Party I

The Babysitter






I was in the shower when I heard a loud ruckus coming from outside. I was beginning to suspect the three idiots for the cause of the unnecessary noise and a knock and a yell from Baekhyun hyung confirmed my suspicion.

“Jonginnie,” he chirped, knocking on the bathroom door rapidly. “Hurry up and come out. We can’t afford being late to the party,” the latter sang happily.

I stopped scrubbing my body and became momentarily frozen. I walked towards the bathroom door and slightly opened it. I peeked through the small opening and found Baekhyun hyung wriggling his eyebrows at me with a grin plastered over his lips. I rolled my eyes at him and looked over his shoulder. I squinted to prevent shampoo from entering my eyes and saw the other two sprawled all over my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I said crossly to the grinning boy in front of me. I noticed that all three of them were wearing extra fancy clothing and Baekhyun hyung was clutching his make-up bag to his chest.

“We’re going to the party of course,” the shorter boy in front of me said, beaming up happily at me.

“Excuse me?” I raised an eyebrow questioningly. “May I know who the we is?”

“Aww, come on Jongin. Don’t be such a spoil sport,” Sehun came up from behind, pouting as he slinged an arm over the nodding boy next to him.

“Whatever. I’m going back to shower but I’m still not done with you three okay. Sit still and don’t,” I stood on my toes to look over at Taemin who was bouncing happily on my bed, “mess my room. Or I’ll kill you,”










Muttering to myself, I tied the laces of my brand new Chuck Taylors and got into my car. Slipping into the driver’s seat, I the car engine and fished out my phone out of my pocket. Drumming my fingers against the headboard, I dialled in the number I already knew by heart and waited for it to be picked up.


“Hey hyung, you ready to go?” I smiled to myself in the darkness of my car.

“Yeah, you still do remember the directions to my house right?”

“Of course I remember,” I laughed. “But, um... I have something to tell you,”

“Oh. What is it?”

I cleared my throat.

“Do you remember Taemin, Baekhyun and Sehun?”

“Yes, they are your friends aren’t they? No-no, I mean Taemin’s your cousin and the other two are your friends. Right?”

“Yeah. The problem is... I really hope you’re not going to be mad by what I’m about to say,” I let out a breath, “They decided to invite themselves to the party hyung,”

I paused and none of us said anything.

“I already told them they can’t just come and crash other people’s party but they are such stubborn asses they never want to listen to me and I swear to god I’ve never told anyone about you inviting me to this party and I don’t even know how they got to know about the party,”

I kept silent and waited for his reply. But it never came. I began feeling uneasy.

What if he’s really mad at me and decides to not let me come to the par-

Suddenly a loud boisterous laughter filled my ears.

“Hyung?” I called out, confused.

“Silly,” he laughed, “Why would I be mad? It’s a party Jongin. Anyone can go. It’s not like its some corporate party where you need proper invitations before you are allowed to go. Besides, I’m pretty sure Luhan hyung wouldn’t mind,” he chuckled.

“Oh, I see,” I blinked and he just laughed some more. His laughter made me grin and soon I found myself chuckling along with him.

“I can’t wait to meet y- I meant, I can’t wait for you to meet my friends,” I mentally smacked my head.

“I can’t wait to meet them too! Hurry up and pick me up okay? I’m excited!” he cheered and I heard a girl giggling in the back.

“Take care of my princess oppa for me Kai-ssi!” Jinri shouted in the background.

I laughed as I heard some swatting and yelps on the other side of the line.


“Hmm,” he replied, probably already embarrassed.

“Tell Jinri not to worry. I’ll take care of the majesty,” I laughed.

“Jongin!” he screamed.

“Okay, okay fine I’m sorry. See you soon... princess,” I grinned, hanging up before he even got to say anything.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and wind down the window.

“HURRY UP AND GET YOUR ASSES HERE WILL YOU?” I shouted just as three figures came rushing out of the door.

Taemin and Sehun came running barefooted, shoes in their hands, towards my car. Taemin was just about to open the door to the passenger seat when I told him to scram off.

“Oops, sorry. I forgot it’s the boyfriend’s seat,” he said slipping into the backseat next to Sehun who was busy texting god knows who on his phone.

I gave Taemin a dirty glance before looking up front. Baekhyun hyung was still struggling with his shoes at the steps.

“Oh my god hyung!” I shrieked. “Just get in the car already please, we’re going to be so late,” I practically begged him.

“What do you mean by late? Its not even 8.30 and the party starts at nine,” Sehun muttered under his breath.

“Why do you even know so much Sehun?” I turned to look at him and found him and Taemin snickering over some text message on Sehun’s phone.

Baekhyun hyung got in the seat next to me and before I even got to tell him to get out and seat in the back, Taemin beat me to it.

“Sit in the back with us hyung! That seat is for the boyfriend!” Taemin faked screamed, putting a hand over his mouth.

“Oh I see,” Baekhyun hyung turned and looked at me. “Sorry,” he smirked, getting out of the car and moving to the back with the other two.

“What’s up with the eye-liner anyway?” I eyed his face which was prettily made up as he got comfortable in his seat.

“Chanyeol is going to be there dummy!” he clicked his tongue and sighed, “How can you be so ignorant?”

“Is that the reason why you are dying to come to the party with me?”

The three of them shrugged simultaneously and I pulled out of the driveway towards Kyungsoo hyung’s house.

“So I guess no one’s telling me how you got to know about this party that you are uninvited to?” I grumpily asked them as I stepped on the gas.

“Nope,” they replied simultaneously again and I felt a headache coming up.











I was sitting in the living room with my family watching the TV when I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up from my seat and bolted for the door, flinging it open to see Jongin dressed up nicely in a black leather vest with metallic zippers and a tank top which was revealing pretty much everything of his chest complete with a tight pair of pants which shows off his curves nicely. I looked at him in amazement before looking down at my outfit. I was wearing a red jacket with a black shirt underneath with a pair of black skinnies. I was glad I agreed to Jinri dress me up for tonight. Having a sister definitely has its benefits.

“You look amazing,” I gulped, back to scanning him up and down.

“And you look much more amazing tonight hyung,” he grinned, dimples that I didn’t know he had before showed itself on his flawless face.

“Kyungie?” A deep voice boomed from inside the house.

“Yes appa?” I turned around and saw my parents and sister walking towards us.

“May I know who your friend is?” he replied, smiling at Jongin.

“Oh, um he’s Kai. I went to his house for dinner on Friday night remember?“

“Good evening Mr and Mrs Do,” he acknowledged them before waving at Jinri. “You can call me Jongin,” he offered them warm smile.

“Ah, you’re the one who slept with my son that day,” Appa said, moving forward to shake Jongin’s hand.

I blushed a crimson red at his thoughtless remark before chastising him as he let out a hearty laughter. I glanced sideways and saw Jongin looking down at his shoes, biting on his lower lips as he rubbed the back of his neck looking abashed.

“Um, we’ll take our leave now,” I waved at them before pulling Jongin with me outside. “Bye,” I said hastily, wanting to get out of the house as soon as possible before my dad manages to say anything else which can embarrass us both.

“Take care of our Kyungie for us Jongin! Keep him safe and don’t stay out too late. You’ll be held responsible if anything happens to him!” Appa shouted from the doorsteps.

“APPA!” I screamed before putting a finger on my lips.

He laughed once again before closing the door shut.

“I’m really sorry about that. He’s one crazy old man so don’t mind him,” I turned to look at Jongin. I rubbed the back of my head flustering as I chuckled nervously. “So shall we go?” I bit the corner of my lips, looking up at him expectantly.

He took my hand and laced our fingers wordlessly. Smiling down at me, he led me towards the car.










“Aww, so you took care of him and took him to the clinic and cooked for him and everything when he was having fever. You two are really too cute,” Baekhyun cooed from the backseat.

I laughed nervously from the front. “Actually, it wasn’t anything like that,” I fiddled with the seatbelt. “Jongin’s umma just asked me to look after him while I’m at it so... it wasn’t much of a big deal,” I shrugged.

“So you weren’t sincere when you looked after me,” Jongin said, lips jutting out in an adorable manner. I almost reached out to pinch his cheeks and tell him how adorable he is when I remembered that there were three sets of burning eyes judging us seriously from the backseat.

“Oh my goodness everyone look!” Taemin yelled, attracting everyone’s attention. Even from Sehun who showed no signs of interests in our conversations except for his phone which lights up once in a while. “Kim Jongin just pouted!”

Silence filled the car for quite a while before the three of them erupted into fits of laughter.

“Did you see his face?” Sehun cackled, “He looked like a freaking goldfish!”

“Not funny guys,” Jongin muttered unamused as he steered to the left into the street to Luhan hyung’s house.

“So... you mean he has never pouted before?” I asked out loud.

“If you want to know, this is the first time Kyungie hyung,” Sehun replied, talking to me for the first time ever besides from when we introduced ourselves earlier on.

“Hey, only I can call him Kyungie!” Jongin shouted defensively making me blush as the car jerked to a stop in front of Luhan hyung’s house.

“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, getting out of the car and jogging up to the front steps before disappearing inside the house.

“Has he been here before?” Jongin asked, pointing towards where Sehun just went in.

The two just smiled as they raised their shoulders.

“You are hiding something from me aren’t you?”

Jongin’s question went unanswered as the two of them slid out of the car and skipped into the house with their arms linked.

“I wonder what I did in my previous life to have such bastards for friends,” he sighed, slinking down into his seat.

“Don’t say that,” I poked his bare arm. “I like them. At least they are not lame like mine,” I said encouragingly. “C’mon now, we’ve got a party to enjoy,”

We walked up the short pathway with our arms linked together. He moved his arm to encircle my waist and pulled me into his side. He bent down and whispered in my ear.

“I don’t want to lose you,”

I could feel the smirk against my skin and I already started feeling giddy.




Updated finally! I'm sorry this took too long. I saw some comments about this story which kind of hurt my feelings as an author and I started wondering if my writing is really that bad. That's mainly the reason why I decided to not write for awhile if all I'm giving you guys are unquality work :c But then, I realised that just some tiny comment shouldn't bring me down because there's so much more of you out there who (I think) enjoys the story and I shouldn't let you down with me as well. I hope you liked this chapter though things are going very slow. I'm stil in the midst of part II now and I hope I get to post it up in a few hours time if my eyes don't fail me ^^


A little bit of Kaisoo as per usual <3


More Kaisoo to come in the next chapter! Look forward to it! ^^

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[4.18.15] I'm in the middle of reconstructing the story so pls bear with me :3


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Chapter 21: Wahhhh love this fic and 2012? Like waaatttt
Chapter 21: waaah I enjoy reading this!!! <3
Dettadwiarto #3
Chapter 21: I enjoyed reading this so much. Thank you, author- nim
Chapter 21: Wow. I loved this book so much but i just saw that you started this in 2012. It's 2018 now and rhat a long time. I don't know if you will ever finish it but just know that im in LOVE with this book wowoowow
Chapter 21: This fict is so beautiful oh my God. I know I'm so late..... Thank you for writing this one. I can't help but keep smiling while reading it aaaakkk! This fict successfully made my day. We all are waiting for your update. Fighting, Authornim! We love you. xoxo.
_chanchan #6
Chapter 21: No update yet? :(
mehmeh984 #7
Chapter 13: U know what... nevermind. I was late for this fic anyways
mehmeh984 #8
Chapter 21: author-nim please update this soon:(
Chapter 21: Aish this story is so sweet! I can't wait for you to update, but it's no rush. Whenever you feel comfortable and are happy with what you've written <3
I swear that Kaisoo gif at the end of this chapter is my favourite. So adorable omgggg