Nocturnal Hour

He Was Simply In Love With Her

Kris' ears perked upon hearing a faint knocking followed by a small, barely audible 'hey' from behind his bedroom door. He heard the same 'hey' after waiting 10 seconds to see if it was only his imagination, but only louder this time. The bright, lime green digits on the clock tell him it's nocturnal hour and that everyone should be in bed. He snapped out of it, in mid thought, when he heard his name being called in a rather impatient manner.


He was greeted by _____, the Korean exchange student of nine months who his family had been hosting, when he cracked the door open.


"_____", he said rubbing his eyes, tiredly widening the opening and letting her in then shutting the door.


She giggled at his behavior, "Hi, Kris."


He took notice of the things she brought with her. Her blanket and pillow, two thin object that resemble a DVD case. Kris, having been blessed with mile-long legs, only took two quick strides and is suddenly standing in front of her. She flinched when he swiftly swiped one of the DVDs from her grasp. He looked at her with a risen eyebrow, "Is this a Chinese version of that one scary movie with the-"


"Sure is, Kris! And you are staying up with me to watch it." She took back the DVD and flipped it to examine the back, "two whole hours and a half at least."


If the dark-rimmed eyes and the slouchy poster wasn't enough for _____ to realize that Kris was clearly tired and ready to crash, then what will? But seeing her standing there in all her cute, sleep-attire glory, smiling with her darn cute blanket, shifting her darn cute little frame side to side was just so darn, darn darn! DARN, he thought to himself, Why'd my parents decided to host a girl. I swear I heard them promise a boy my age. Not this little-


"oppa?" He bit his lip. He hates that she'll still use Korean formalities around the house, even after living with Chinese customs for nine months, she calls him that.


Darn! He doesn't hate it.


 She will always get her way with him, no matter what. No matter what because, well, he adored her.


He was simply in love with her.




"Just don't complain about the little space you and I have…", Kris said, laying on his side, horizontal to the TV over on his drawer. He lifted the covers up, open for her to nuzzle right next to him.


_____ fluffed her pillow in the small space just bellow Kris' elbow which propped his head up for support, "No, this is fine."


She scooted back until she was in a comfortable spooning position with Kris.


He reached over at the nightstand, momentarily squashing _____'s head with his chest for the remote. He knew he had done that and laughed when he heard her muffled, protesting whine.


"…you big, giant… fatty", she rolled her eyes while patting her messed hair caused by Kris. "Just start the movie."


_____ squirmed in front of Kris, only to get back into the comfort of his warm front side. Unnoticed by the girl, His body stiffened at the closeness that she was establishing. He doesn't know if she initiates closeness with just anybody but for now, he'll just settle with it being something that people in Korea do all the time.


Kris pointed at the TV pressing 'play'. He was fully aware that It was dark, quiet and he had _____ in his bed. Alone with him. In his room.




"Don't go in there," _____ whispered softly to herself. She was so engrossed in the movie, making small comments here and there. When certain parts were suspenseful she'd curl back into Kris' chest, then promptly earning a quiet chuckle from him. She wanted to slap him for being amused at her but she was glad that she had him to watch this movie with. And she had to admit that after this movie, she was not going back to her room and spending the rest of the night alone.


Kris on the other hand favored the suspenseful parts. He loved looking down at her as she anticipated the scary surprise. At one point, she curled her legs up more closer to her chest and pulled the blankets to her chin. Kris, after quickly noticing the lack of warmth in the front of his legs, molded his back with hers and she relaxed against his body as if he calmed her tension down. Now he knew why she couldn't watch this without him, let alone by herself.


Not even more than an hour into the movie, _____ yawned loudly. It was obvious that she was tired, but she really wanted to finish this movie.


Kris seemed to have noticed right away.


"Hey", he shook his bicep where he let her rest her head, "if you're tired, you should go to sleep- Hey!"


With eyes closed  _____ tried to confirm that she wasn't tired, although it was clear that she was,


"No, I'm fine, just…yawning…"


30 seconds later she was out cold.


She was no longer laying on her side, facing the TV but on her back, still nuzzled in the front side of Kris' body, head still resting on his bicep. The TV was long turned off and he could hear all the small noises in his room. The nearest one being the sound of the girls soft breathing.


"Man", Kris said hovering above her knocked out and eyes closed, "don’t you know better than to fall asleep in bed with a guy?" he took his hand and gently the soft skin of her face. He carefully the side of her face, jaw, then chin, lifting it up a bit. He leaned closer, whispering lighting against her lips.


"Are you so comfortable with me that you don't mind me having my way with you?"


He continued, "I wonder if my love will frighten you."


Kris shifted his arm, moving her head closer to his face. His other hand softly held her shoulder and he ran his thumb over her collar bone.


"I don't know who it will be that will reside in your heart. But in mine, it's you."


He stared at her lips and kissed her timidly. When his lips landed on hers, he could only wish that he could kiss her when she actually had her eyes open and was actually awake. But for now this is fine.


"I'm such a ert", he thought as he realized what he was doing to the girl in her sleep.


When he pulled away, he felt light headed, high off the taste of _____'s lips. He scrunched his eyes close and clenched his teeth tightly, trying to rid the urge to attack her in her sleep. His mind was swarming with all the possibilities. Oh, all his advantages he had...


Even though he spoke right at her face and touched her skin, kissed…her lips… she still hasn't woken up, to Kris' relief.


He shifted his body, lowering himself a bit to lie his head on the girl's chest, nuzzling the crook of her neck. He inhaled all her sweet smell of her skin, hair, clothes and wrapped his long arms around her waist. Compared to his size, she was so small, so easy to hold. He loved the way her small body could easily be wrapped around his, curled up tightly against him.




He froze in mid-action, "Y-you awake?"


She didn't open her eyes, only humming and tightening her grip on him.




In the morning after being woken up by a small yelp, Kris couldn't stop laughing as _____ started crawling out of his bed, bowing between every apology until she was at his door. Down stairs where breakfast was prepared, she'd only have conversation with the host mom, Kris' mom, and not Kris.


But when it was only them two, when they were cleaning the dishes, host mom long gone to work, _____ braved a word at him,


"I slept well."


"Is that so?" Kris handed her a plate to dry, "hmmm, I did too." he said, noticing the crimson color on her cheeks. He smiled to himself.


"If I'd gone to my own room, I think I wouldn't have been able to sleep so, thank you."


"You're welcome", Kris said turning off the faucet, handing her the last cleaned dish, "If you ever wanna watch another scary movie, or any other movie, you can watch it with me. In my room."


"L-like last night?"




"And I can sleep… there?"




"You're blushing," Kris crossed his arms and examined her teasingly, "are you thinking of something you really shouldn't be thinking of?"


"Ugh, shut up, Kris, I'm going up stairs." _____ her heel, grumbling under her breath something in Korean.


Kris watched his beloved retreat to her room. He looked away but not fast enough to miss her turn around and smile before disappearing behind the wall. Kris blinked, totally thrown off but that feeling left as soon as it came. 


He remembered that there was at least 6 more months until this Student Exchange Program comes to an end. Until the mean time...


"I'm going to have you. One way", Kris thought to himself, "I won't let anyone else have you."


"One way."




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AHHHH <33 me likey! Sequel please -puppy eyes-
nizzyool #2
oooooh this is sooo sweeeeeet ;D
I cant help but pleading you for sequel ^^
orangejuicee #3
sequel is a must 1!
-katya #4
aww, squeal? ^.~
Ah! I really liked this! Too bad it is only Drabble, this was very cute. Haha you caught Kris' character well in this. Good job. -Wings
Aww, this is cute! :)