my dream wedding (one shot) -repost-

my dream wedding (one shot) -repost-


I’ve been waiting for this day. The day that he’d become mine, I’d become his and we’d become one.

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing the gown that I’ve always dreamt of. It has a long trail with beads and little crystals. The cut was definitely measured to fit my curves. “I’m sure he’ll like what he’ll see.” I said to myself.

“I’ll definitely love to see what’s the gown has been covering.” Jiro whispered to my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What are you doing here?” I said in surprised. I didn’t see him enter the room. “Its bad luck . . .”

He kissed me before I could finish what I was about to say.

“To hell with that. I miss you.” He told me after the mind-blowing kiss.

“We were just together yesterday!” I said with a chuckle.

“Was that just yesterday? I felt like it was last year.” He said while still nuzzling my neck.

This is Jiro, my dream guy. He’s sweet, he’s hot, and he’s going to be mine.

“You better go before my mom sees you here. She’s definitely going to freak out.” I said while trying to push him.

He gave me a last kiss then bid goodbye. “She you at the altar, Ysha.”




The wedding tune was already playing in the air and I’m so ready to walk the aisle. The entourage started the parade.

Then it was my turn. My dad and my mom escorted me through my walk. When we reach the altar, my dad gave me a hug and mom gave me peck.

Jiro offered his hand to me after dad gave him a pat on the shoulder. I gladly took it and felt his cold palm.

“You’re cold.” I whispered.

“I am.” He said with a nervous smile.

“Now is the good time to back out.” I kidded him.

“I’m not insane to do that.” He said.

I just smiled and took our place as the priest instructed.

Then the ceremony started.

“Ysha, wear this ring as a sign of my love. . .” Jiro solemnly said while putting the platinum ring on my finger.

I did the same for him, said the vows with the love in my heart for the man standing with me in the altar.

“I do accept Jiro to be my lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worst, in richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, till death do us part. . .” I vowed with tears in my eyes.

After the vows and sobs from the two of us, the priest finally said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

Jiro smiled and slowly took the veil off my face and put it behind me.

My dream wedding just came true. . .

As I saw Jiro’s head go low to kiss the bride. . .

Then I woke up. . .

And I saw them kiss.

It wasn’t me who I saw in the mirror, it was Ania.

It wasn’t me who was in the long trailed gown with beads and crystal, it was Ania.

It wasn’t me who he vowed to love forever, it was Ania.

Jiro may be sweet and hot but he’s not mine. . . never going to be mine.

This wasn’t the day that I was waiting for.

This wasn’t my wedding, it was Ania’s.

Though I loved Jiro with all my heart, he loved Ania with his body and soul combined.

All along, I was just dreaming that this was my wedding. . .

My dream wedding.

After the wedding was through. Everybody greet the newly weds.

My feet were heavy as I made my way to the new couple.

“Best wishes. Your dream wedding just came true” I told Ania as I hugged her.

Jiro hugged me too when Ania let go of me. Then he whispered, “Mine didn’t . . . because it wasn’t you”

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Dang...that was an amazing story but the ending! O: Nice twist~
Damn it... (`⌒´メ)凸 , sooooo... Not cool!!!
adriana04 #3
Aww so sad :( i loved it!
aw! that just broke my heart! so good! :(