At First Sight

At First Sight


"Hey Clara! Hellooo,are you there? Oh my gosh, you're not frozen are you? Ah, someone quick unfreeze her!" Annie shook her friend with all her might but she was still staring into space, a silly grin plastered on her face. "Calm down Annie! I'm not frozen, i'm just thinking about..."

"Who? Who are you thinking about? Is it some boy? Is he cute, I hope he's cute. Cute boys are nice huh? But then rabbits are cute too, are you thinking about a rabbit?" Annie blurted out. Usually she would have received a smack on her head for speaking too fast but Clara was too star struck to even listen to her, "I’m just thinking about..him.." she let out a small giggle as she drifted off to a few hours ago.

Annie had wandered off, as usual. Clara let out a frustrated grunt as she walked around the crowded shopping centre aimlessly whilst searching for her overly enthusiastic friend. "Damn, the last time I saw her was at the pet shop..that silly girl was practically pasting her face onto the glass walls. Why is this place so crowded!" she muttered angrily to herself. Her eyes scanned the endless sea of people in hope of spotting her friend.

Her eyes met with a pair of eyes that were as dark as the night sky, for some reason Clara couldn't find the will to pull away from those eyes. Perhaps it was that playful glint in those otherwise charismatic eyes as they winked at her that was holding her captive. Clara could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, making them turn a shade of red she didn't even know existed until then.

With all the willpower she had in her, she broke away from the gaze momentarily to look at the owner of those eyes. She gasped, he looked like he just stepped out of a fashion magazine, even better looking than a model if she was being completely honest.. His jet black hair that matched his eyes were swept slightly towards the left, covering just a little of his perfectly shaped eyebrows that arched above his eyes. His lips were baby pink and looked really kissable.. Wait, what was she thinking, this was a complete stranger. She shouldn't even be staring at him, let alone think about him kissing him! No matter how kissable she thought his lips were..

"Urgh," she mentally slapped herself for those thoughts. 

He looked like a freaking model even though he was just wearing a simple black v-neck shirt under a crisp white jacket paired with some jeans. How he managed to make such ordinary clothes look so good, she had not a single idea. Suddenly, she noticed that he was making his way over to her.

"Hey" said the stranger in a smooth voice.

"Uh,h-hey" she stuttered due to the closeness of his body to hers.

"My name is Sungmin. Lee Sungmin. What's your name?" He smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth.

"K-kim Clara.." she tried to return a smile as wide as his.

"Yepeuda! Your name is as pretty as you!" exclaimed Sungmin.

Clara's cheeks started to turn red again as she blushed deeply from the compliment that Sungmin gave her. In order to not let the boy in front of her think that she was some immature girl, only capable of stuttering, she said with much confidence,  "Thank you, you look really nice as well.".

That being said, the patterns on the marble floor suddenly seemed very interesting to her. But when she looked up, she was faced with Sungmin's flaming cheeks. The two exchanged a look and let out an embarrassed laugh. Just like that, it was as though the awkwardness of their first words had vanished into thin air, leaving behind a mutual attraction between the two people.
Sungmin took a step closer to Clara and placed one of his hands onto her rosy red cheeks, "You're really pretty you know?" she could feel the sincerity in his words, her heart beating so loudly that she thought everyone could hear the loud thumps.
"Gee..tha-" her words were interrupted as Sungmin placed a finger on her lips.

 " don't have to say another word," he lowered his head towards her and his finger was replaced with his own lips. At that very moment where their lips met, she felt every single spark and firework that she'd read of in those romance novels.

“I have to leave now urgently but I would really love to take you out one day, how about we exchange hand phone numbers?” He said as he pulled away from the kiss, much to Clara’s disappointment. Though she wondered why he had to leave so soon, she nodded her head in agreement. Pulling her into an embrace, Clara rested her head in the nook of his neck as Sungmin kissed the top of her head and said, “I really like you, from the moment I saw you across the shopping mall, you immediately attracted me at first sight. I hope you don’t think I’m just a ert preying on random girls because that is not true at all!”. He pulled out his sunglasses and put them on, making his way towards the exit and waving to her with a huge smile on his face that mirrored her own face.

-End of flashback-

“Aww..he sounds cute!” Annie squealed with excitement, waving the magazine that was in her hand, in the air. Clara grabbed the magazine from her hands, her eyes widening with shock when she saw the cover. Or to be more precise, the person who was on the cover.

“Oh my gosh, it’s Sungmin!” Her hands shaking. “The boy I just met, he’s Lee Sungmin from Super Junior! How could I have not known!“ She said with the loudest voice she could manage, which wasn’t very loud because she was so shocked but her voice was still filled with surprise. She couldn’t stop smiling, he actually liked her. A normal girl, one that actually thought she would end up living with ten cats when she was old and lonely, one that was never confident in her looks. He actually liked her. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was, out of so many pretty girls in that shopping mall, he saw her and he actually LIKED HER.

“I really like you..”

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Nichkelle #1
Thank you for commenting :) i will try to write more, kekeke ^^
Mi-young #2
it was really nice I liked ur fic ^^
snsdsone96 #3
This was short but nice too! Thank you for writing and i do hope you WILL write more fics with your creative friend ^^
Nichkelle #4
Thank you :P I will think of more ideas with my creative friend :D
wooyounghottest #5
So cute! :) I love this so much! Please continue writing more stories :P
Nichkelle #6
Thank you! :D Yeah, i agree that it's too fast too :P Thanks again for being my first commenter! ^_^