Shooting Star

Shooting Star

"Gong Chan Shik, please teach me how to bake a home made chocolate cake!" I requested whole heartedly to a friend of mine who loves baking. Gongchan was my classmate since our elementary days but we were never really that close. His mother often visits my mom at home. They talk about certain stuff and sometimes borrow things from each other. They were the best of friends but not us. We were just normal friends. Well, back to reality...

Gongchan was surprised then suddenly smirked and chuckled. I was embarrassed asking a guy to teach me but I had no choice but to do this. He was the best when it comes to baking.

"Who would you give it that it had to be home made?" He asked curiously with a grin on his face.

"Well... I'm thinking of giving it to... Umm... On Valentine's day... To... Yah! Wait a minute! Why would I tell you?! That's mine to keep!" I yelled at him loudly that he had to cover my mouth to keep me from shouting.

"Okay okay. I'll teach you how but that question is my condition. Tell me who you'd give it to," He questioned me with his eyebrows moving up and down and his lips grinning wide. I yanked him off and faced down. That would be my first time telling someone who I love. It was embarrassing.

"I... Umm... Its Lee Joon-ssi. I kind of like him. He's so smart and cool. He's also popular," I answered shyly. My face started to heat up but then that blush moment turned to irritation.

"Lee Joon?! Aigoo... Why him?! Yeah he's smart but he's not really worth it. That guy's a total playboy. Why like him?" He proclaimed irritatingly and made a cute irritated face as he walked away. I felt hopeless since he rejected my request but suddenly, he turned his head at me and cheerfully said, "Don't worry, even though I don't like him, I'll still teach you so be ready tomorrow."



Morning came and I was excited. I even bought a lot of ingredients in case I made many mistakes. After class, GongChan waited for me in the hallway and we went at my house together.

"Okay. Let's start by these simple procedure. Just follow the instruction carefully and be careful not to add to much or mix too much," Gongchan started explaining as I prepare all the utensils to be used.

"Also, You absolutely cannot measure with only your eyes and always make sure that the chocolate's temperature is just right," He explained further.

"Mwo? Waeyo?" I asked continuously that made him yelled, "Because it's standard!"

"Yah, Channie, why do you chose to do pastry if you know it's a very delicate job?" I curiously asked as I started mixing the ingredients.

"Because I like sweet things," He quickly answered and smiled at me.

"Huh? That's the only reason? You could just buy those at a bakeshop or somewhere," I told him frankly.

"Well... when I bake it myself, I can add other stuff as well, like more cream, berries or mallows and... love," He practically said and turned to gaze at me and smiled a little as he said the word "love".

"Umm... I'm just saying you can add anything when you bake this," He said as he quickly looked away from me and chuckled softly. That surprised me.

Why did he have to make a face like that? Right, I forgot. Gongchan hadn't had any girlfriend all his life but just as I thought, I was glad I ask him for help.

Everyday he woud come to my house to teach me and of course, he kept on scolding and correcting me for every small mistake I made. My mom would always greet him whenever she saw him and they would talk a little. We went to school together anytime we want but time was actually running out for Valentine's Day.




Then the day before Valentine's day came. Gongchan accompanied me in buying the ingredients but of course it wouldn't be as easy as I thought it was. The market was on valentine's sale. The place was full of girls trying to buy the things they needed. As I was about to go in, Gongchan stopped  walking. I turned to him and tilted my head in confusion.

"I won't go in there, araso? It's too embarrassing and it's usual that only girls would gather here at this day since you're the ones who were supposed to give us, guys, chocolates you made for tomorrow. Just get everything you need for the cake. Don't forget a single ingredient, nae?" He assured and remained there as he shooed me to go inside before it runs out. I nodded and smiled at him as I made an "Aja" with my hand. I started walking and searched for a good spot to sneak in but unfortunately I couldn't. Everyone was panicking and grabbing things they could have.

"Excuse me, excuse me please. I need to sneak in. That cornstarch over there. I have to--" I was cut off when someone shoved me away but luckily someone caught me before my landed the floor. As I looked up, I saw Gongchan.

"Kwaenchana, Hyori-ah?" He worriedly said as he gently pulled me up. I nodded continuously and bit my lip. He shook his head and sighed. He quickly held my hand and went in. My mouth opened in surprise of what he did. Girls around us started murmuring.

"Hey look. A guy went in..."

"Maybe he's gonna buy chocolate for his girl..."

"A guy actually came here..."


"Yah, Channie-ah, aren't you embarrassed?" I asked while looking at his back.

"If I won't do this, I'll have to wait forever," He quickly replied as I saw his face flushed. I sighed and pouted to his answer but my face started to heat up as I saw my hand still in his. I didn't realized he was still holding my hand. His hand was big, slim and warm than my small ones.

"But… but… For m-me, it's em-embarrassing," I stuttered.

"Mwo?! For who are you saving face?!" He shouted as he faced me.

"Aniyo! That's not what I meant!" I yelled back embarrassed.

"Then what is it?" He curiously asked while looking at my face.

"Its... Its... y-your h-hand," I said stuttering, trying not to look straightly at him. He quickly let go of my hand and exclaimed, "Pabo! I did it so that you won't get eaten by the crowd. Oh well, just follow me then."

He quickly turned away and started walking. I remained to where I was standing as I stared at his back which was slowly disappearing in the crowd. For some reason, why is it that it was better not to say anything?




"The taste is good. Cham jo-a.. It's delicious!" Gongchan commented to the cake I just baked.

"Really? It's not overcooked anymore?" I cheerfully asked.

"Nae, the color of the cake is still a little off though. Just make sure the temperature is right tomorrow then you'll do fine," He said as he took off the apron and hang it.

"You're not going here tomorrow to guide me anymore?" I pouted at him and exhaled heavily.

"Aniyo. You can do it yourself now. You finally learned it so you don't need me anymore. Jal-jinae," He smiled and grabbed his coat. I suggested that I would walk him home and grabbed my coat hurriedly.

"What are you doing? When did we changed roles? Pabo," He uttered while looking at the sky.

"Nothing. I just want to and to thank you for teaching me ans for being patient," I grinned widely.

"Omo! Uwaaa! Look! A shooting star! I wish... I wish... Umm..." I quickly said as I gaze at the star above and clasped my hands together to make a wish.

"Why don't you just wish for the two of you tomorrow?" He suggested seriously.

"Nae nae! I wish tomorrow would be a success and that my cake would turn out well," I wished and pleaded whole-heartedly. Gongchan suddenly chuckled softly and looked at me.

"Don't you know the myth of the shooting star?" He asked cheerfully. I shook my head in reply and asked him back to tell me about the myth.

"They said that when you wish in a shooting star, you should give it all your love and hope to make your wish come true," He stated and looked up again but the star wasn't there anymore. I quickly grabbed his hand and ran to chase the star. He kept asking me why we were running so fast.

"I wanted to see the shooting star again! I didn't give all my love to it! I need to follow it to make my wish come true!" I answered in a shout and smiled pleasantly.

"YAH! HYORI! That's impossible! We can't chase it! But I know a way to at least catch a glimpse of it before it leaves entirely! It's by the river!" He yelled and ran faster for him to become first. I felt excited as we ran with our hands together. I really wanted to find the shooting star again but at that very moment, it was something I won't forget. We stopped by the river panting and catching our breath. We didn't make it. The star was gone but that didn't matter already. We sat down together and gazed at the starry night sky. He ran his fingers through his hair. He smiled while panting and started laughing.

"Aigooo... This is the first time I chased something impossible to even chase," He said happily.

"Here. I made chocolates to thank you. It's not that much but I tried making it when you weren't there. I don't know if it taste good either but I made it the best I can. I know its a day earlier but... Gomawo, Channie," I exclaimed as I thanked him. He looked surprised as he accepted the chocolate I made for him. He stared at it for a few seconds before looking back at me and seriously said, "Hyori, can I get one more?"

I literally didn't get what he said so I was about to ask him when he suddenly moved his face closer to mine and kissed me. I flinched as our lips touched and gave me a shock of sensation that made me shut my eyes but the kiss wasn't that long. It was quick then he looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Mi-mianhae... I just wanted to tell you good luck tomorrow."

After saying that, he turned away from me, waved his hand goodbye and walked away. When he was gone, my body collapsed on its own that made me sat down on the ground. It was as if I was melting and the energy inside my body was out. My heart felt like it stopped beating for a while.

What just happened? Eotteokhaji..?




Valentine's Day~


That feeling I felt yesterday was something I don't know myself. I have this one-sided love from a top class and I had decided to confess to him and give him a chocolate cake for Valentine's day. I baked the cake to specially give it to him.

"I'm Jang Hyori from class two. I'm so glad you came to meet me. I have always admired you, Lee Joon-ssi so... This is for you," I confessed as I gave him the cake.

"A cake? Hmm... You baked it?" He asked when he accepted it.

"N-nae, b-but if you don't l-like i-it at a-all, it's o--" I stuttered but his answer cut me off.

"It's okay. Gomawo," He grinned widely that made felt relieved.

"...but I can't eat this myself so why won't you join me?" He continued.

M-M-MMMWWWOOOO?!?!?!? J-join h-him?!

I ended up coming with him. He led me to his place and gave me a cup of black tea. I didn't even imagine to end up there and I don't even know how to drink black tea. I was so nervous that every time he talks to me I stutter and I kept on shaking. Eotteokhae?!? O.O

"You don't have to be nervous. Relax, nae?" He told me and gently pushed me down the couch. I was lying down and he was on top of me. What was he doing?! >.<

"Umm... Geurae... Mwo.. A-are you s-serious?!" I panicked as I felt how nervous I was.

"I thought you liked me? There's no one else here right now," He whispered in my ear that made me had goosebumps. He was about to kiss me when suddenly...

"STOOOPP!!" I shrieked loudly and kicked him on his crotch. He groaned in pain as I quickly get out of his place and ran as fast as I can to escape. I stopped when I was quite far. At that moment, I wanted to call Gongchan so I dialed his number but it was unavailable.

"But if he answers, what is he gonna do about it...?" I mumbled to myself and sighed.

Unintendedly, I remembered the moment Gongchan and I saw the shooting star together. It was really unforgettable.




The next morning...


"Anyeong, Hyori!" Gongchan greeted as he ran beside me at the stairs. I greeted back at him and continued climbing the stairs.

"About last night..." He started but when he saw my surprised sad expression, he became worried.

"Yah! Hyori, what's wrong?" He asked but knew why when he heard the conversation.

"...and then she almost kicked me down there. Luckily, I was good at pretending. Oh yeah, that pabo even gave me a cake. She said she baked it herself but it looked like it can't even be eaten so I threw it after she ran away," Lee Joon shared to his friend and they both started laughing about it. My eyes became to swell as tears start to fill them but all of a sudden, Gongchan jumped down the stairs and gave Lee Joon a hard punch on the face. I gasped in surprise.

"CH-CHANNIE-AH! St-stop it!" I quickly ran down and pulled him away.

"That... that hurts," Lee Joon uttered in pain.

"IT HURTS, RIGHT?! YOU THINK IT WAS EASY?!" Gongchan yelled at him. Our sajangnim suddenly showed up and asked about what happen but Gongchan just walked out, leaving me staring at him. He quickly turned his head at me and smiled gently.





"Hyori, I won't go to the confectionary school anymore. Instead, I will be staying at my aunt's. She owns a hotel that has a patisser. She's going to open up a shop soon, too. I don't need to go to school anymore. I just have to work hard there so one day, I could be the best future chef that you can be proud of," He cheerfully declared and smiled from ear to ear. It was a few seconds before I completely understand what he meant. I faced my head down, trying to remain calm and said through my teeth in disappoinment, "Pabo... You're really pabo..."

Gongchan is going away...

He will be gone...

He is going to leave me...


No way!

I don't want to!




Graduation day came. I was seated at the back. My eyes wandered as I search for him and when I found him, I could just stare at his back, at his uniform, his hair... Away from me...

Gongchan was a good friend to spend time with. We teased each other for fun and did silly things together but unexpectedly, I have come to depend on him. I once believed that after graduating, things would still be the same but now, I know that life isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

"Hey, where's Chan Shik?"

"I don't know."

"I think he left already."

"Our oppa left already?! Aww.."

"Nae, he already said goodbye and quickly left."

"Too bad he won't go with us..."

"He said he has to prepare things before work..."

"Gongchan left already?!" I sneaked in the conversation when I heard that he left. They nodded in unison.

"He told us he's going there tomorrow. We'll see him off. For now, come and join us watch fireworks, Hyori," Some classmate of mine said but I just thanked him and completely ran as fast as I could.




I should at least try to see if it would really work. There's no harm in trying to bake a chocolate cake again. If I were to see a shooting star right now, I wondered what I should wish for? What did I wanted to happen? But I already knew that the time where we saw the shooting star together, it was set at that time already. I have chosen Gongchan so baking a cake with lots of love may result to a perfect one. After I baked the cake and put it in a cake box with a ribbon, I dashed to go to his place. I was running so fast that I even passed by someone riding a bike.

"HYORI-AH!" He called out. That voice was Gongchan's. His voice that was so soothing. I turned around and saw him, facing the opposite way. I went near him.

"Hyori, why are you here? Where are you going at this hour?" He continuously asked.

"To your house. Here, I brought this for you," I told him as I showed the cake I made.

"What did you put in there?" He curiously asked.

"Chocolate, marshmallows and lots and lots of my love," I said shyly, not looking straight at him. He accepted the cake, looked at me with a serious face and suddenly laughed. Was he making fun of me? When I looked up at him, he grabbed me and hugged me with his right arm while he held the cake up with his left hand. He was still laughing.

"Channie-ah! The cake! You're gonna drop the cake. Be careful!" I warned him again and again.

"Oh right! The cake. I baked one for you too. Here," He said and opened the box to show me the cake he made. It was a star-shaped cake and above it was something I couldn't believe with my eyes.


Hyori, I love you!



He also felt the same way about me. I was so happy that my tears started flowing down. He quickly wiped it away.

"I was gambling on this. If you weren't going to accept it, I was going to throw it away in this river but if you're going to accept it then the two of us could enjoy eating it together. It was a tough risk I took," He exclaimed and smiled widely. Just looking at him made me happy. He was carefully cutting the cake when I pulled his collar and kissed him. His eyes widened but later on, he was already leading the kiss. I felt utter bliss at that very moment of my life.




"Is the place you'll be working at so far away from here?" I asked sadly.

"Yeah but there are phones, mails, train and of course, love!" He grinned to keep my hopes up. With Gongchan beside me, the cakes we shared and the twinkling stars around us, the night was completely filled with shooting stars.

"I love you, Hyori."

"I love you too, Ch-channie..."

"Why isn't the world this sweet? Is there such sweet thing in this world?" I asked, frowning. He chuckled softly and hugged me tight then gave me a quick kiss on my forehead as he said, "Silly... I'll let you know from now on."





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congrats :)
congrats! :))
congrats ^^
GigglePig99 #5
Congrats :)
DragonRace #6
karma karmaaa wonderful karmaaaa
Korean_Mafia #8
Karma farming.
Chapter 1: so cute!!! awwwwww