His eyes sparkled like the cast of Twilight.

John Lennon


It was a Tuesday, and a boring one at that - at least in the mind of one Lee Hyukjae. Though, to anyone who had the misfortune if knowing Lee Hyukjae, they were very much aware that a bored Hyuk equalled a demonically annoying one,

"Yah, Donghae-ah!" Hyukjae called, he had positioned himself over the arm of the couch. 

He kicked the air grumpily when no response came.

His mind was full of questions he already knew the answers too, but the thoughts quickly floated out of his head as he caught sight of a pair of feet approaching silently.

"Hyukjae, what are you doing?" The voice came, it was high - and it belonged to Sungmin.

His head shot up to look at Sungmin, examining his face. He was grinning too widely, and his eyes were sparkling too good damn much it hurt to even glance at his face for too long.

"Why do you look so happy?" Hyukjae asked, rolling forward (thinking he was looking cool, but really he just looked awkward) onto the couch.

"Answer my question first," Minnie huffed, crossing his arms and throwing himself down onto the sofa - narrowly missing Hyukjae's head.

Hyukjae looked at Sungmin, and then embarked on a one way staring competition of sorts. He sighed, giving up (Minnie was too busy examining his fingernails), "I was supposed to see Donghae today, but he's disappeared."

A strange flicker of emotion flickered across Sungmin's facial features, quirking his bow-shaped lips and arching his eyebrows, but it was quickly replaced with a deadpan stare, "He's probably with Jessica or something like that."

Hyukjae thought about punching the smaller man, but decided to leave it because Sungmin whilst full of aegyo - was also full of rage and taekwondo know how.

Sungmin bit his lower lip, awkwardly patting Hyuk's arm.

"You never answered my question? Why do you look like you just ate a rainbow? Are you pooping out the cast members of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?" Hyukjae asked, trying to hide his ridiculous excitement with the idea of Fluttershy existing in his dorm.

"... No, you moron," Sungmin rolled his eyes, "Kyuhyunnie bought me a pink bunny plushie~"

Sungmin's eyes were glittering again, and it hurt. Hyukjae was sure he was part disco ball on his mother's side.

The glitter suddenly fell away, "You know Fluttershy isn't real, right, Hyukjae?"

"Of course," Hyukjae scoffed, "I don't even like. What's a Fluttershy."

"Please stop doing that with your face," Minnie looked repulsed, "It's really weird."

Hyukjae shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

Suddenly a high pitched scream filled the room, Sungmin jumped. Looking alarmed. Hyukjae only dug into his pocket and unlocked his phone, smiling a gummy smile to himself.

There was silence, save for the delighted squeals of Hyukjae (who quickly cleared his throat and manned the up).

"... What the hell, Hyukjae?" Sungmin asked, bewildered.

Confusion briefly flitted across his face before he grinned again, "Oh. Heechul-hyung changed my message tone."

"... And you left it like that..."

Hyukjae shrugged, tapping out a reply. Flourished with hearts and curls Sungmin noted.

"Donghae?" Sungmin grinned, Hyukjae again had the urge to punch him - right in his all-knowing face.

"He'd do anything for me, you know," Hyukjae bragged, sitting on his knees.

Sungmin snorted and rolled his eyes, "Except for topping."

"I top! I top!" Hyukjae cried, "I mean. What are you talking about? What is topping?"

"... Whatever," Sungmin moves to stand up, then pauses, "I think Kyuhyunnie loves me more."

Hyukjae was silent, well. He wished he had been, instead he burst out laughing - ending up with Sungmin getting him in a chokehold.

"Take it back!" Sungmin growled into Hyukjae's ear.

"No!" Hyukjae yelled, thrashing. Why did I say that?

"Take. It. Back."


"What?!" Sungmin yelled, getting more and more irritated (is that possible?) as each moment went by.

Hyukjae released a similar sound and Sungmin dropped his arms, "What the hell are you saying, Hyukjae?"

"Guhh-" Hyukjae began, stopping as he noticed Minnie's clenched fist, "I mean."

Sungmin was tapping his foot impatiently, the sound of impending doom.

Instead of cowering in fear like any person who knew Sungmin would, Hyukjae decided that he wanted to die.

"Prove it," Hyukjae said, crossing his arms.

He felt a hand run across a face, followed by a swift slap, "Wipe that smug look off of your monkey face, Hyuk."

Hyukjae turned around, rubbing his poor beautiful face,

"Don't stand there looking all wounded and ," Sungmin glared up at him (curse his shoelifts, practically stilettos) "Tell me."

"Well, you say Kyuhyunnie- Kyuhyun. That tall one with the hair. You say that he'd do anything for you," Hyukjae mumbled, his previous courage suddenly fading away. 

"He loves me madly, deeply, blindly-"

"I get it, please don't make me throw up."

... Idiot syndrome appears to be back. Hyukjae was about the start sawing off his own leg when...

"Wait, you said blindly."

"Yes," Sungmin nodded, "As well as-"

"I GET IT. But blindly, elaborate on that," Hyukjae ignored the death glare and continued, "How does he love you blindly?"

"I could... I don't know. Do anything, something bad, and he'd still love me," Sungmin said, confused, "I don't understand, Hyukjae."

"Oh," Hyukjae grins sheepishly, the blonde dye must have seeped into his brain and killed some of his brain cells, "I thought you meant like. Visually."

"Kyuhyun isn't blind," Sungmin deadpanned.

"I mean like, you could draw a really ugly picture of him and he'd probably still love you right?" Hyukjae laughed.

"Of course," Sungmin said, really wishing he could understand the thought process of idiot in front of him. Though, you couldn't brag if you were fluent in Idiot, because it implies you associate with it.

"That was just a random example; you really think he'd still love you after that?" Hyukjae asked, "I once drew Donghae, but I made him look fat and he wasn't very happy."

"Wow. What a strong relationship," Sungmin blinked.

Hyukjae stared at him slightly in awe.

Sungmin did not like this. So he hit him. And then shot him his best aegyo as Hyukjae fell to the ground. He really couldn't take a punch.

"Look, stop looking at me like that, it's freaking me out."

"I bet if you drew a picture of Kyuhyun right now, and gave it to him he'd totally be insulted," Hyukjae said, cowering away as Sungmin sat next to him.

"He might like it, I'm good at art!"

"No, no you're not," Sungmin glared at him, Hyukjae continued in a high pitched voice, "You're only the best artist ever."

Sungmin nodded in thanks, yes, you may worship me.

"Draw Kyuhyun, and if he likes it... I'll give you a carton of strawberry milk."

"Give me money, the milk."


Sungmin had locked Hyukjae in the bathroom, for some peace and quiet. It was annoying at first, because he kept yelling, but he seems tired now.

As the first few lines went down, Sungmin was truly blown away with his artistic skills. Why hadn't his mother noticed this? He could have been the world's first idol who was also a world renowned artist. 

The shading was getting darker and darker, and the graphite had covered his fingers like a light dusting of glitter. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but Sungmin was proud of it - even if it did look a bit like that guy from the Beatles. Crossed with J.Y. Park. He was done.

"Hyukjae," he called, rapping lightly on the bathroom door, "Are you still alive in there?"

"No," Sungmin smiled at the pathetic whine and pulled open the door, "You know it wasn't even locked right?"

Hyukjae just kind of glared grumpily at him, and Sungmin whipped out his drawing - waving it around proudly.

The look of mild annoyance clouding his face quickly faded, and was replaced by bubbling laughter.

"That's..." Hyukjae could barely breathe, "That is perfect, Minnie!"


"Kyu~ I drew a picture of you~" Minnie danced into the room, followed by unicorns and rainbows which he quickly dusted off as he looked over to his boyfriend.

His eyes sparkled like the cast of Twilight as he handed the drawing over to Kyuhyun.

Maybe handed over wasn't exactly the right phrase though. More like he stabbed it in front of Kyuhyun's laptop and poked him until he glared up at him.

'Who is that? John Lennon?' Kyu asked, pulling his ear phones up and gazing into Sungmin's sparkly orbs, 'And are playing with Yesung-hyung's sparkly orbs again?'

'... No,' Sungmin said, quickly hiding the shiny objects behind his back, 'And it's not John Lennon. It's you. Can't you see?'

Kyu looks at the drawing again, in deep contemplation.

Sungmin tapped his foot, getting agitated now. How could he not be blown away by his amazing artistic skills? He was the next Da Vinci, damn it!

'... So hyung thinks this is what I look like?' Kyu asked, gently patting the page with his index finger.

'It's like a photograph,' Sungmin stated, crossing his arms. His hip jutting out - he needed to get that checked. He didn't recall overdosing in ghetto swag.

Kyuhyun's eyes swept over the page once more, taking in the blunt shapes that apparently made up his face. His nose was a triangle, that resembled upside down broccoli and his eyes were too close set not to mention he was cross-eyed. His smile was too wide, and his teeth looked like ten story buildings (with windows and balconies).

The more he looked at the mess in front of him, he smiled. It wasn't perfect (in fact it was down right horrendous) but every line was drawn with love.

He stood up and wrapped his arms around his Minnie, lowering his head to peck him on the cheek, 'Looks just like me~'

Sungmin pulled away suddenly, 'YAH! Hyukjae! I know you're at the door, and I was right~'

'I had money riding on this! YAH KYUHYUN-AH~!'

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow and looked down at his midget lover (not that Sungmin loved midgets (he might, we don't know), Minnie just isn't what we'd call heighty)

'Whipped~' Sungmin cooed.

"Sungmin," Hyukjae said quietly, peeping his head through the door way, eyes covered, "I have no money."


A/N: I thought this needed some zooting up, because perfect OTP is perfect.

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Oh god this is so funny. Hehe^^
Hyukjae's gonna die.

'Overdosing on ghetto swag.'