Chapter 23

Best. Absolute. Perfect. Boyfriend

Your POV:

I hear pounding on the door appologizing and I just giggled at his sillyness. That's what you get Zelo! Minutes pass by and the pounding had stopped. Hmmm... maybe he got tired. Wait, robots don't get tired... or do they? I stayed in my room for a good half hour until I heard my stomach growl. Right... I haven't eaten yet! I walked towards my door, turned the knob and opened it then next thing I know I fell flat on my .

"Ooff! Zelo!? What are you doing?" I asked as I tried pushing him off of me.

"Sorry noona, I was recharging my battery so I leaned on your door didn't think you would open it so soon." He gets up and holds his hand out for me to take.

"Thanks." I simply said and took his hand.

"So noona, I'm hungry what are we cooking?" He asks.

"Robots don't eat right?" I asked as I cocked my head to the right.

"Nope they don't, but my mood setting is telling me that I'm hungry." He says as he rubs his stomach.

"You're a weird one." I said as I walked towards the stairs.

"Well thanks noona! Way to boost up your boyfriends self-esteem!" 

"Boyfriend!? Who, you!? You're hilarious Zelo!" I said laughing histerically.

"That hurt my metal heart noona." He says trying to act sad while clutching onto his chest.

"Whatever," I laughed while I playfully hit his arm, "help me cook some pancakes now!" I said as we walked to the kitchen.

I took out the stuff for the pancakes. As I was getting ready to mix everything together I looked over at Zelo and cracked up laughing.

"What's so funny?" He looks over at me.

"You!" I pointed still laughing.

"Me?" He asks and points at himself.

"Noo... I named the egg Zelo and I'm laughing at it!" I said sarcastically.

He looks at the eggs and looks at me weird then goes back to having a staring contest with the cherry tomatoes. I shook my head and went to making the batter for the pancakes. I looked over at Zelo who was still staring at the cherry tomatoes. I sighed and dabbed my finger on the pancake batter and I snuck up behind him and smeared the batter across his cheek. He stared at me and smirked.

"Noona! What was that!?" He asks as he reaches for the flour.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It!" Before I could even react flour was all over me.

I grabbed the pancake batter and started throwing them at Zelo. We threw batter and flour at each other laughing like crazy until we got tired. I sat down on the tiled floor and so did Zelo. I looked at him and he looked at me soon his face was inching towards mine until our noses touched. As he was about to kiss me we heard an awkward cough.

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Black_x_Rabbit #1
Chapter 8: so you got ur idea from absolute boyfriend? not bad......
Chapter 23: WHO DAT ER?!
Chapter 23: keke, . They're getting more cute together~
I want to know what she was feeling! Ugh cliffhanger!
midst_lhady22 #5
Wohoho..what is her feeling now??kekkeke..excited to know..

Pls update soon!
midst_lhady22 #6 author is such a tease hehheh...I see u got me there hahah...

Pls update soon!!
LOL. Everyone supposedly "knew" it was Zelo but it was DAEHYUN! I see what you did there.
Pls update soon