Chapter 4- 1st meeting "WooTae"

Destined to be 9

[Jang's House]

"Her? She's going to be my secretary?!" Wooyoung asked his Hyung

"Yeah~ Why? I heard that she's brilliant, modest and ummm... yeah~ she's cute" Geun SUk answered

"I saw some applicants awhile ago they are more y than her" Wooyoung complained

Geun Suk punch (soft punch) his younger brother's shoulder "Yah! you're going to work there not to have fun!" He scolded him

"Aish~ Arraseo, Hyung" He replied


[Jang Group Company- Jang Wooyoung's Office]

"Wooyung, Kim Taeyeon-ssi is here"Geun Suk told him

"Good Morning Jang Wooyoung-ssi, I'm Kim Taeyeon. Please treat me well" Taeyeon greeted him with a smile and bowed

"Hello" He greeted back

"I'm leaving now, fighting Taeyeon" Geun Suk cheered her.

"Nae, thank you~" She replied

"How old are you?" Wooyoung asked her

"I'm 23 yrs. old, Sir"She answered

"Oh... we're in the same age"

~Wooyoung look at her from head to toe, and walk around her~

"Well not bad, so what's my schedule for today?" He asked

"Umm.... later at 11:00 P.M you are going to the meeting room, at 3:00 P.M, Mr.Han- the head of sales department wants to talk to you and later at 8:00 A.M. you're going to the opening of our new shop" She answered

"That's all? So what am I going to do at that freetimes?"

"12:00 NN to 1:00 is your lunch break, 4:00 to 5:00 iis going to be your break again and in the other freetimes the papers their in your desk you're going to read all of that and that folders in your side some of them you need to sign"

"What all of these?!"

"Yes, sir. All of that, so if you need anything i'm just outside"


"Kim Taeyeon-ssi you're the sister of Kim Jiwoong, right?" Geun Suk asked her.

"Yes, sir. WHy did you asked?" She asked him too.

"He's my friend"

"Really?! Woah~"

"be ready Taeyeon, i'm sure Wooyoung will do some things today, be alert i'm sure he's now calling her girls to come here, don't let them to enter his office, okay?"

"Yes sir"


"Hey~ Babe can you come here with your friends in my office?" Wooyoung asked

"Is it okay?"

"Of course it's ok. i'm so bored in here"

"Ok we will be there soon bye"


"Good Morning Miss" taeyeon greeted the girls

"We want to see Jang Wooyoung" The girl said

Okay, I guess this is the girls that Geun Suk-ssi is talking about "Do you have appointment with him?" She asked them

"Is it important? He said we wants to see us, so we're here!"

"Sorry to say this but Girls you cannot enter Jang Wooyoung-ssi office, so if you may, the door is open you guys can go home now" She told them with a smile

"What's happening in here?!" Wooyoung asked them

"Sir..." taeyeon said and bowed

"Babe... She's not letting us to come in" The girl said while hugging Wooyoung

"Hey~ Taeyeon! Why did you do that?!" Wooyoung screamed at her.

"I'm sorry Sir but it's still Office hour, it's not yet funtime"taeyeon replied

"You really bug me! You're fired!" He yelled to her.

"No no no sir, read this" She told him and give him the letter.

"It says there that only Mrs. Jang can fired me and if I want to scold you because you're doing bad things I can Sir. So ladies if you may, you can go now. Sorry if Mr.Jang Wooyoung disturb you." Taeyeon said and smiled to Wooyoung and the ladies left.

"You... You" Wooyoung telling her while pointing his point finger to Taeyeon

Patience Patience "Me, what Sir?" She asked

"You really bug me!!!" He screamed at her.

"I'm sorry Sir" She said and bowed and Wooyoung enter his office.

"I did a right choice to hired her as his secretary she really did a great job" Mrs. Jang told Geun Suk

"You're right mom" Geun Suk replied and laugh


"Taeyeon, good job" Geun Suk praised her.

"Thank you, but I guess he's really mad at me"She replied and sighed.

"Don't mind him, you know.. he's used to do all what he wants but now it's over he must focus in our business, Fighting Kim Taeyeon!" He told her

"Nae~" She replied




Author's Note:

Hi Readers!

The next chapter will be WooTae again and the next chapter will be YongSeo....

So again thanks for all who subscribe ^^

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Chapter 14: update soon~ =)
kiyoong #2
Chapter 13: update soon haha ! of course it's not a criime to stole glances at Taeyeon ! HaeSica so cute ! LOVE UR UPDATE
Chapter 13: Seriously? Jessica just introduced donghae as her enemy ^^ so cute!
Chapter 12: update soon~~
cnsdGirl #5
Chapter 12: Yeah! And they will meet in Friday! :D
Uhm..Yoona and Yuri will good again, right? :/
Hope so! Oh~ YongSeo!~ :D
Oh!! So they not siblings. Okay! :D

Update soon! :D
mimisoojin #6
Chapter 11: nice work....
update soon
RGBM_Christeyn #7
New reader here.. :)
cnsdGirl: No they are not siblings, Minho was just older than her in this story, that's why she called him OPPA