face but he could care less. He was getting married soon to the love of his life.
He finally reached the alter and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and his father a hug. Kibum then made his way over to Jonghyun and stood in front of him.
“You ready?” Jonghyun whispered. Kibum smiled wider if that was even possible and said with complete honesty, “More than ever.”
The room got quieter when Taemin's figure showed up with his parent’s holding onto him. He was beaming and looked directly at his soon-to-be hubby. His face lit up and walked a little faster down the long aisle so he was able to get to the one person he’d been longing for.
His mother pulled him into a tight hug before kissing his forehead and taking a seat. His father shook his hand and hugged him and followed the mother.
Taemin walked over to Kibum and immediately pulled his fiancé into an intimate embrace and the whole church rang with “aw’s.”
The priest cleared his throat which made Kibum and Taemin untangle from each other.
The priest took this as his cue to start. “We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Lee Taemin and Kim Kibum as they exchange vows of their everlasting love. Who gives this man…” His hand gestured to Taemin.  “to be married to this man?” He then gestured to Kibum. “And vice-versa?”
Taemin's mother and father stood and she said, “His father and I.”
Kibum's parents followed suit.
The priest nodded and continued,  “As Taemin and Kibum take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family - a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love. May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that are known in the hearts of all God’s children. And may Taemin and Kibum both look forward to each new season of their marriage - just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories.
“An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Taemin and Kibum, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it’s important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly love another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect. The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as anything that can be seen, heard or touched. For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one - but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls.
“Let us pray.” He then said and everyone bowed their heads for a few moments before looking back up at the speaking priest.
Kibum squeezed Taemin's hand and winked at him. Taemin blushed and blew him a small kiss.
“At this time, I’ll ask you, Taemin, and you, Kibum, to face each other & take each other’s hands. Taemin, will you take Kibum to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?” The priest asked.
Taemin looked into Kibum's eyes and answered with tears b his eyes. He let out a shaky “I do.” And laughed a little bit at his emotions, which caused Kibum to react exactly the same.
The priest started again, “Kibum, will you take Taemin to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"
Louis practically shouted, “I do!” and Taemin chuckled and shook his blonde fringe out of his eyes to look at the unbelievably childish adult standing in front of him.
“I now pronounce you, Lee Taemin, and you, Kim Kibum, man and man. You may now kiss the groom.” He finally finished and smiled at the young couple he married.
Kibum and Taemin kissed with so much force, as if they hadn’t been together for weeks. Everyone was clapping and stood up.
Taemin pulled away a little to speak. “You’re mine now. I’m not letting you go.” Kibum wrapped his arms around his husband’s neck and pecked him on the lips. “I was always yours. I’m not going anywhere without you, I promise.”
Their limbs were tangled together and their bodies were pressed close together and Kibum nuzzled his head into the crook of Taemin's neck.
“I love you, Tae.”
“I love you too, Key.” 
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mzjonghyun #1
i just love it....cant stop reading it