We Exist Within You










"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure..." William Feather


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDh36VelFv0&feature=relmfu <play this music for better reading..




The backwashing waves from the billowing sea created a hymn of splashing sounds as it brushed the shoreline, spraying water, washing the white sand, creating dulcet foams. Mirroring from the waters was the outlying sky in pale veil of mid-summer blue blotted with drifting cirrus. It was gazing down at its reflection, admiring itself with an air of gratification expressed through benign salty breeze that tore itself toward Yoona’s face, as she sat on a lone bench ensconced meters from the shore while bearing an incomprehensible grin. 

In her eyes, there was a scene, a beautiful and dreamy panorama, of two girls running across the sandy shore, laughing their heart out… One of the girl fell down rather seriously, but as the other jumped over, they were both consumed by laughing again: Even if it hurts a lot falling down. 

Perhaps because they are with each other. They were just plain happy. 

And the scene was beautiful because of that.

Another gush of cool zephyrs came sweeping, causing her long, dark strands of hair to screen her smiling face. It reflected the euphoria of remembering the most cherished moments she always kept all these time. 

Then a girl with doe-like eyes and unique grin turned up, prodding Yoona as she bustled. 

“Yo, Yoona,” Sooyoung brightly greeted, taking the space next to Yoona, who looked up on her with a grin for a while and went back day-dreaming again. 
Sooyoung glanced at the peaceful seascape briefly before riveting back to Yoona. “Yo!”Sooyoung called rather impatiently.


Her focus darted to Sooyoung, immediately casting an apologetic look. “Sorry. I’m just…”

“Day-drooling, by the looks of it,” Sooyoung smiled. Incoming winds continuously blew her shoulder length pleat, blocking her face with strands as she constantly fixed it to the back of her ears. 

“No,” Yoona dreamily beamed, not looking at Sooyoung but remained fixed to her phantasmagoric air castle. “I miss this place a lot.”

“The old nurses from the lobby mentioned you to me a while ago,” Sooyoung told Yoona. “You’re quite popular from old dudes.” 

Nestled as if a lighthouse near the edge of a bluff that was raised from the torrent of waves, and meters away from where they sat, was an overlooking and modest hospital, with a visible lobby and first floor paneled with lucid glass panes for a three hundred and sixty degree view of the seascape bordering around. 

Yoona shortly glanced at it and she bore a toothed smile, awed upon the renovation that changed the mask the hospital bears. But the previous marks that remain cannot be seen through its exteriors and modern interiors. For it were memories still clear in her head. “Really? I suppose they told you something about the two awesomely mischievous girls I used to hang out with.” Then she chuckled, in her head, suddenly recalling scowls from the nurses that seemed to be chasing something. 

“No, actually,” said Sooyoung truthfully, sniggering, mouthing ‘awesomely mischievous’ and leaning back against the bench and stretching her legs, yawning. “Why’re we here, anyway?”

Yoona closed her eyes dramatically. 

Warmth drowned her heart, as she digested the distant words that out of blue reeled back: She heard it echoing aloofly. It was a conversation from three girls planning to set sail into the sea in search for the infamous Bearded Wizard. But their planning was composed mainly of chuckles and teasing, of dreams putting up and limitless caring for each other.

She was so happy back then.

She was so happy being back here again. 

For she considered this place very specially, because this was the place of discovery. About the flowers that bloom in spring after a harsh winter: Twinkling with dewdrops as it reflected the waltzing rays from the sun nestled in the very bosom of dusk. 

“I was born with con heart disease and I developed glaucoma at nine. At eleven, my glaucoma worsened. But that’s because I love scratching my eyes.”

Sooyoung laughed at the last part. “Scratching your eyes?”

“Mm-hmm,” Yoona nodded, still with eyes half-closed and euphoria gleaming on her face like a mirror of eternal happiness shining as defiantly as the sun on that summer afternoon. “Seriously, my eye disease got worst because I used to punch, scratch and prod my eyes with anything my hands could reach of. I hated them that much. You see, because of my heart, the doctors feared doing surgeries on me eyes. It’s effing hard to find a heart donor before, you know. Has to be the exact age, exact height and exact mannerism to me. That’s what pissed me back then even more.”

“Mannerism?” Sooyoung smiled. Then she gulped, shifting into serious mode. “Why would you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Why would you pinch your own eyes?”

Yoona's answer to that question was ready at once as though she had waited for it. “Oh, that. Well, I hated being such a weakling. Imagine a little girl who cannot laugh and cry as long as she wants because of her damaged heart, plus, she can’t see anything because of her glaucoma. Would you still choose to live? Or will you take an old, traditional advice? You know, when everything’s hopeless, you jump over the cliff and splash. Done.”

She chuckled heartily but for a moment and so ephemeral, she felt as though her eyes were clouded again by the white mist (the effect of the eye disease called glaucoma). She suddenly remembered she had her eyes closed and the sudden white blots are tears starting to form. She really missed this place so much.

Sooyoung, who was still unaware of the lacrimation, merely pouted and crossed her legs, and then she tucked her arms to her armpits to fight the chill carried by the breeze. She was gazing at the seascape that somewhat blends incredibly with the mood. “So you were confined here and all?”

“Mm-hmm,” Yoona mumbled again, barely opening her eyes that were now b with tears. “Twelve years ago, here, I didn’t just get the chance to have a taste of my own medication, but also, this place had me rethinking my views and ethics and all. I’m such an A-hole back then, you know.”

“You were still, even now,” Sooyoung  said gallingly. Yoona smugly sniggered.

“You wouldn’t believe how much of a cynic I was back then. It would make you want to shake the senses back to me.” She momentarily caught a glimpse of Sooyoungs's incredulous face and she winked. “Anyways,” she went on, “this is the moment the two mischievous girls, that I’ve mentioned earlier, take part.”

Sooyoung eyed more intently now, but she was slightly distracted by the winds still relentlessly brushing her hair to her face. On the other hand, Yoona closed her eyes again, putting her self in the most sentimental pondering, and without further ado, “These two girls… basically, they’re the most awesome people I’ve ever met. Even if they loved to take the mickey out of people, loved playing pranks to their own amusement, loved to tease me because I’m blind, they’re still the best people I’ve most luckily met ever.” Though the appendage of fluke in that context was somewhat insulting (because she believed that it was really fated to happen), she imagined one of the girl glaring down at her but utterly amused.

“Don’t exaggerate, I’m itching,” Sooyoung grinned that Yoona answered with a snort, still with eyes shut. The trace of happiness gleamed more unendingly from her visage exuberantly. 

“I’m trapped inside a winter when they showed me there’s spring,” she said, circumventing profound rhetorical statements for Sooyoung's comprehension. At the corner of her eyes, she had taken a glimpse of Sooyoung, and had been relieved at the sight of her in implying goad etched on her face. “That’s why I loved them so much.”

There was a minute’s silence. Sooyoung held her breath anxiously, waiting for something explosive. 

Until Yoona snorted again, followed by a chuckle. “Hahaha…”

“Yah! Is that it?” Sooyoung demanded, clearly unsatisfied and incredulous. 

“Nothing… it’s just… Hahaha… never seen you so interested in this,” Yoona cackled, in mirth of basis devoid. 

Sooyoung glared and let out a loud nasal breath. 

Yoona coughed suddenly and decided to go on with her story, “Sorry. Where was I?” Sooyoung's face got twisted threateningly, “Ah! I love these bestfriends of mine so much because they did so many things, beyond anyone, even my parents, did to me. They had been my eyes, my ears, simply everything when I thought I was nothing. They even gave me their eyes and heart as gifts before they passed away.” 

The b tears fell down from her face as she felt her body getting younger, slowly transferring back into times of the winter, before the spring… 


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jessi99 #1
Yey update!!oh..hyang ahjusshi is also good with words..
"No one hated you,"...“Maybe the appropriate reason is you hate yourself.”
if i'm not mistaken, Fany mentioned these words before..
hyang ahjusshi and taeny really knows how to put words in Yoona..

lols at Yoona..teasing Taeyeon for stealing Fany..
She lived over the principle: Touch anything you want but not my Fany.
A knight always protects his mistress.
And Sir Taeyeon seemed she would joust to death if one dares to steal her love.
Taeyeon surely loves Fany..and no on can take Fany away from her..
EMT0304 #2
TaeNy always protect Yoona because they love her much
what-the-hell #3
You guys give me hope. Seriously, a single comment that says I've given him/her an inspiration was practically worth a thousand 'that's awesome; thanks for the comments...need more subscribers =(
angelene335 #4
Your works are definitely a must read!
It brings out every emotions.
You definitely know how to tug heartstrings!
I enjoyed reading each chapter despite how sleep deprived I've been.
The moment I started reading the prologue I didn't want to stop.
I want to find my self such friends or become somewhat like them.
Wherein laughing away is my ultimate mission and touching lives along the way.
This work is definitely inspirational!

Please continue to write and inspire the broken and not-so-broken people.
I am definitely a fan of this work!..
hope you can update soon..
Alia39 #5
so beautiful, you made me to cry