YulSung's Moments... ^^

YulSung's Moments... ^^

Yuri closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable impact with the cold and hard ground when she tripped over the squatting figure outside their dorm. To her surprise, she came in contact with a much softer and warmer cushion.

Yuri slowly opened her eyes. She was embarrassed to know that she was lying on top of Yesung with his face a few inches away from her and her palms resting on his chest.

“Yuri… I have already used my body to shield you from the fall… But this does not mean that I’m a comfortable bed to sleep on…” Yesung joked.

“Oh…! I’m sorry…” Yuri quickly scampered to her feet. The hot and tingling sensation remained on her rosy cheek. Her heartbeat thumped surprisingly fast.

“Aren’t you going to help me up…?” Yesung groaned and raised his hand, requesting support from the dumbstruck girl. Yuri reluctantly grabbed Yesung’s hand and tried to help him up. However, Yesung wouldn’t budge and remained lying on the ground with a mischievous laugh.

“Kim Jong Woon!” Yuri was getting frustrated by Yesung’s uncooperative action and she unconsciously shouted out his full name. Her blushing face and pouted lips were so adorable that Yesung was enchanted by the beautiful view.

“Alright, alright… I shall stop teasing you…” Yesung finally conceded and rose up without Yuri’s help.

“So… Am I right to point out that… You do not require my help in the first place, isn’t it…?” Yuri narrowed her eyes at Yesung and put her hands on her hips.

“Well… Yes… Fortunately, I’m not a tiny insect… If not, my arms would be broken, judging by your violent means to pull me up…” Yesung chuckled and resumed his work of digging the soil.

“Kim Jong Woon!” Yuri’s face was red and puffy which made Yesung rose up to pinch her reddened cheeks with his soiled hands.

Though Yuri liked Yesung pinching her cheeks, she pushed his dirty hands away. “Yesung… What are you doing…? Looking for insects again…?”

Yesung squatted down again and mumbled a soft “yeah”.

“Then why do you have to dig all the way from Super Junior’s dorm to SNSD’s dorm…?” Yuri questioned the now blushing Yesung.

“Erm… Ah… Well…” Yesung stammered. Yuri giggled to see Yesung blushing madly. “Ahem…” Yesung cleared his voice and continued. “I’ve done exploring the garden near our dorm… I’m… I’m looking for new species near your dorm…”

“Is it so….?” Yuri chuckled and continued to tease Yesung, delighted to see the always cool-looking Yesung with his reddened cheeks and scratching his head as if to seek out a reasonable explanation.

“Fine then… Do you want to know the truth of why I’m here…?” Yesung asked, his eyes reflecting a tinge of uncertainty. Yuri smiled and gave an encouraging nod.

“Sigh… I wanted to know whether you will be okay from all the teasing last night at the party…” Yesung patted his muddy hands on his jogging pants. “Well… It seems that you are fine with it… Then I shall get going… Bye…” Yesung finished his explanation and waved goodbye to the stunned girl.

“That’s it? That’s all?” Yuri shouted after Yesung. Yuri could not stop her tears from flowing down her cheeks. She wiped it off angrily and stomped back into her dorm.

Yesung was bewildered by Yuri’s action and he stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what to do.

“Aish… Yesung…” A cheerful voice called out to him. It was Sunny who walked towards him and knocked his head with her knuckles.

“Are you that silly, idiotic or slow-reactive?” Sunny grumbled. “Do you know when we comment about your weird behaviour of collecting bugs; Yuri would always defend you…? Do you know that Yuri has tried to do some research on insects just to catch up with you…?”

“Hey!” Sunny bellowed in Yesung’s ear as he seemed to be in a daze. “Do you need further examples to show how Yuri loves you…?”

“Yu… Yuri… L… Loves… Me…?” Yesung stuttered and pointed to himself. “YES!” Sunny bellowed again in his ear. “Aren’t you going to do something???!!!”

Yesung quickly ran into SNSD’s dorm and knocked on Yuri’s door.

Just then Yuri gave an ear-piercing scream. “Ahh…….!!!”

“Yuri! Yuri! Yuri!” Yesung banged on the door and screamed anxiously, afraid that something happened to his Black Pearl. The commotion drew the attention of other SNSD members. Taeyeon reacted quickly enough and took the spare key to open Yuri’s door.

Yuri was about to open the window when Yesung hugged her from behind. “Yuri, I love you! Don’t commit silly thing!”

Yuri struggled out of his grasp and pushed open the window. Just then, Yesung’s eyes widened when he saw many colourful butterflies flying out of the window from the box on the study table.

Yuri’s eyes beamed with happiness and satisfaction when she waved her ‘children’ goodbye. “Don’t forget mummy, little ones!”

“Ek…..! Yuri! Don’t tell me you were rearing caterpillars in your room!” Jessica emitted a high-pitch shrill. Yuri turned to her hysterical friend and gave a nod.

“Yucks! We’re getting out of here…!” Tiffany screamed and ran out of the room with all the SNSD members following closely behind.

Yesung and Yuri chuckled when they saw their friends rushing out of the room as if they’re chased by monster. However, when their eyes met, their laughter faded awkwardly.

Yesung pretended to look around Yuri’s room while Yuri looked down on the floor, fidgeting with her fingers.

“Yesung…?” Yuri called out after being able to pluck up her courage. “Hmm…?” Yesung answered absent-mindedly when he flicked through Yuri’s CD rack where he found a few posters of him insert in between.

“Were… Were… Were you… Speaking the truth just now…?” Yuri asked as she felt her cheeks gradually turning hot.

“What truth…?” Yesung turned with a puzzled expression and looked at Yuri. Yuri thought Yesung had said the three magical words, intending to lure her away from the window. Her mood went down slope in an instant. She climbed into her bed and slept with the blanket over her head; trying to ignore Yesung.

Yesung gave a mischievous smirk and pulled the blanket. Yuri stared furiously at him. Before she could protest, her lips were claimed by Yesung. Yuri’s eyes widened at the unexpected and yet long-awaited kiss.

“The truth is ‘Kim Jong Woon loves Kwon Yuri’… Would you be my girlfriend…?” Yesung confessed when he ended the kiss. Yuri gave a shy nod and they continued where they left off…

The rest of SNSD members who were peeking from the doorway gave a relieved sigh…


Mell chingu ah… I’m sorry if I did not portray the requested story well enough… T__T
To all readers… Hope you’ve enjoyed reading… Feel free to comment / criticise… ^^

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Chapter 1: <333 Yay! Another super sweet one-shot! c:
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@blackjack13: Oh I see... That's why you are so happy about this fanfic.. ^^
@BlackPearl_Goddess yes heh well Yulsung is rare on its own there a a few but not as much as Minyul or any other Super Generation couple!!
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@blackjack13: Hi, chingu, you're welcome... ^^ Didn't expect this yulsung story is so well-received... Is this couple too rare to find...? Will try to have another one if time permits... ^^
I LOvE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



more yulsung please!
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@khrean03: Haha... Glad that you love this story... Hmm... I may not have the time to write... You may try writing a yulsung story or make a sequel of mine & I'll definitely subscribe... ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@mellowme: chingu ah... Glad that you like this story... Why not you help me with the sequel instead...? ^^