Wait for me....

Wait for me....


It was the day… the day that he would leave you and you didn’t know how long it would take him to come back.


It could be month’s… even year’s before you could set your eye’s on the only person that held your heart.


As you looked at him you tried to remember every aspect of him, from the defined jaw line to his twinkling eye’s and broad well built body.


''Don't leave me'' you whispered tears sliding down your cheeks yet again as you stood with him in the middle of the bustling airport.


His lip trembled as the tear’s welled up in his eyes and his lip started to slightly tremble.


''I'm sorry I need to leave ... but promise me one thing... wait for me.... wait for me because I will come back'' he said cupping your face and looking deep into your eye’s before kissing away your tears.


''I promise... I promise that I will wait till the end of my life if I need to'' you answered hugging him tightly.


 He kissed your head... nose and then sweetly placed a deep kiss on your lips. Sobering the moment you could feel all the love flowing in that one bittersweet kiss making your heart clench even more. Whit that last kiss he let you go and took a step back sorrow and love filling his eyes.


For a moment he hesitated before pulling something out of his pocket.


It was a silver locket with sparrow engraved on it. As he took step closer he locket the chain around your neck and hissed the locket before placing the last kiss on your lip’s and taking a step back.


''Remember that I love you and please... please wait for me'' He took his suitcase with shaky hands and turned around going to his flight's gate one lonely tear rolling down his cheek as his hand tightened it’s grip on the handle and he bit down on his lip muffling his sob.


Only one sentence went thrum his mind as he went to the check in line:


                                                                                          'Wait for me....'                                     


As he diapered in the gates your knees went weak and you fell to the ground in a sobbing mess loosing all the senses of your surrounding’s.




                                              -.- 8 year's alter-.-


You were playing with kids in the playground as they ran around and played on the swing happy giggle’s coming from every direction.


Thrum the year's you became a kindergarten teacher because of your large love to kid's.


Now being 26 year's old you were a beauty but still you didn't date not listening to anything that your friends say, if your friends asked why you just said that your heart was taken long ago and was waiting for it’s rightfully owner to come back every time creasing the locket around your neck that never left it’s place.


You never broke the promise, you waited and you’re still waiting recalling every memory you had with him over and over again.


As the last kid was taken home you locked the kindergarten and went home with a lonely sight leaving your lip's.  


You stopped rooted in your place just a house away from yours as you saw a person gazing at your house. The person, more precisely a man, was wearing a suit that was showing his muscles and fitted him as a glove to the hand.


In his hand was a bouquet of roses and his gaze was distant and full of longing for something, like he was searching the meaning of his life.


You took a shaky step foreword as your small heels made a clacking noise on the pavement, hearing the clacking he snapped his head your way and then you saw his face making your eye’s grow large and teary in one moment because….

 it was him


Your bag fell as you broke into a run, you ran right into his open hands and hugged him tightly around the waste fearing that the moment you let him go you would wake up and find out it all was just a dream.


 The bouquet fell to the ground forgotten as he gathered you in a tight hug as small droplet’s fell down on your shoulder only moments later as you lifted your face to look into his eye’s you recognized them as his tear’s that were slowly streaming down his face.


''Joon... oh Joon'' you cried into his hands clutching to him for your dear life burying your face back into his chest as he rocked you back and forth in his arm’s tightening the grip around you.


"Shush.... I'm back baby... I'm back" he whispered kissing the top of your head as you sobbed into his chest clutching on him for your dear life.


You looked up into his loving gaze and kissed him passionately letting the 8 year’s of longing and love that was welled up into your heart flow thru it.


 He held you tighter pressing your body's together detesting every inch that separated you from him. The kiss was full of passion and longing but thru it all you felt was his unmistakable love for you that mad your knees go weak. After a moment you broke the kiss and again buried your head into his broad chest.


''Don't leave me ever again'' you murmured into his chest your voice cracking as you mumbled.


''Never again... never again... I will be always by your side'' he reassured.


''I love you" you both whispered in sync locking your lips in another passionate yet loving kiss.


Staying there in each other's arms was the best place you both could think of, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach and fireworks in your head weren’t exchangeable for anything in the whole wide world, because it was love…. and a true love comes by you only once in your life.


The only witnesses to these lovers magical reunion was the shining stars and the full moon right above there head as they’re promises of love drifted away in the light summer’s breeze.


'He left me with a promise and kiss that was bittersweet but… he came back with a passionate kiss that sealed our life full of love’ 



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This story was re-written at 14/11/2012 :3

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secretstayafterlove #1
Chapter 1: I read this while Avignon my iPod on shuffle and just like it knows what I'm reading, it starts playing MBLAQ's Tonight. Such warm feeling
Awwhhh ~ Keep it up !
teen_TOP98 #3
Aww that's cute! <3
So adorbs! You should make a sequel of their life after they are reunited!
faerie2010 #5
A couple mistakes, but really cute~
Awh~ This is so cute(=
lileewd #7
This makes me want to cry...you should make this into a full fanfic starting off from now...I sure would read it ^_^
Niya23 #8
T_T soooooo..omg touching! Make a sequel ppplllsss