
Babysitting Service

Jonghyun wasn't that mean of a person, and him rejecting the babysitting service wasn't because of him being selfish, it was because deep down it would hurt him terribly if he did so. Even if Jinki had begged him all day and it got annoying, he kinda liked it in a way. It's weird because why would someone want to be bugged all day? The thing is, when Jinki begged him all the time, Jonghyun kinda felt wanted and needed. He lacked that feeling even if he was around beautiful women who would do anything to get the thing inside his pants. 

When he reached his next class, he swore to himself that he would ignore Jinki and not even talk to him if he tried to say something. But, surprisingly, Jinki didn't say anything. Now, he was curious. Maybe Jinki was just feeling bad for asking? But, whatever it was, Jonghyun felt somewhat relieved since he wouldn't get annoyed and troubled by the most annoying kid he's ever met. Unfortunately, Jonghyun guessed too soon when a girl turned around to give him 6 notes which were all from Jinki. Each note was a different color, a different type of message, and written in different kind of pen color.
"What is he? A 16 year old school girl?" Jonghyun looked at all the notes on his desk, scoffing and reading the messages. 
Reading all the messages, Jonghyun couldn't help but smile a bit. It was dorky, cheesy and clingy of Jinki to even send notes, but he thought it was kinda cute. 
"Oh god, Onew. You're really that desperate?" The notes vanished into his right pants pocket, smiling a bit at the cheesiness. 
Deep in his mind, Jonghyun was having an argument with himself about the whole babysitting service problem. He had a deep dark secret that he would never tell anyone, but it was the answer of why he would never do the babysitting service with Jinki. If he told Jinki, he would understand fully, but Jonghyun never got the courage to even tell anyone this secret. What makes Jinki special enough to hear this secret? Jonghyun trusted him slightly but not fully because it was hard to win his trust. Even some of his friends didn't gain his full trust.  Most likely because most of his friends left him, spread rumors about him, talked behind his back, or even beaten his . 
Jonghyun was a good person who was looked into a different light by others. Sure, he did hit on girls all the time, but who said that he preferred hook-ups over long time relationships? The boy was more pure and caring than anyone could imagine. Somehow, he felt like he needed someone who will see him in that light for once. Just once, someone would stop stereotyping him in the category of s and jerks. Just once, someone would see his good heart and realize he was someone who needed comfort and love.  And this was impossible because everyone always believed in the circling rumors in the school. Like how he ed many female teachers just to get good grades or how he almost his own sister because he was a bastard. The most recent was Jonghyun was doing drugs and ing hookers, which was obviously not true. Each year, the rumors get worse and worse but because of these rumors, Jonghyun grew a tough shield of skin. He learned how not to cry or how to keep a straight face when harsh words were being spit in his face. He practically had his emotions sealed inside of him, bottling them up and exploding when he reaches his boiling point. 
By the time class ended, Jinki was hanging beside Jonghyun's desk, smiling wide and asking him if he read the note. He looked at Jinki for a minute before rolling his eyes.
"Yes, I did, Jinki." He stood up, rubbing his eyes and putting on his backpack. 
Onew trailed after the younger boy like a puppy, asking more questions about the notes. 
"I hope you appreciate my time and effort on those notes. I picked out the best gel pens and the best colors  so the words looked cool, appealing, and neat."
"You took time to write something like that? I could of written those in a minute using my pencil and some piece of crumbled paper."
"Oh, silly Jonghyun. I thought it would be nice." 
"Interesting. But, I'm still not doing it." 
Jinki scratched his head, not saying much. The school bell shrieked at the students, signaling them to enter the smelly cafeteria and to eat their unhealthy lunches filled with love notes from their mothers. Jonghyun walked to his locker and put his unneeded books inside of it. Onew, whom was beside him, closed his locker and leaned on it. He began to talk to Jonghyun as he crossed his arms. 
"Jonghyun, do you want to sit next to each other?" 
"No thanks." Jonghyun closed the locker, holding the brown paper bag in his hand. 
"Oh.. okay... enjoy your lunch.." 
In the lunch room, there were a variety of tables where which different students sat at. You couldn't sit at a random table and be expected to be accepted by the people who sat there. You had to earn a title in order to sit at a certain table. Jonghyun, who was popular, obviously sat at the popular table with all of his mindless and egoistic friends. Onew sat near the garbage because that's where the nerds are assigned to sit at. Jonghyun did feel bad at times when Onew sat alone. There were plenty of times where he wanted to leave his table and just sit next to someone new. 
Many dreamed of sitting at the popular table, but once you experience what it's like sitting there, you feel like your IQ points drops. Jonghyun wasn't as stupid as the popular kids who only cared about , drugs, and partying. Yet, he didn't want to take the opportunity to even sit somewhere else. What would people think if he just sat at the mathelete's table? Or what will people think if he sat next to Onew? He already had a reputation that was hard to keep. He'd rather not ruin the painting of himself with a lousy mistake.
Onew sat lonely next to the trash can, eating the sloppily made sandwich slowly. He scanned the room and noticed how everyone seemed to have a good time, while he was just alone and bored. Even the nerds next to him scooted a couple of seats away from him, causing Onew to be even more isolated. Everyone was caught in their own conversations, but he was used to the silence and the welcoming of the air. From the distance, Jonghyun could see Onew being a loner again. He felt a little bad but, it still didn't verge him to stand up and sit next to him. He already was nice enough to talk to Onew in public. Most people didn't talk to Onew because they thought he was really weird. He had his own class and for once, everyone agreed on something. He was the weird kid who sat in the front who would talk about topics nobody liked, be excited when there were projects assigned, be happy when theres a test, or even feel thrilled when they have a lot of homework. He strived to be the best at everything and was the best at studying. Mostly, people thought of him as the weird-nerdy-kid-who-likes-bunnies-and-chicken. Onew didn't have many friends, except for an old stuffed rabbit. He was a sad loner wanting a friend and some company. I guess that's why he loved being around Jonghyun. Jonghyun was probably one of the nicest people to him. People did talk around about why Jonghyun would communicate with a weird guy like Onew, but they assumed it was because he was using him for something. 
Finally finishing his lunch, Onew threw away his trash and sat down at his same seat, looking down at the floor and playing with his fingers. All he did was daydream because in his daydreams, he was a much happier person. Deep in his daydreams, his only wish was to have a best friend who would understand him and wouldn't ditch him just because others thought of him badly.  Jinki was already a happy person, but he wasn't the happiest. He did managed to smile through everything that broke him deeply. Though, everyone has limits and someday he will have his melancholy days and days filled with thunder, rainbows, and sunshine. From the corner of Jonghyun's eye, he secretly watched Onew who had a depressing expression on his face. The popular kids had just finished talking about a party they were planning to throw during the weekend, but Jonghyun was more interested on why a gray cloud was over his head, blocking the happiness (sunshine.)
The bell rung abruptly and this forced everyone to return back to their boring classes. Yet, the popular clique had a different idea. Instead of attending the boring classes, they all decided to hang out somewhere else. As usual, Jonghyun had to follow his clique because he feared he would be thrown out of the club. He glanced back at Onew for a minute before turning his head to follow his clique to a weird room. 
The last bell rung and the exhausted students felt such relief from hearing the annoying noise. Onew walked down the noisy corridor to his locker, holding on to his messenger bag tightly. He began removing the unwanted books and replacing them back in their right place. As he did so, Onew looked to right to see Jonghyun not there and wasn't surprised that all there was next to him was some air. He closed his locker and sighed loudly, proceeding to pushed a pink note inside Jonghyun's locker. The note was similar to the notes he had sent to Jonghyun earlier in the day which was written in different pen colors.  He adjusted his messenger bag again before going to the exit of the school. 
Moments after, Jonghyun finally went to his locker to replace his unwanted things. He opened the locker and the pink heart shaped note flew out of the locker, reaching the floor. Letting a loud sigh,  he quickly put the note inside his pocket and shut the locker closed. As he made it out the exit, he faced his clique one last time and said his goodbyes to them before he began to walk home. Jonghyun didn't own a car or a bike, but had an advantage of living near the school. As he walked, he saw Jinki riding his bike home and didn't even bother to say anything because he was too lazy. Plus, people were around. Jonghyun watched Onew who was wearing a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads bike home, causing him to have a good laugh. He continued to walk until he finally saw his house, entering inside of it.
Jonghyun expected the silence that created him when he swung the front door open. He simply shut it, plopped his stuff on the floor and trudged upstairs to see his puppy, Roo. Jonghyun laid down on the bed, taking the notes out and looking at them carefully. Rolling his eyes as he read each note and laughing the fact Jinki was that desperate. He saw Roo enter the room after reading the 4th note and asked her to sit on her bed. She climbed up, barking a little and snuggled with Jonghyun. Jonghyun looked at Roo and asked her a question.
"Roo, we need to have one of our famous talks. I sorta have a problem. Can we talk?"
Roo looked at Jonghyun, whimpering a bit. 
"You see. You know that weird kid named Onew or Jinki? We both got in trouble for not doing a volunteer work because you know, you saw us playing video games and stuff like that ... and so, the stupid principal is making us babysit kids."
He let out a soft sigh, petting Roo's head before asking another question.
"Should I do the babysitting service?"
Roo let out a bark and Jonghyun laughed a little.
"Yes? I should? Two barks mean a yes."
She barked twice, indicating he should do it. 
"Yah, you know I can't do that." Jonghyun softly petted her soft black and brown fur.
" I would, but I don't want to and I can't.. You exactly know why. I told you everything because you're my best friend."
She Jonghyun's face gently, causing him to smile. 
"Ah.. thanks Roo. You wouldn't talk bad about me if I messed up badly, right? You'll always be my best friend, correct?"
Roo barked loudly, panting as she stuck her tongue out. 
"It's nice having someone who isn't judgmental. I need more people like you." He gently kissed the top of her head. 
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ranma41 #1
Chapter 5: This is so cute... Jjong being hard to get and Jinki trying his hardest to be his friend.. Your writing is really interesting. Please update soon :)
Chapter 5: Aww!! Haha. God Jjong, you don't know, but you need him too!! Can't wait for you to update!!
SyntaxError #3
hehe finally he got him agreeing. took long enough to flatter JJongs conscience, being begged on and on and on xD
so now..i wanna now what bad expirience made jjong deny for so long :P update soon plz :)

love it
rianz90 #4
please update...please...please...please....;-)
Hehe~ can't wait for them to start their baby sitting!!
SnHiromi #6
YAY!! Finally Jonghyun, it took you a lot XD
meandmyself #7
I'm happy Jonghyun finally agreed. I really want to know how they will do the babysit thing & the progress of their relationship ^_^
update soon <3<3
Dubu_Sangtae #8
Author nim!! Hwaiting!! :D your story is really interesting :) I enjoy every line that you write!! Can't wait for more:)
keziayansen #9
yeah Jonghyun, Jinki needs u, and u need him too....kekekeke....
thanks for the update TT^TT
I'll wait for next chappy with love, kekeke...
Fighting <3