
Babysitting Service

       In the principal's office sat Onew and Jonghyun who were in trouble because of one thing; They didn't do their volunteer work. The principal wasn't surprised that Jonghyun was in the familiar room, but was very surprised to see Onew, the good and angelic student in the room. He questioned a bit, but stopped when he had to talk to the two young men. 

"So, you two were partners and you didn't do your volunteer work?"
"Yes." replied Onew, sounding disappointed and worried. 
"..It's not our fault. Who wants to volunteer anyways. It's stupid." Jonghyun crossed his arms, rolled his eyes and slouched forward. 
"..Ah.. as usual, Mr. Kim visiting me again. Still have a huge ego, young man?" 
".. It's bigger than your d-" 
"Jonghyun!" Onew yelled at the younger boy, knowing what he would have said next, for he was a predictable boy. 
".. Still true."
".. Tsk. I'm afraid that I have to punish you two." Mr Lee. stood up and opened a file cabinet that was labled as "L-O" and another that was labled "H-J". The principal took his pen, getting out two files . He wrote the two boy's names on two separate sheets of paper. 
"..Mr. Lee.. what's that..?" Onew asked, looking curiously at the papers. 
".. It's a form that will both go in your files." The principal replied as he continued to fill out the file.
"Things like this always get reported in your permanent file."
".." Onew's eyes widen and his heart dropped to his stomach. The boy's dream was to go to a good college and get a good education. But the fact his file wasn't clean would hurt him immensly.
"P-please. Can we have another chance?" the older boy begged. 
"Onew, what is done is done. You can't expect a second chance always. This lesson is something you'll learn from." 
"..Mr. Lee, I beg of you. We'll do ANY kind of volunteer work for as long as you want. Just please don't report this in our files!" The older boy was on his knees begging and giving a sorry expression. While on the other hand, Jonghyun was crossing his legs and playing with his I-Phone, texting girls he hardly knew. 
"But, that's rather unfair isn't it? What about the other good students who didn't get a chance..." 
"Please, Mr. Lee. I promise we'll do the work! Believe in us!" 
"Onew, I can't really do that. It's unfair to other students." The princpal filled out the form as he talked.
"We'll do volunteer work for even a whole long month! Or even 5!" 
"... Fine. Another chance will be given. Now, since you told me I can make you do ANY kind of volunteer work.. I will choose one that needs a lot of responsibility and time." The principal put the pen down and leaned back on the chair. He had his thinking expression on and looked at the side to see Jonghyun texting.
"Mr. Kim, put it away or it's mine." 
"Fine." The annoyed boy put away the phone in his pocket, and leaned back and crossed his arms once again. It took Jonghyun a second to realize what situation he was in.
"..I got it." The principal sat up straight and looked at Onew and Jonghyun, cutting Jonghyun off. 
"You two will babysit children." 
"...That is the most stupidest idea ever!" Jonghyun began to laugh hard at the idea, his stomach began to hurt a bit. "I'm not doing it. You can't make me!"
".. Babysitting? Im not good with kids." Onew scratched his head.
"And I'll make this a 400 point project. If you two fail to do so, you will repeat 11th grade."
"... I can't repeat 11th grade!"
"...Hey! If I repeat 11th grade, I'll be stuck with younger girls! That can't happen! All those sophmores are gross!" Jonghyun whined in his chair. 
"It's either this or it goes straight in your files." 
"Files." Jonghyun replied. 
"We'll do the project!" Onew nodded. 
The two boys looked at each other for a moment, realizing there was a conflict. 
"Files." Jonghyun glared.
"Project." Onew glared back at the boy.
"Files." Onew smiled.
"Project!" Jonghyun glared, not realizing his stupid mistake.
"Okay, Jonghyun! Project it is!" The older boy smiled innocently.
The principal nodded and approved of the project, writing it down on a special form and putting a stamp on it. Jonghyun widen his eyes and looked at Onew with a mad expression.
"It's official. The project is approved and I have the paper work."
"Hey! You tricked me!" Jonghyun yelled, getting out of his seat. 
"Well, we're doing the project anyways." Onew stood up as well and followed Jonghyun out of the principal's office.
The two boys left the principal's room and the door shut closed. The principal could still hear the two conflicting with each other. 
 Mr. Lee laughed a bit before rubbing his stomach.
"I wasn't even going to put it on their files. Ah.. this will be a good lesson for these two young men." The principal took a huge bite from his powdered donut before continuing work.
[Hello, everyone! Thank you for subscribing to this story. ^^; I'm not good with beginnings and I had a bit of a writers block, so I am very sorry if it's just dialogue and boring!~ I promise to make it more descriptive and exciting. Thank you for reading!]
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ranma41 #1
Chapter 5: This is so cute... Jjong being hard to get and Jinki trying his hardest to be his friend.. Your writing is really interesting. Please update soon :)
Chapter 5: Aww!! Haha. God Jjong, you don't know, but you need him too!! Can't wait for you to update!!
SyntaxError #3
hehe finally he got him agreeing. took long enough to flatter JJongs conscience, being begged on and on and on xD
so now..i wanna now what bad expirience made jjong deny for so long :P update soon plz :)

love it
rianz90 #4
please update...please...please...please....;-)
Hehe~ can't wait for them to start their baby sitting!!
SnHiromi #6
YAY!! Finally Jonghyun, it took you a lot XD
meandmyself #7
I'm happy Jonghyun finally agreed. I really want to know how they will do the babysit thing & the progress of their relationship ^_^
update soon <3<3
Dubu_Sangtae #8
Author nim!! Hwaiting!! :D your story is really interesting :) I enjoy every line that you write!! Can't wait for more:)
keziayansen #9
yeah Jonghyun, Jinki needs u, and u need him too....kekekeke....
thanks for the update TT^TT
I'll wait for next chappy with love, kekeke...
Fighting <3