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People whispered, pointing figures.

“Yah, isn’t she scary? “
“I know! What’s wrong with her? “
“I don’t know, but let’s stay away from her. “
“Her? Is she even a her? “
“It, let’s stay away from it. “


“Doctor, the transplant was a success! “


“It’s such tragedy. She lost her brother in a house fire and that same day got in a car accident with her parents and was the only one who survived. “ 
“She was such a beautiful girl too. Now look at her, she always wears that eyepatch over her eye. “
“I wonder what she’s hiding. “
“She’s probably just trying to get attention, you know how her parents were? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree they say. “ 


“Okay Jihye, we’re going to take off the bandage now. “
“Doctor.. “
“Nurse Lee… Call the guardians! “ 

“I don’t understand doctor, how did this.. “
“I don’t know Mr and Mrs Kim. It’s quite unusual.. but.. it was a success. She can see out of the eye. We’re still trying to figure out how the eye became red when it was originally brown. But she can go home in three days. “
“Ah.. yes doctor, thank you so much. “


“Kim Myungsoo! You better be nice to this girl! “
“Why should I!? She ruined my plans, mom! “
“She’s been through a lot, so be nice! “
“Nice my . “


“Kim Jihye! Get out of your room right now! “
“My name isn’t Kim Jihye! It’s Nam Jihye! And I don’t have to listen to you! You’re not my mom! “
“Well, your mom is dead! And you’re my responsibility now, so get down here before I beat you! “


Flatting out your skirt, you stared at yourself in the mirror. 

One eye is brown, another is dark is lust red.

You clench your teeth and put an eye-patch over the red one. 
‘At least it’s not bright like before. ’ You think as you grab your book bag. 

You made sure your skirt went lower than your knees and opened the door quickly, making your way down the long highway. You cursed at yourself when another door opened, revealing Myungsoo, the Kim’s only son. Once he saw you he scowled and walked away.

Ignoring the whispers in the hallway you walked straight to your classroom and once again ignored the gasps from your fellow classmates and snickers. Some of them used to be your friends, until the accident. You sat down on your chair and tried not to show any emotion seeing that someone had wrote, “Witch. ” on it.
Gulping, you ignore it and stare out the window.

“Hey Myungsoo, you have to live with that thing? “
“Yeah I know, it’s disgusting. ” 
“But since you live with her, you gotta have some details right? “
“Nah, she barely comes out of her room. Thank God. It’s bad enough I got to see her at school, but at home too? It’s hell, really. “


 Nam Jihye, 16 years old. You’re the second child of Nam corporations and exceeds in both academics and looks. You were one of those popular girls who attend Seoul High, the most prestige school in the area. Along side your brother, Minsoo who also exceeded in everything. You both were looked up to by everyone, your parents felt absolutely proud every time someone would praise the both of you. Every time another parent would point to their daughter and say, “Hey! Look at Jihye, why can’t you be like her!? “ 
It was almost a perfect life, almost. Everything changed when you and your parents attended a dinner party, getting a disturbing phone call saying your brother was caught in a fire. With your dad behind the wheel, you cried silently, hoping your brother was fine. Suddenly, the car swerved, flipping over.   Everything was a blur, you heard your parents scream your name. A shard of glass hit your right eye, causing yourself to scream. You turned your head a little, looking for your mom and tried to scream, seeing both of your parents laying on the ground, blood everywhere, motionless. Nothing came out, you couldn’t even scream anymore. The pain in your eye was too much. Everything was too much for you and you out.

You heard people talking around you, “The transplant was a success! “
‘Transplant.. ? ’ You tried to get up, but couldnt. You couldn’t even see. Everything was black. Reaching up to your eyes, a voice stops you, “Wait! Jihye no, don’t touch your eyes. “

“I’m Doctor Han. And you’re in the hospital now, don’t try to move okay. You might strain something. Now tell me, do you remember what happened? “

You open your mouth to say something, but everything that happened came crashing towards you. You gasped and brought your hands up to your eyes, “No! Jihye no! ” The doctor grabbed your hands, strapping them down, “I know, it’s hard. I know. ” You felt the doctor’s hand on your head, gently your hair. “But you can’t cry. You’re strong, Jihye. You can’t. “

And so you didn’t. Not one drop.

A few weeks later you were sitting upright, a nurse taking out your lunch. 

“Jihye, you have no legal guardians now so we went through your parents records and found out that they were close to the Kim’s. You know them? Heeyoung Kim and Bukhee Kim? “

You nod nimbly, they have been business partners with your parents for about four years now. But you’ve only seen them a couple of times, but you knew enough that they had one son who was extremely spoiled. You’ve seen him around school before, he was a year older with girls always around him. But he wasn’t quite smart since he was in the same classes as you.

“Well, they’re going to be your legal guardians now. Alright? “

You frown a little, but what does it matter? Everything is gone, so you just agree.


“Okay Jihye, we’re going to take the bandage off now. ” Excitement was building up in your stomach. Finally, you could see what the nice Doctor Han looked like, what the gentle Nurse Lee looked like. You felt the binds slowly unwrapping, when finally it was fully off. You opened your eyes and it was blurry. You blinked and heard a gasp, “Doctor… ” You recognized the voice as Nurse Lee. 

“Nurse Lee! Call the guardians! “

Confused, you your head to the side and watch as the blurry figure become clearer. You saw a chubby girl running out of the room and frowned. “Jihye. Can you see me? ” You followed the voice and meet eyes with a young looking man, you saw him frown. “Jihye, can you see me? ” He repeats.

You nod slowly and a small smile forms on your lips, “Doc- ” You start to say, but stop when the door bursts open.

“Oh my gosh! Jihye! Thank God you’re alright! ” A middle aged woman runs up to you and hugs you. You freeze, and see Doctor Han get up to pull of the woman. “Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim can we please step outside to talk for a minute? “

“Huh? Why? ” Mrs. Kim finally looks at your face and her eyes widen, “W-What th- “
“Let’s go! ” Doctor Han pushes them out of the door. You your head to the side, why were they acting like this?

As if reading your thoughts, Nurse Lee comes up to you holding a mirror. “Jihye, don’t freak out okay? ” She speaks informal to you when you guys are alone, she’s become a friend. “Look. ” She holds up the mirror to your face and you gasp.
‘What’s wrong with me.. ‘


“Jihye, welcome to your new house. ” Mr. Kim chuckles at your dumbfounded expression. Everything was new, the furniture and everything. In the house everything screamed rich. The furniture looked expensive, the planted pottery and even the floor. 

“Myungsoo, come down! ” You tense up. You couldn’t help it. Myungsoo was considered one of the hottest boys in your school and when your friends find out you’re living with him, they’ll throw fits and tantrums.

You keep your head down, staring at your shoes.

“Myungsoo, greet our new guest. She’ll be staying with us from now on. ” Mrs. Kim smiled and patted you om the back.
“Yeah I know, it’s so troublesome. ” Myungsoo says, with his hands in his pockets. “Yah, are you going to say something back? I just greeted you. “
You tense up once again, “Hello.. Nam Jihye inmida.. “
“Ah, Jihye it’s Kim Jihye now, Kim. ” Mrs. Kim smacks her on the back. 
“Jihye huh? That fancy fancy girl? It’s kind of sad, hearing about the death of your whole family. And now you have to stay here with us. But things like that happen, I guess God thought you had too much fortune. “
You grit your teeth and look up, glaring at him. “What did you say? “
Myungsoo’s eyes widened, “What the.. your eyes! What the hell is wrong with your eyes!? ” He backs up.
“Yah! Kim Myungsoo, don’t be rude. ” Mr. Kim shoots him a glare and smiles at you, “Let me show you your room. Come with me. “

You follow him, hearing the fading voices of Myungsoo and his mother bickering.

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AngelGirls #1
nice story ^^
I don't know who to choose!! It's going to be so interesting later!! I love the storyline!!
aww how cute. and woah.
i love you for updating! wahhh myungsoo getting jealous is y.
ainaneyrah4ever #5
yeah ! you update *hugs you tightly* haha x)
Myungsoo is a poopyhead
melmelmel96 #7
i love the story. do update soon :)
_uniquelynghi #8
:DD I like the story ^^
Update soon~<33
^_^i really like this story. .
ainaneyrah4ever #10
hurm... I.. lIKE IT ! d(*O*)b