Teaser Two

FEINT {Apply Closed}

The Second Member | Main Vocalist

Hwang Heeyoung | 황희영


Heeyoung bursted out of her boss' office, tears b in her eyes and a smile across her face. 

She couldn't believe it.


"I partnered up with a friend of mine, Yang Hyun-suk... You know, YG?" Park Jinyoung (otherwise known to Heeyoung from this moment on as Jinyoung-sajangnim) began, "And I think you're ready to debut soon. With four other girls, who you've probably seen around here before. Congrats, you've earned it."

He finished off with his signature smile, the grin that was somehow slightly crooked.


That one particular scene kept playing over and over in Heeyoung's mind as she walked towards the JYP lobby. She closed her eyes and continued to walk ever so slowly, letting the good news really sink in.

"Owwww..." A voice groaned.

Heeyoung's eyes shot open and her eyes looked up, then down. Then up again. 

JB-sunbae. Heeyoung said to herself.

She gave an apologetic smile and took her foot off of her sunbae's foot.

"JB-sunbae... Sorry," She whispered, her eyes drifting elsewhere.

He shook his head and gave a soft grin.

"Heeyoung-ah," he said, causing Heeyoung to look back at him. "It's okay. And, you know what, stop calling me JB-sunbae."

Heeyoung froze. He'd just called her Heeyoung-ah. But... Was that a bad thing..?

"Just call me Jaebeom, 'kay? I'm only a couple months older." He said quickly, almost too fast for Heeyoung to understand.

Heeyoung nodded, wondering if she should tell him the news she'd just recieved.

JB nodded, about to turn to leave, but Heeyoung stopped him.

"JB-sun--I mean, Jaebeom!" Heeyoung called.

He spun around, a slight trace of a smile on his face.

"I'm debuting soon." She mumbled, hoping that he might not have heard it.

He smiled, although Heeyoung wasn't so sure if it was actually a genuine smile. 

"Cool," he nodded, before turning back to leave.

Heeyoung stood there, bewildered at Jaebeom's behavior. Just then, two girls in short skirts passed by Jaebeom, giggling and pointing at him. Heeyoung watched as he winked, and her heart fell. She sighed.

"Some bigshot now, huh? That's probably the second time he's talked to me since Jinyoung-sajangnim introduced us at his debut," she huffed.

Honestly, Jaebeom made Heeyoung's heart beat faster... But he also made her heart cold. One second, he'd be so nice to her--then the next, if he was with Jr., he'd practically act as if she didn't exist even thought they might have talked literally ten minutes before. Then, there was the constant flirting. Of course, he'd flirt with Heeyoung a little bit every once in a while, but the majority of Jaebeom's attention went to other girls. He'd never lose a chance to hit on something pretty, especially if that something pretty knew who he was.

Heeyoung began to walk again, towards the doors of JYP and ruffled her hair in frustration. She tried to plaster a smile on her face by trying to remember she was debuting soon, and it worked. 

No matter what happened, she'd promised herself that she wasn't going to let anything or anyone stand in the was of her dream--especially when her dream was right in front of her.














Member TWO OF FEINT. :D Congrats to sherylbling.^^


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>< Sorry... I know, I haven't updated in FOREVER. But I'm away for the summer and the only access I have to the internet is via mobile. Forgive me. :\\


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wobuzitao #1
You saw UKISS live?! Lucky!
omgggg JB is so cute /dies. LOL.
I hope he treats Heeyoung well eventually>.<
woaah !! congrats to sherylbing !!!! can't wait the other members ^^ 3 more :)
congrats to sherylbling!!
love the teaser though..
Congrats to Hwang Heeyoung (Sherylbling), the group has its main vocalist and leader now. Only three more girl I wonder who it will be :)
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much for picking meee!! And thank you to those who congratulate me~ (^__________^) Am so so so happy *grins until the end*
Jerky JB (T.T) me likey XD ngeheehe I love the teaser!
I am very excited for the story to begin already! Keke :D
Hwaiting in choosing the next member and for the next teaser! (^___^)
Waah. Congrats tO sherylbling! ^_^
Can't wait for the rest!
jimeme #8
Congrats sherylbling!!!!~ :DDDDDDD
congratulations to sherylbling~
can't wait for the other members^-^
Fighting!!!! ^_^