All good things come to an end

Love is Blind

Your POV:

Waking up from my slumber I recalled what had happened yesterday, which bought a smile to my face. Throughout my classes that day I could not prevent myself from thinking of my few moments with Jiyong and how he had kissed me. Did this signify that we were closer than friends? But I’m a fan obviously this has to cloud my judgement somehow. Unsure of how I had felt towards him, I decided that I would avoid the park for a few days in order to collect my thoughts on the matter.

After the third day of avoiding Jiyong, I could not help but realise that I had greatly missed him. Our brief encounters allowed me to realise that those empty spaces that I had felt as I left my friends and family in Australia to go and study abroad was being filled by Jiyong who would occasionally tell me his problems. In the past few days, I had realised that I truly cared for him. At that moment I realised that I was falling for, not what the media has portrayed as the most successful man in Korea was, but rather for a man who I believed needed me. However, as the day progressed, I could not help but wonder whether the kissed that I had experienced with Jiyong had the consequences for both of us. Does this mean that he has the same feelings for me as I do for him? I could not help but believe that I had finally found true love. After class, I decided that I would confront Jiyong about my love. When I came home I couldn’t restrain myself from telling my sister about my decision. However, after telling my sister, she did not seem to have the same expression as I did when I entered the house.

“So he was drunk when you met him?” Bella queried as she was sitting at her dressing table brushing rouge on her flawless skin.

“Yes,” I hesitantly answered, “how does that relate to anything?”

“Don’t you realise what this means? It means that he may have been unaware that he had kissed you,” Bella said matter-of-factly, “For all you know he may have thought you were someone else”.

“Thanks for raining on my parade,” I stated flatly. However as soon as I answered her other possibilities of what could have been the cause for the kiss began to enter my mind. What if the kiss that may have meant so much to me was all a joke? I began to close my eyes and tried to rid my head of these thoughts. However, the more I began to think of the event the more I began to realise that it may have been just an incident that happened between us and that it may not have been anything special. With a heavy heart I began my chores. However, as I began to wash the cups, I realised that instead of waiting for Jiyong to tell me that he loved me, I could instead go to him. Leaving the dishes unwashed, I decided to go on to the internet and look up his house address. After many hours of stalking him down I finally found it. Scribbling the address on to a small piece of paper I raced out of the house.

G-Dragon’s POV:

Waking up from the splitting headache I heard the door bell rang. Looking out of the peep hole I was surprised that it was ____. Slowly opening the door, I gave her a half-hearted smile and directed her to the sofas in the living room. I could see that as she entered, she was examining the room. I couldn’t blame her. I was interested in strange things, objects that popped out at you or conveyed a powerful and inspiring theme. As she eventually sat down, she turned to me and had a large grin plastered on her face. At that moment I knew that something was going on. Curious of how she was able to find my house I questioned her.

“Oh I found it on some fan website,” she said casually as if it was normal to find people’s addresses on the internet. I gave her a concerned glare, which resulted in her looking away and changing the topic of discussion.

“So anyways, can you recalled what happened three days ago?” she asked as I took a seat beside her on the sofa. Surprised that she had asked my eye widened I shook my head as I recalled YG had told me that there was a paparazzi that had a photo of me with a strange woman. YG had also said that within the photo, I was seen to be kissing a woman. However, I had brushed it off as I did not have a girlfriend at the time.

_______  suddenly blushed as she looked at the floor. Right then rage soon enveloped me. _______  must have been the girl that kissed me.

“How can you do that to me?” I abruptly shouted at ______ as I stood up. Shocked at the sudden shift in my mood, _______ looked at me.

“What did I do?” _______ asked worriedly as she tried to comfort me by holding on to my arm, which irritated me even more.

Flinging her arm off, I glared at her as I continued in the same tone, “ You know the scandals that has been surrounding me and yet you decide to throw yourself at me? How could you? It was funny because when I first met you I suspected something but for some stupid reason I decided to brush it off afterwards.” Sitting back down and burying my head in my hands, I began thinking of what I needed to do. All of a sudden a thought struck me and I looked up at her, “was it you that told the paparazzi to come?”

Still standing up, ____’s mouth dropped, “No, why would you suspect me? I would never tell anyone about you!”

Staring at her face, I was unsure whether I believed her. However, one thing was for sure I didn’t want to see her. “Get out,” I said calmly.

“Did you want to talk about it? Maybe we can figure something out,” _______ said softly touching my shoulder.

Shrugging her hands off, I glared up at her, “Don’t you think that you’ve caused enough trouble as it is? Get out!”

Slowly _____ walked out of the door and once again I was left alone to deal with my own problems.



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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
saludlang #2
greAteeee !! update me :*
I agree @Iheartlife
Iheartlife #4
omo! This is good! Update soon ^_^
TghooshY #5
GD looks so cute here :P
TghooshY #6
uwaaa~~~~~ update~~~ i love it~ :DDD
BleachMyStrawberry #7
great story so far ^^
sungyoung #9
I hope in the end ___ will end up with Jiyong hehehehe :3<br />
Jiyong why are you so eviiil!~ Can't you see who's in front of you, and perfect for you :D~~ ? <br />
lalalalala #10
awww... gd is falling for her sis instead....-__-" looov ur update...