
Babysitting Service


A day passed and the warmth of sunshine woke up Onew. He checked the clock, noting that he woke up a hour early. He stretched his aching body for a minute before slipping on his bunny slippers to make his bed neat and tidy. He went to the bathroom to freshen up, to brush his teeth and to get ready for school. Since he woke up a hour early, he figured he could visit the butcher shop and help his mother a bit. Putting on his neat and fresh smelling uniform, he put on his backpack and rode his bicycle to the shop. As he passed Jonghyun's house, inside was a lazy and sleepy boy who wouldn't dare to wake up at the correct time.  
He entered the kitchen to notice his mother doing the obvious, cutting meat. He smiled warmly at his mother who took a huge surprise on seeing her son in the shop.  
"Yah, you don't normally wake up this early. Did you get enough sleep?" 
"Yeah, I did. I figured you needed some help .. so I woke up early." Putting on the pair of gloves, he took the sharp cleaver and began to cut the red meat.  
"You have a test today and I just hope you do fine."  
"Don't worry. I studied as usual. You know me. I'm Lee Jinki!" He chuckled in unison with his mother.  
"I'm proud of you, Jinki. Always studying, helping out your old mother.. and father. I'm just so proud of you. I love you and you know that." 
"Ah.. you don't have to say that. Of course I know you're proud and you love me. I study so hard because I love you so much." 
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I know you really want to be Jonghyun's friend and how I judged him so poorly." 
"It's okay. A lot of people think he's that way because of the common stereotypes of rich people. He's practically a kid who needs someone to assure he's not one of those dumb and ual guys, everyone thinks he is. Everyone always spreads rumors about it and obviously, everyone is gullible. About 1% of people are not gullible and I fit that category so well." 
"I just don't understand why you two aren't friends yet." 
"Give him time. He's a hard boulder to break." 
".. I know, but you've been saying you really want to be friends with this kid. We know you were always teased and made fun of when you were younger for having bunny teeth and tripping. I just .. am afraid that he won't be the right friend for you, sometimes. I'm so cruel to think that.. because you have told me so many good things about this kid.. and I just always deny it. I just felt so terrible about it last night, son. I just hope you'll forgive me." 
"Of course I forgive you, Umma. I wouldn't be mad at you at all. But, we'll be best friends by the end of the summer. I swear." 
She laughed gently, kissing the side of his head. 
"I just.. think I need to approach him instead of him, because he'll never approach me." 
"Ah.. just don't bother the kid too much. He'll probably be annoyed entirely."  
"Yeah, I know. I'll try not to." 
The beautiful thing was Jinki and his mother were close with each other and when it came to problems, they both were opened to each other. It was a dream relationship of many mothers. To be able to have such an open and trustful relationship is what made Jinki and his mother so special compared to the other kids in the neighborhood. Yes, it was true Jinki did go on to his mother asking why Jonghyun wouldn't be his friend and that she basically was his only best friend. He couldn't help it, actually. Who would he lean on if he didn't have a friend? His mother was the only person the world who would accept him for who he was, know what's wrong, and always supported him. The only time Jinki didn't talk to his mother about was relationships. She was opened with letting her son date the same gender, a different nationality, and age as long as it didn't hurt her precious son and anybody else. Yet, he was so afraid to even tell her about his crushes and that was weird. Who does that anyway? 
"Hey, go to school. Ride your bike slowly because I don't want you to get hurt." 
"Always will." Jinki smiled and took off the gloves, placing the cleaver back where it belonged. 
Snoring loudly, Jonghyun's music was playing softly in the background. He shuffled in his bed, tossing and turning so much that it woke up Roo. When the alarm started to beep loudly, Jonghyun didn't even flinch. He was still sleeping soundly dreaming about girls (he was "getting some."). Roo barked loudly at the sleepy boy but it was no use. She climbed the bed, Jonghyun's soft face but failed again to wake him up.  
"Hee.. You're so naughty." 
Jonghyun giggled as he felt her warm tongue touch against his skin. Roo barked once again, trying to wake up her stupid and idiotic owner, only to fail once more. She began to pull the covers, jumping off the bed as she dragged the bed covers away from his body. It exposed his y anatomy. He was shirtless gifted with his toned stomach that all the girls died to see. Looking at him, you were only to see him wearing his favorite pair of boxers that were sky blue. Frustration was running through Roo's blood as she tried to wake up her owner who was just laying there. It was only after 50 minutes where she unplugged his iHome, causing Jonghyun to jolt up and yell at the person who unplugged his precious baby. Rubbing his eyes, he groaned to see Roo biting down on the cord.  
"No! Bad puppy!" Jonghyun stood up, holding Roo, removing the rubber cord from .  
"Baby, don't do that. It's bad for you. You'll ruin Oppa's girlfriend." He placed her back on the ground, only to hear a loud growl from her.  
"Hey, don't give me that tone. I'm practically your father."  
Roo went under the bed to drag his uniform out which were wrinkled. Jonghyun's eyes widen as he saw the clock. 
"! Roo! You should of woken me up instead of chewing on the rubber cord!"  
Roo barked at Jonghyun, dropping the clothes in front of his feet. Jonghyun picked them up and looked at his cute puppy, only to apologize for his mean words. 
"Awh.. you were trying to wake me up. I'm sorry, Roo girl. Forgive your daddy?"  
She gently his fingers only to run away to get his shoes that were resting in the corner of the wall. Jonghyun began to dress himself up, carelessly pulling his pants up and buttoning only a couple of buttons on the dresser shirt. He quickly put on the light blue blazer which had a logo on the pocket, reading as "Seoul High." Roo dropped the shoes in front of him as Jonghyun pulled up his black socks. He shoved his feet into the shoes, feeling some discomfort before he pulled the tongue of his shoes. He ran down the stairs, stumbling over his backpack and cussing loudly. Grabbing it and straddling it over his shoulder, Roo ran to the kitchen to scratch the pantry door. Jonghyun got the light red package which rested on the third shelf and poured into his puppy's bowl some dry dog food and filling the other bowl with clean, fresh water. He kissed Roo, telling her he loved her as it echoed in the kitchen. She responded back with a loud and cheerful bark before  hearing the slamming of the front door.  
Onew kept on turning around as he waited for Jonghyun to enter the classroom. As every second passed, he was hoping to see the short and flirty Kim Jonghyun entering the classroom door and walking to his desk to take a seat. The late bell had already rung and worry was in the pit of his stomach which would linger for another few minutes. The teacher took out her attendance folder, marking the students who were absent and who were present. Her eyes scanned around the room to see only one desk empty. She let out a loud sigh, muttering Jonghyun's name, making no new surprise to the students and to the teacher. Jonghyun entered the classroom, exclaiming, "The handsome prince is here!" Giggles of girls were heard and warm welcomes greeted the handsome boy. Onew formed a bright smile, waving carelessly at the younger boy.  
"Hi, Jonghyun!" 
"Oh, hey Tofu."  
"Good luck on your math test. I hope you do well." 
"Please, I was born to do math."  
Jonghyun was frustrated and ready to strangle a bundle of babies. He was tapping the back of his pencil furiously, feeling a lump in his throat as he tried solving the first 10 problems on the first sheet. The whole test was based on the math lessons they had done for the whole week meaning this would be a chapter test. He looked at the corner of his eye to see what the answer of problem 5 would be on another student's paper. He saw the number 34 and wrote it down, snickering a bit.  But unfortunately, the student turned to a position which blocked Jonghyun's perfect view of the paper. He cursed in his mind before turning to his left, to only have the same result. That was it. He was stumped and he didn't bother to try anymore. So, instead, he began to draw pictures of his puppy hoping the cute pictures would atleast give him some credit.  

"I should of ing paid attention in class the whole week..but God.. I was so focused on my song.. of course girls.. and ion. Oh god.. I'm going to fail so bad.. Damn it, I just wish I was smart or some . Like Jinki for example.. he's always good at these dumb tests. Why should I have to do it.. Why do I need to use this useless crap math for anyways? I'm going to be a musician.. not a mathematician. Heh, that kinda rhymed. I wonder if I should dye my hair red or something. Nah, girls will think I'm so weird. Or I should dye my bangs blonde, the other part an orange, and the back a darker color. Damn, I'm good at this . I should be getting A's." He continued to ramble in his mind, not paying attention to the time at all.  
Onew had no problem, obviously. He studied so hard last night he was murmuring the problems in his sleep, saying their answers and solving them in his brain as he dreamed. Within 10 minutes, he got up from his seat, stapling the work to his paper and handing it over to the teacher. He stretched making a soft moan, making Jonghyun look up quickly, who turned back to his old position.  
More and more students began to stand up to staple their work to the test. Soon, it was just Jonghyun left who was working on the test. The teacher continued to grade the papers as all of the tired students were asleep on their desks. Others were just talking about how cute Jonghyun was and a small percentage was peeking at the next math chapter. This was obviously Onew. Finally, Jonghyun finished and handed it to the teacher with no piece of paper attached to the test.  
"No work?" 
"Yeah, did them all in my head cause, you know... they call me a genius for a reason." He smirked and rested his hand on the wall, leaning a bit.  
She left out a loud chuckle before ripping Jonghyun's paper in half, causing him to widen his eyes. 
"Hey! What was that for?" 
"Read the sign, buddy." 
Jonghyun looked up at the sign which was tacked above him.  
"No work, no credit." 
"Damn it..." 
"That's a zero, Jonghyun. "  
He dragged himself to his desk, not surprised that he got a bad grade again. Onew turned around and felt his heart ache a little to see Jonghyun feel so disappointed in himself.  The bell rung and Jonghyun was resting his head against the table, feeling lifeless. Girls cluttered around him, asking if he was okay before the boy told his "groupies"  to leave him alone.  They giggled and in unison said goodbye. When they left, Onew approached Jonghyun, sitting next to him. 
"Hey girl, leave me alone. I wanna be alone." 
"I'm not a girl, Jonghyun." 
"Jinki, don't get your genders confused."  
"I saw what happened." 
"Of course you did! You were in the front, smart one." 
"You don't seem quiet happy." 
"I don't need your sympathy, love and affection, Mother Teresa." 
"Jonghyun, listen. I can do something." 
"What are you going to do? Beg for a good grade because you're a teacher's pet?" 
"No, I'm going to tutor you because that's what friends do. They help out each other."  
Jonghyun looked up before blinking his eyes quickly. Onew could tell he was about to cry.  
"Since when the hell we were friends?" 
"..Since the day we started to do the volunteer work..?" Okay, he lied. Onew had always considered Jonghyun as a friend since freshman year.  
"..We're not friends, Jinki. Now, go away." 
"Hey, I'm willing to help you and I can help you get the best grade on the next test." 
"Yeah, well, I don't need your stupid help." 
"You want to go to summer school?" 
"You want to go to summer school?" 
"Of course not. Summer school is a program for morons and people who can't function correctly. If I'm sent to summer school, my dad is going to kill me." 
Onew smiled before patting Jonghyun's back and giving him a stare. 
"..You want money, don't you.." Jonghyun squinted his eyes.  
"I'm not that way. I don't need your money, Jonghyun. I never accept money, I give it to the needy." 
"Explains why you always give up your lunch money for others." 
"That's not the point. I just have a simple pay." 
"..If it's a blowj-" 
"God no, that's not even close to what I want." 
"Spill it. If it's a new house, a new toilet, some chicken.. whatever.. spill it. I probably can afford it." 
".. I want you to do the babysitting service with me. And, before you protest.. I know you're not a bad guy. You're a good guy. I know that you have so much more within you.. and..-" 
"Oh god, Jinki. Sooo desperate. So... so.. desperate. You are desperate, Jinki. So damn desperate."  
He gave a good stare at Jonghyun, blinking his eyes fast and smiling. 
".. You won't.. make me change their diapers right..?" 
"..No, I'll do that." 
"..And you won't ditch me." 
'Of course not." 
"..And if something bad happens, you won't get angry at me and blame me for everything, spread rumors that I am a bad person or say that I am the worse father and I don't have potential."  
"Why would I do that? You're nowhere near being a bad guy." 
Jonghyun smiled a bit, feeling so much better after hearing Onew's words.  
"Okay fine. Don't touch my back anymore." 
"Understood!" Onew patted Jonghyun's back, completely going against Jonghyun's request to go to the lunch room to eat. 
When he left, Jonghyun laughed a little, resting his head on the table. 
"God, Jinki. You are so desperate. You must really need me." 
[Oh, god. I haven't updated this in a while and I'm SOO sorry not to. I am so touched by your wonderful comments thata I'd treat you all for cookies. ;u; Thanks guys. I hope this chapter didn't move too fast. FINALLY, JONGHYUN AGREED. THAT SHOE LIFT HOARDER. Sorry,I tend to diss my bias a lot. It's a habit of mine.]
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ranma41 #1
Chapter 5: This is so cute... Jjong being hard to get and Jinki trying his hardest to be his friend.. Your writing is really interesting. Please update soon :)
Chapter 5: Aww!! Haha. God Jjong, you don't know, but you need him too!! Can't wait for you to update!!
SyntaxError #3
hehe finally he got him agreeing. took long enough to flatter JJongs conscience, being begged on and on and on xD
so now..i wanna now what bad expirience made jjong deny for so long :P update soon plz :)

love it
rianz90 #4
please update...please...please...please....;-)
Hehe~ can't wait for them to start their baby sitting!!
SnHiromi #6
YAY!! Finally Jonghyun, it took you a lot XD
meandmyself #7
I'm happy Jonghyun finally agreed. I really want to know how they will do the babysit thing & the progress of their relationship ^_^
update soon <3<3
Dubu_Sangtae #8
Author nim!! Hwaiting!! :D your story is really interesting :) I enjoy every line that you write!! Can't wait for more:)
keziayansen #9
yeah Jonghyun, Jinki needs u, and u need him too....kekekeke....
thanks for the update TT^TT
I'll wait for next chappy with love, kekeke...
Fighting <3